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Suzanne Jackson

Auteur de The Beguiler

1+ oeuvres 1 Membres 1 Critiques

Œuvres de Suzanne Jackson

The Beguiler 1 exemplaire, 1 critique

Oeuvres associées

The Ringing Ear: Black Poets Lean South (2007) — Contributeur — 34 exemplaires


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This is an enjoyable light fantasy romance set in quasi-early-nineteenth-century world, only with witches, and witch-hunters (Rangers) - and dragons; it reminded me of Mary Robinette Kowal's [book:Shades of Milk and Honey|8697507].

Ms Jackson's strength is her ability to write characters you sympathise with instantly. They live and breathe, and you want to see what happens to them next. This carries the reader through the odd plot hole or Yeah, but- moment. Much of the plot was predictable, but then that's romances for you: if it didn't follow the pattern of couple meets > difficulties ensue > couple breaks up > couple gets together, it wouldn't be a romance. The fun is in the journey, not the destination. I did, however, appreciate the final destination.

I do find myself wondering whether this will be the first book in a series - there is obviously room for a sequel, not so much because this story doesn't have a tidy ending (it does), but because there are enough unanswered questions about the world to leave room for further stories filling in the gaps.

All in all, this is the kind of book you curl up with, preferably accompanied by a mug of hot chocolate, and just enjoy. and I hope people do.
… (plus d'informations)
T_K_Elliott | Mar 12, 2017 |

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