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The Martino de Como recipes translated to modern English with 50 redy-to-use recipes. The manuscript source is parallel to the Epulario source used in 1598 and gives interesting window on errors made in that translation.
LibrarianFu | 1 autre critique | May 11, 2024 |
The Eminent Maestro Martino of Como, edited Luigi Ballerini, trans Jeremy Parzen, recipes by Stefania Barzini. This book is the first known culinary guide to specify cooking times & techniques, utensils, & amounts. It is surprisingly like a modern cookbook despite its original publication in 15th century Italy. Parzen’s is the first English translation of the complete corpus. Martino is known to have influenced Platina – some say Platina plagiarized many of his recipes from Martino. Introductory essay & notes, 46pp. Text trans from Italian, plus 50 redacted recipes. Brief biblio, index, 200 p, hc w/d jacket.
reginaromsey | 1 autre critique | Mar 29, 2006 |