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9 oeuvres 57 utilisateurs 8 critiques

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Comprend les noms: Justine G, Justine G, Justine Geoffrey


Œuvres de Justine Geoffrey

Green Fever Dream: Book 2 BLACKSTONE Erotica (2012) 14 exemplaires, 1 critique
Priestess (Blackstone Volume One) (2013) — Auteur — 11 exemplaires, 1 critique
Red Monolith Frenzy (Blackstone Erotica #1) (2012) 6 exemplaires, 1 critique
Conqueror Womb: Lusty Tales of Shub-Niggurath (2014) — Directeur de publication — 6 exemplaires, 1 critique
Orgy In The Valley Of The Lust Larvae (2013) 3 exemplaires, 1 critique
Summonings: Yvette's Interview (2013) 1 exemplaire, 1 critique
Necronomicum 1 exemplaire


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Weird sex has always been subtext in Lovecraft, what with the Deep Ones mating with the people from Innsmouth, Wilbur Whateley fathered by some alien horror in The Dunwich Horror, and the constant implied in-breeding of various Cthulhu cults. Clearly off-stage, but it's there. In this book, subtext becomes text, laid out in all its horny glory. Sex between siblings, sex with monsters, magical coerced sex, you name it. It's well-written, but there's not much more plot than in a lot of porn. Just so you know.… (plus d'informations)
Jon_Hansen | Jun 1, 2023 |
The fertility deity Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young, is first mentioned in H. P. Lovecraft’s revision story "The Last Test" (1928), before appearing in key Mythos tales such as "The Dunwich Horror" (1928) and "The Whisperer in Darkness" (1930). Shub-Niggurath is never actually described but frequently appears as the source of prayer and incantation by orgiastic and fevered worshippers (Iä! Shub-Niggurath! Iä! Shub-Niggurath). Martian Migraine Press and editor’s Scott R. Jones and Justine Geoffrey have taken Shub-Niggurath, and the dark primal lusts embodied by that object of worship, as the start point for this 18 story anthology of eroticised Mythos horror. The writers include some experienced Lovecraftian authors, a number of writers best known for their work in erotica and a smattering of newer voices. Critically for a volume of this type it maintains a Lovecraftian atmosphere throughout with each of the tales being very much of the Mythos – or at least very close cousins. The balance between horror and erotica is also well handled with each different story titling more in one direction than the other - the editors provide a visual signifier at the star of each story as to which element provides the focus of the story. The stories are for the most part intelligent, well-constructed and well-written with only one to two failing to fully ignite, which is a fairly decent strike rate for this type of anthology. I particularly enjoyed "Babymama" (which opens with the stunning line of: "I shouldn't have called her pussy a slavering maw."); "Our Child" by Annabeth Leong (a terrifying story of motherhood) and "The Scarlet Scripture" by Ambrosius Grimes. Overall this is an excellent anthology, with plenty for the lovers of Lovecraft, horror and erotica. Of course if you love all three this becomes an indispensable volume. Iä! Shub-Niggurath, indeed.… (plus d'informations)
calum-iain | Mar 30, 2014 |
Authors Justine G and S. R. Jones, along with Martian Migraine Press (and a fiction-suit liberated from Grant Morrison) deliver a hugely strange piece of experimental fiction that combines a dry and detailed marine engineering manual with short, sharp, spicy slices of dripping sex - and yes, it is every bit as peculiar and bizarre as it sounds. Here you will learn about the motive power of the engine alongside the nature and effects of heat, while sex-starved pistons, slick with oily discharge, pump rough innuendo into tightly wound coils and sheaths. Boilers, steam-jackets, connecting rods and cylinders, all guided by oblique forces heady with sex, are forced into submission by heroine Stephanie's private fantasies. Justine and Jones deliver an impenetrable story of fantastically erotic mechanical conceit that is as fascinating as it is sublimely bonkers. A definite one-of-a-kind narrative and experience. The book also contains an interview with the two authors that may (or may not help) assist with contextualising the narrative.… (plus d'informations)
calum-iain | Jul 28, 2013 |
This is a clever erotica SF story from Justine G, from Martian Migraine Press, set in a far-flung future when humanity has ventured out into deep space. Technology had helped create new forms of humans, such as -Nons (androgynous male / females) and cLONs (androids created from human DNA) and culturally it is a sexually freer time. The story opens with the crew of the "Veil of Ishtar" answering a distress call from LV-616. Arriving on the planetoid they encounter a strange silicone-based larval life form that begins to exert a strange effect on them. By the time they enter a valley to retrieve a lost crew member their bodies are full of alien sex pheromones and Captain Martina Hale finds herself leading a sexual frenzy comprised of alien larvae, humans, -Nons and cLONs. Will Martina be able to survive the bizarre orgy in the valley of the lust larvae and get her crew safely back to Earth or do the larvae have more sinister designs in mind? With her "Blackstone" books, Justine G has developed a superb and highly original take on erotic (Lovecraftian) horror and with this fascinating story she does something similar for sci-fi erotica. The opening of the book where she introduces the 23rd century world is an excellent piece of world building – the milieu, the technology and social mores are quickly and skilfully developed and it is such an excellent piece of scene setting that I actually wanted to know more about this futuristic world. Justine's language has a sure, confident flow; some of her "new" vocabulary around the -Nons was very interesting and although it took a wee bit of getting used to added real depth to the story. The orgy sex was odd, futuristic, fetishist and red-hot. As if -Non and cLON sex wasn't enough to be getting on with, the introduction of alien larvae to the orgy ramped things up to a whole new level of wet, squishy, sticky oddness. This is a superb slice of escapist SF sex, with an ending that leaves plenty of scope for a sequel – but will any sequel title (indeed any title anywhere) ever be able to top the sublimely titled, "Orgy In The Valley Of The Lust Larvae". The e-book also contains an excerpt from “Red Monolith Frenzy”; “Coronation” a short story by S. R. Jones from the “Soft From All the Blood” collection and “The Triton’s Lament” a slice of flash fiction from skawt chonzz from the “R’lyeh Sutra” collection.… (plus d'informations)
calum-iain | Jul 7, 2013 |

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½ 4.3

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