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I purchased this after seeing the author's name mentioned all over the internet when I was looking for shrub recipes. Decided to get the book because I wanted inspiration and to know some of the science of what happens when a shrub is made, so I could better understand the various methods given for making them.

Dietsch includes a large section (it felt large) on the history of shrubs, which at times seemed repetitive, but was interesting none the less. He then describes the various processes of making shrubs, which was what I was looking for. Do you add the fruit, sugar and vinegar all at once and steep? Do you cook the fruit or vegetables first? Do you only steep the fruit in the sugar? When do you infuse the vinegar, and why? All these questions were answered. Then come the various recipes for shrubs, and last; recipes for the drinks made from shrubs. Photographs are lovely, apparently taken by the author's wife.

The recipes were what I was looking for. Inspiration and suggestions for modifications, with a lot of encouragement to experiment with flavors. I was somewhat disappointed that there were not more mocktail recipes included in the book. The whole reason I started learning about shrubs was because I cannot have my tasty cocktails anymore. About the only suggestion he has for mocktails is to use some shrub and soda water. I had figured that out already, and while it is delicious, I believe more can be done, in fact, I have made some very tasty mocktails with coconut water and other liquids. Sadly, a replacement for martinis has not happened. Oh well, can't have everything.
MrsLee | May 11, 2024 |