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Gudrun Cuillo

Auteur de Casalvento: House of the Wind

1 oeuvres 26 utilisateurs 16 critiques

Œuvres de Gudrun Cuillo

Casalvento: House of the Wind (2023) 26 exemplaires, 16 critiques


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Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Gudrun Cuillo not only restored a Tuscan wine property and nearby medieval village, she used it as the setting for her debut romance novel, CASALVENTO: HOUSE OF THE WIND. The author captures the beauty and enchantment of the Chianti district of Italian wine country and the journey of the wine from vineyard to marketing. She weaves an elegant story of finding family and of finding meaning in life.
MM_Jones | 15 autres critiques | Mar 7, 2024 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
When the main character finds out she inherited an old (somewhat mediocre) winery in Italy, she wasn't convinced on whether she would want to follow though with the stipulations placed upon the inheritance. Her life was great, running her own successful business, engaged to be married to the man of her dreams, is a winery in Italy what she really wants? (i mean i would be on the first plane there dragging my soon to be husband along) so some pros: i really liked the scenery and over all aspects of the food and drink. the story line wasn't the typical "whoa is me, my boyfriend cheated and i lost my job and my dog died" sad story which was honestly refreshing. my big and ONLY gripe about the book was the way the main character treated the staff of the vineyard. Like how many wineries have you owned lady???? I'm all for strong assertive female leads but not so "for" a character that is too proud to ask for help. (it does get better though) overall i would say, yes read this book its good and a fresh take.… (plus d'informations)
AmandaGiboney | 15 autres critiques | Sep 22, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
One of the things I loved most about this book was the author's ability to TRANSPORT you to Italy! I could almost taste the wine and the food! It will be fun to try some of the recipes provided in the back of the book. The story revolves around Erika, a highly successful business woman living in New York, who's engaged to an equally successful and wealthy man. She learns she's inherited a vineyard in Italy from a grandfather she never knew and she has to travel to Italy to accept her inheritance. Soon after her arrival in Italy, she is told that she must stay at least 5 months in order to learn the operation of the winery. This was most unexpected and conflicts with her upcoming wedding plans. However, she meets many people (including the vineyard estate manager, Paolo) that she finds enchanting. As her time in Italy progresses, Erika finds herself conflicted between her existing planned New York life and the charming adventures living among winemakers. The author weaves romance, family, and self-discovery against a luscious Italian backdrop. This is a fun read with compelling characters and a somewhat complex plot. Thank you to the publisher and LibraryThing for the ERC!… (plus d'informations)
efoland | 15 autres critiques | Sep 18, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I received a copy from LibraryThing Early Reviewers for an honest opinion. Overall, the storyline was very interesting. I feel that the author should have developed the story a bit more to give more details on the grandfather, and her relationship with her friends. The descriptions of the scenery were very nice.
FReads | 15 autres critiques | Aug 16, 2023 |


½ 3.4