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Para Hatton, Luis XIV fue monarca absoluto y convencido de ser representante directo de Dios en la tierra; fue adornado por rasgos mitológicos como los de los dioses griegos. Bajo su reinado, Francia se convirtió en el país más poderoso de Europa.
hernanvillamil | Sep 13, 2020 |
The book is like extended dissertation, rather than popular history book. The author is definitely knows the subject and did a lot of research, but some points of that research are quite esoteric and will not be of any interest for majority of people (like me). Minor annoyance is that multiple French quotations are left without translations.½
everfresh1 | 2 autres critiques | Apr 28, 2013 |
1937 George I: Elector and King, by Ragnhild Hatton (read 1 Aug 1985) I long have wanted to read this 1978 scholarly biography of King George I and now finally have. Since it is by a very professional historian, it has none of the 'popular' about it. The book tends to be very favorable to its subject, whereas I have never been an admirer of his. But it is a well-researched book, and I am glad I read it.½
Schmerguls | 2 autres critiques | Aug 23, 2008 |
This is the definitive biography of England's King George I. Often maligned for his unwillingness to adapt to being the British Ruler rather than the German Elector of Hanover, George is presented in a scholarly fashion. This book is a must have for royal collectors, but it is very dry and will not appeal to those looking for a more exciting biography.
annesion | 2 autres critiques | Mar 5, 2008 |