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Although I enjoyed the book, I had four main issues with it:

1. It really was just several short stories or novellas combined together, by alternating chapters between the different stories. I'm not a fan of these types of books, because by the time I come back to another chapter about a previous character, I've forgotten the details of that character and need to take some time to reorient myself to their story again.

2. There wasn't a lot of zombie action. Most of the story is about an apocalypse, and people dying from the virus. But not so much on those that have come back to life.

3. The story ends abruptly, without any resolutions of the various stories that were going on. This was not written as a stand-alone novel. By the time the next book in the series comes out, I'll have forgotten all of the characters and stories introduced in the book.

4. There was a "big secret" hinted at, but never revealed. At least not fully. Again, next book, I assume.
OgreZed | Sep 15, 2020 |