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Enjoyable read that could have been better with more editing. Some spots were vague while others were too full. Very sweet characters.
Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
katie66219 | Aug 24, 2021 |
I was in the mood for a quick read and had just gotten what appeared to be the first part of the story from Amazon. At the end, there was the option to sign up for the newsletter to get the second part. I have to say that with the way the book ended at the first part, I don't think I would have continued to read it if I would have had to pay for it. It was clear that it was unfinished and almost felt like a gimmick to get me to sign up for the newsletter. BUT, in the end, I did end up getting the entire book (part 1 and 2) as a full book from the newsletter, so that was good.

The story had an interesting premise. Tracey was an Omega who was forced to pretend he was a Beta because his father made him He didn't want to disappoint or embarrass his dad, so he lived a lie. He finds Aaron very attractive, but he happens to be an Alpha, so Tracey isn't allowing himself to get involved. The twist at the end of part 1 (middle of the whole book) was annoying to me His friend Jess needs help and we are led to assume that he helps her, but there isn't really any definitive explanation of the repercussions of his help. The story finally starts to go in a direction where we can see Tracey start to fight for himself and his right/desire to be happy, but it ended rather abruptly in yet another cliffhanger. Grrr. I don't like cliffhangers, especially when there are 2 in a short story/series. I'd be interested in reading the next part of this if it finishes and we see Tracey get his HEA, if there is in fact going to be another part, and if it finishes without another 10 parts.
ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
A quick note:
The writing is immature and the editing is simply not there. The plot is nothing new except for one bizarre twist in the middle, and that twist is so shocking that while you feel horrified and repulsed you can't stop reading. I personally was mesmerized @.@ (still is - lol).

This book is drenched in double-entendres, and the first thing that comes to mind is sex related, since our main character is Josh-the-Jock:

(NSFW, 18 ) The two boys are in the shower, Josh is checking Andrew's penis, while Andrew grabs "golden shower handle". Wait, what? I can interpret that in more way than one! :)

"It’s the last swim session before the (frat) party. The last hard Saturday morning set that makes everyone stiff till Monday." Italics are mine. But you see where I am going :D

Few passages left me, not a shy person and not a prude, with my jaw hanging. The level of creativity in some descriptions stunned me. I can safely say I've never read anything like this before. The book is greatly entertaining and certainly memorable. I am adding a star for that.

Now, a few silly parts:

Not sure what a werewolf was doing in the swimming pool. Turtle would have made much more sense, but you can't have a wild mind-blowing sex with a turtle. I get that. At least Josh wasn't a werecat, I mean can you imagine? lol

Cream - C.R.E.A.M. - carpet in a fraternity house with 20 boys. Kid you not! I had to read that paragraph twice.

Sex with no lube and no preparation. Poor Andrew, OUCH!

Twenty year old students are drinking beer. The frat house is well stocked on wine, beer and food. Like real food, not pizza and ramen noodles. There is a wine and food cellar. How well off are these students? Where is this University? O.o I want to know which country this is!

Bottom line: if you are into weird and bizarre things (like PL Nunn weird and bizarre), if you can put up with bad editing and if you are willing to laugh with the characters instead of at them, you might find this story not so horrible. Although even good humor might not save you from the shock of a mind blowing werewolf sex-scene ;)
Mrella | Mar 8, 2021 |
Ok story

This is a 3.75. Overall, not a terrible story and an interesting premise, but I didn't like how Kaden sometimes wasn't as forthcoming as he should've been.
tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
Not the full book!

Good read but not the full book! You can get the rest if you sign up for the authors newsletter.
FidsLady | Aug 7, 2020 |
This isn’t so much a new addition as it is a retelling and adding to of the first. This is far better when it comes to world building, character development, plot depth, etc.

I stand by my rating of the first one. But I did enjoy this one even more.

I’d still say read the first one first. There are some little things that changed and conflict slightly but there are others that didn’t fit in the retelling but still knowing them adds to the story. :)
shobbs88 | Apr 15, 2020 |
I expected this to go way differently from the blurb. I was expecting annoying soap opera drama and angst. I only read it bc it’s Noah Harris and I already bought the audiobook.

I was very pleasantly surprised. It was a fun adventure with a few different mysteries tossed in to be solved along the way.

I predicted pretty much the whole story pretty quickly but was still able to settle in and really enjoy it.

I especially liked the use of all the side characters and the acknowledgement that knowing who you are as a single person is important in being a strong contribution in a coupling.
shobbs88 | Apr 15, 2020 |
A very simple short story with a touch of a Cinderella feel. It was a good read and even on audiobook is barely an hour long. It doesn’t get too deep at any point but that’s expected with how short it is.

