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Pour les autres auteurs qui s'appellent Thomas Hall, voyez la page de désambigüisation.

11 oeuvres 43 utilisateurs 2 critiques


A lot of good info in here however I would have liked to see some follow up in regards to advice for these actual employees. I read this because I am terribly antisocial at work and was looking to understand my bosses POV and learn from there. It sorta just indicated you need you seek out EAP and get over it.
extraflamey | 1 autre critique | Jan 18, 2016 |
A lot of good info in here however I would have liked to see some follow up in regards to advice for these actual employees. I read this because I am terribly antisocial at work and was looking to understand my bosses POV and learn from there. It sorta just indicated you need you seek out EAP and get over it.
extraflamey | 1 autre critique | Jan 18, 2016 |