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14 oeuvres 56 utilisateurs 1 Critiques


PDFCU |"The Buffalo Public Library in,August 14 to 17, 1883. | In the year 1983 I had come to Buffalo from Niagara, where I had been admiring the magnificent canal works by which the enormous power of the Falls was collected to be transmitted by wire, not merely to the great manufacturing city that had grown up upon each bank of the river, but also to Buffalo, here every machine, from a hundred-ton trip-hammer to an egg-beater, was driven by the water that had formerly only furnished a livelihood to hack-drivers and toll-takers. The Falls were as beautiful as ever, though their volume was slightly diminished. Along the bank ran the park; for all the factories, which were generally owned and managed in Buffalo, were kept at a distance from the water and hidden by trees. These great industrial towns, which furnished Buffalo its wealth, both directly and by nourishing its commerce, contained several well-used collections of books of moderate size, but no great library such
as I was told I should see at Buffalo. | Some important points to note are: The Buffalo Public Library was central to the city's educational and cultural life, reflecting the city's emphasis on popular education and intellectual pursuits. The library was meticulously designed for efficiency and utility, featuring advanced systems for ventilation, lighting, and book storage. It housed a vast collection expected to grow to 4 million volumes, organized across multiple floors and specialized reading rooms. The design included innovations like electric illumination for stacks, book lifts, and a pneumatic tube system for efficient book retrieval. Specialized librarians were employed for each subject area, ensuring expert assistance for patrons and effective management of the collection. The library featured reading rooms designed for optimal study conditions, equipped with modern amenities and smart systems for book retrieval. Branch libraries extended the library's reach into outlying areas, offering similar services and connections to the central library. The library embraced technological innovations such as phonographic editions for listening rooms, which hosted popular readings and lectures. The library's administration emphasized accessibility, democratic ideals, and community service, aiming to benefit all citizens regardless of background. | It played a crucial role in education, particularly for school children, fostering a love for reading and teaching research skills.

SA - | | | |
RT - Planning, Goals
BT - Future
NT - Vision
UF - This document was written one hundred and forty-four years ago and is a hopeful essay about what may become of the 1883 American library in our future.
SN - This PDF was downloaded from the internet server/database where the journal is stored. (This entry does not reference a hierarchical list)
5653735991n | Jul 20, 2024 |