I just started book 2 in the series and am realising that book 2 seems to take this story and expands it a great deal adding a lot to it and making a good story a great one.
shobbs88 | Apr 15, 2020 |

I liked the story itself but had a difficult time following it with the audio version. The narrator’s voice was fine enough but he only uses one. One voice, tone, tempo, etc. Pretty much the entire time. It made it incredibly difficult to tell the difference of who was saying what when characters were speaking. It also made it very difficult to tell the difference between when the mc was thinking something v. saying it.

I think I’d have liked this story worlds better if I’d read it text version instead.

The story was good though. I liked the vamp v were aspect and the premise of change/finding a purpose that was going on. All my dislikes really came down to how it was narrated and I often recognised points where the lines would have fit better if they were read differently. I may put this on my re-read list on my kindle.
shobbs88 | Apr 15, 2020 |
I LOVE fairytales just throwing that out there.

This is like a classic fairytale except all the stereotypes are flipped and tossed around.

Bitchy royals/advisors
Kick ass princess
Evil sorcerers
A prince who needs to learn to rescue himself
A knight willing to give everything he has for true love but with the wisdom to know when to rescue, when to guide, and when to follow
Fae-ish/gypsy-ish people lurking in the woods
A prophecy that mostly just pisses everyone off
And some serious secrets to top things off.

What’s not to love?

shobbs88 | Apr 15, 2020 |
I enjoyed this title a lot more than I expected to. I read the reviews first and the reference to Romeo Juliet (which imo is one of the dumbest stories). and an inconclusive ending made me hesitant. I shouldn’t have been.

I really enjoyed this story and it was a refreshing two sides of the tracks tale. I can’t say much more without giving things away. But it was really sweet and am enjoyable read. :)

POSSIBLY SPOILERISH???? BELOW - but not specificly.

you’ve been warned.

This is NOT a sweeping story about two sides bringing their worlds into one unified whole where everyone lives happily ever after.

IT IS. the story of a guy leaving everything he has ever known to make the life he wants for himself. (Joining a pack). But he soon realises that a downside of his pack is a prejudice that he has no desire to adopt... so he simply doesn’t.

He sees the one he/his wolf want and he goes for it.

The story is about the two discovering each other, deciding if they are going to settle for pack rules or allow their own hearts and convictions to guide them.

The story isn’t about making the world around them for their relationship but rather about making their relationship strong enough and solid enough to weather whatever their packs and the rest of the world choose to drag them through. I actually really liked that it was left the way it was bc it’s more realistic. No matter how hard a couple tries, they can’t always make others accept or even tolerate them. Look at interracial couple and same sex couples (both of which have at times been against the law and been punished with death and/or horrible beatings.). It’s heartwarming to read stories where everything ends perfect and the world is oober accepting but that’s not so common in reality. I’m getting the impression that Mr. Harris tends to allow for harsh reality in his stories. He doesn’t hide from the fact that death, prejudice, hate, war, etc are a part of life and he seems to show such realities respect in his writing. It give his stories a very human touch. This story is no different. The point was the love between the two and if they would choose each other along with the consequences.


Also someone mentioned feeling like a big conflict was about to happen near the end and was then just ignored. - Um it wasn’t ignored. It is mentioned that tensions were high and both packs were being extra cautious but it was also said that that was normal after any neg interaction between the two. Like a precautionary tension and that things would settle back to where they were as long as everyone behaved. Which both packs seemed to be making sure they did.

The tension is important bc of course there would be a reaction after the conflict earlier and it was limiting the couples access to each other. But it’s also explained as a non-issue in the bigger picture so it’s not really a loose end.
shobbs88 | Apr 15, 2020 |
This title hit just right. It is a sweet story of two men coming together but their actual relationship is more of a background factor. The main drive felt like it was about Kieran discovering who and what he is. In addition to these, there is a tone of foreshadow that stays consistent till near the end as well. I was curious how it would be handled in relation to the rest of the story and found I rather enjoyed the tie in. I also loved that the supporting characters matter. I love when it’s side characters that help the mc move closer to an ultimate goal rather than everything depending on just the love interest.

I needed something semi-light and short and this hit the spot I’d encourage others to give it a try. :)
shobbs88 | Apr 15, 2020 |
yeah I tried and tried and just couldn't. Sleazy creepy characters; and thats just one of the MC. Maybe I will pick it up again when I forget why I hated it.
lulumiami | Sep 3, 2017 |
First book from Noah Harris but it won't be the last. I loved the book. Didn't love how the author called Bryant's private part a "knot". I really didn't understand that reference. Good book and made me want more. It felt like a teaser.
tiffsaddictiontobook | Jul 18, 2017 |
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