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9+ oeuvres 3,350 utilisateurs 36 critiques

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Crédit image: Mary Beth Albright interviews Ann M. Martin and Gale Galligan on the CHildren's Purple Stage at the National Book Festival, August 31, 2019. By Library of Congress Life - 20190831EJ0737.jpg, CC0,

Œuvres de Gale Galligan

Dawn and the Impossible Three [The Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novel] (2017) — Adapter — 975 exemplaires, 10 critiques
Kristy's Big Day [The Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novel] (2018) — Adapter — 916 exemplaires, 7 critiques
Boy-Crazy Stacey [The Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novel] (2019) — Adapter; Illustrateur — 717 exemplaires, 8 critiques
Logan Likes Mary Anne! [The Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novel] (2020) — Adapter — 536 exemplaires, 5 critiques
Freestyle (2022) 144 exemplaires, 5 critiques
El crush de Stacey (El club de las canguro ; 7) (2022) 2 exemplaires, 1 critique
Weeb 1 exemplaire

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{My thoughts} – Stacey and May Anne get to go on a two week trip to the beach with Mallory’s family. They are going along to help take care of the younger children so that Mallory isn’t the only older child of baby-sitting age there.

While they are on their trip they send postcards to other members of the baby-sitters club as a means of keeping in touch. They also get into a few disagreements over boys. Did I mention boys? They both meet a couple as well and seem to hit off alright, although they aren’t both happy for each other in a sense.

I really enjoyed reading this book. It helps to show that even when you have plans and you know what you are meant to do, that things don’t always work out that way. It shows that sometimes, things aren’t what they seem, and sometimes they are. It also shows, that when you make a commitment to do something you should really stick with it and not try and find a way out of it.

All and all this was a fun read and I look forward to reading more books by both authors in the future!
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Zapkode | 7 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – This is a very special book. It is all centered around the preparation and an actual wedding. Over the course of many of the books we have been getting bits and pieces about the wedding that was to take place between Kristy’s mom and her fiance Watson. This book helps to tie all that together.

I really enjoyed reading the books. The illustrations made the actual wedding appear to be rather magical. I’m not sure I could have imagined it to be any better then it was within the pages of this book. It was truly well done.

I liked how Kristy and the rest of the Baby-Sitters Club had come together to help everyone by watching all of the children. I like that everyone pitched in and did their part to help make things easier for Kristy’s mom and Watson on their big day. Most of all I like that Kristy came around to the idea of the wedding and the blending of their family with Watsons.

I look forward to reading the next book when it comes out in the series. In the meantime, I will have to pass time reading the numerous other graphic novels in my TBR list!
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Zapkode | 6 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Dawn ends up taking on a little more then she can handle. She ends up baby-sitting for the Barrett kids and learns it isn’t an easy task. Mrs. Barrett barely talks to her, doesn’t fill her in on important things and becomes hard to reach. On top of all of that the kids become dependent on Dawn instead of their mother.

This book touches on what it is like for a child to be kidnapped by their own parent. The steps that need to be taken if something like it should happen. It also shows a happy ending and in many situations that isn’t the case, but it was the outcome in this book.

I really do like these books because they touch base on topics that aren’t always talked about in books for children of this age. I like that they are turning them into graphic novels and making them more modern for today’s readers. I look forward to reading the next book in the series soon!
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Zapkode | 9 autres critiques | Jun 1, 2024 |
I really loved this read. It was fun take on the old story with updated twist. I loved how the romance was handled in this book and how it developed. I also really enjoyed seeing the introduction of several new members to the club!! I also loved the dymanics of the club as well. I am so excited to keep on going in this series.
lmauro123 | 4 autres critiques | Dec 28, 2023 |


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