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Jinger Duggar

Auteur de Growing Up Duggar

1 oeuvres 163 utilisateurs 11 critiques

Œuvres de Jinger Duggar

Growing Up Duggar (2014) — Auteur — 163 exemplaires, 11 critiques


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Geared towards teens/young women. I almost stopped after the first chapter, but I'm glad I didn't. The rest of the chapters discussed more of the family and wonderful values, we would all do well to practice.
There were a few parts I actually cried and that doesn't happen often. I would recommend this book to the audience in which it was intended and any parents interested in becoming better at raising their own children.
VhartPowers | 10 autres critiques | Dec 27, 2018 |
This is such a weird book to read. On the one hand, they've actually got some good messages about inner vs. outer beauty. On the other hand, they have code words that allow the girls to protect their father/brothers from having to gaze upon 'immodestly dressed' women. Heartwarming and horrifying mixed into one.
bucketofrhymes | 10 autres critiques | Dec 13, 2017 |
While readers may not want to take romantic advice from girls who have never been in a romantic relationship, this book provides some insights into the lives of the notorious Duggar clan, famous for their large family of 19 children. Each chapter is divided into various relationships, such as relationships with parents, siblings, guys, culture, and of course, their conservative Christian faith. They are famously frugal, and devoted to their faith and their family. I thought the sections where the girls discussed how Jim Bob and Michelle raise their children were the most fascinating. Each child learns to respect one another, practice unselfish behavior, learns good manners, and apply their real-life experiences to the teachings in their faith. I wish the book would have included more commentary from each Duggar girl individually, rather than writing mostly from a joint perspective. However, fans of the reality show "19 Kids and Counting" will enjoy this book authored by the four eldest Duggar sisters.

Kathleen K. / Marathon County Public Library
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mcpl.wausau | 10 autres critiques | Sep 25, 2017 |
Quite liked this book even though it took me forever to get through. I enjoyed reading about their perspectives on family and relationships. I don't agree with them on everything, but for the most part I think this family has their hearts in the right place if nothing else, and are trying to make the world better in the best way they see.
GoldenDarter | 10 autres critiques | Sep 15, 2016 |

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