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32 oeuvres 67 utilisateurs 1 Critiques

A propos de l'auteur

Œuvres de His Holiness Danavir Goswami

Brain Gain (2005) 4 exemplaires
Fortunate Souls (1996) 4 exemplaires
Vedic Cosmology (2003) 3 exemplaires


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1. The guru
2. The disciple and initiation
3. The disciplic succession (parampara)
4. Lord Caitanya predicted in the Vedas
5. Caitanya’s life
6. Caitanya’s teachings
7. Lord Krsna’s descent
8. Lord Krsna’s childhood
9. Lord Krsna’s ever-youthhood
10. Srila Prabhupada: a lifetime of preparation
11. Srila Prabhupada: getting started in the USA (1965-1969)
12. Srila Prabhupada: every town and village
13. ISKCON organization
14. Morality
15. Mantras
16. Celibacy
17. Deity worship
18. Mayavada philosophy (impersonalism)
19. Divine incarnation
20. Demigods and demigoddesses
21. The vedas
22. Mahabharata (part 1)
23. Mahabharata (part 2)
24. Science or nescience
25. Sri Isopanisad overview
26. Yoga systems
27. The six goswamis
28. The three modes of material nature
29. Universal creation
30. The spiritual world
31. Evolution and Darwin
32. Life and death in the womb
33. Hellish planets
34. 26 qualities of a pure devotee
35. Atomic time
36. Vegetarianism
37. Varnas (occupations)
38. Asramas (spiritual orders)
39. Scholars’ analysis
40. ISKCON: the first 30 years
41. The allegorical story of Puranjana
42. Females
43. Sanatana dharma (comparative religion)
44. Literature distribution
45. New cult or eternal culture
46. Sanskrit: the mother language
47. Nectar of instruction
48. Mystic powers (Siddhis)
49. Lord Buddha
50. Lord Rama
51. Bhagavad-gita (part 1)
52. Bhagavad-gita (part 2)
53. Forbidden archeology
54. Reincarnation
55. Cosmology
56. Narada Muni: the eternal spaceman
57. Dialectic spiritualism
58. Siva
59. The law of karma
60. Knowledge
… (plus d'informations)
LeannePorter | Nov 4, 2023 |



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