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18 oeuvres 81 utilisateurs 10 critiques


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THAT WAS A SAD ENDING. I got issues 1-4 for 50 cents each and honestly it was a steal because this series is great so far. I do not like how this issue ends, but I am hoping that things get better. I am eventually going to have to buy the trade or see if I can get the last 2 issues cheap online. Time to read issue #4!
Koralis | Jul 12, 2022 |
I am going to say this right off the bat, why are those two neanderthals on Teddy and Ano like that? Why did they kill a random human for no reason? How is that legal in that world? Curious to see where this goes because Teddy isn't thinking properly. I cant blame her though, Ano is beautiful.
Koralis | Jul 12, 2022 |
Wasn't a huge fan of the artwork. I love the sci fi, female lead, and the adorable "meet cute" in the end. I can't wait to read the next issue.
Koralis | Jul 12, 2022 |
Koralis | Jul 12, 2022 |
I just want Ano & Teddy to be together. That's all. These cliff hangers are killing me. On to issue #6!
Koralis | Jul 12, 2022 |
When I received a chance to get a free copy of this graphic novel for review I jumped at it because, frankly, the synopsis sounds amazing. Time travel and lesbians? Sign me up! Unfortunately, while it tried really hard, I found that the Infinite Loop missed the mark.

Elsa Charratier's art in this is simply beautiful and amazing - some of my favourite art that I've come across. And the main messages of the story are also wonderful, even if they weren't exactly subtle; equality for all, LGBT rights, not being scared to love etc. However, for me, the plot just did not work. The love story started as 'instalove', with no real reason as to why the main character, Teddy, would suddenly abandon her life and run off with someone she'd literally just met. More importantly though, the time travel concept was never properly explained. We are never really told why Teddy does what she does, how she does it and who is really in charge of the organisation she works for.

The end of the story doesn't really give any closure, so I'm hoping there is a sequel in the works - one that involves more world building and development of the time travel concept used. And I will most definitely read it - I'm rooting for Teddy and Ano.
sianhopper | 4 autres critiques | Dec 6, 2021 |
Loved the artwork. Kind of a confusing plot, heavy on the allegory. A nice piece of Pride fic though.
Cerestheories | 4 autres critiques | Nov 8, 2021 |
In de LBGTQ Humble Bundle ( trof ik deze hersenkrakende liefdesgeschiedenis aan.

Hersenkrakend omdat het over tijdreizen en het leven in een oneindige lus in de tijd gaat. De hoofdpersoon werkt voor een organisatie die er voor zorgt dat zaken die niet in een bepaald tijdperk thuishoren, worden verwijderd. Maar ja wat te doen als je opdracht de liefde van je leven blijkt te betreffen?

Voortdurend wordt de tijd weer gereset en daarmee ontstaan er ook nieuwe versies van alle personages. Op het moment dat deze versies elkaar kruizen, ontplofte mijn hoofd. Hier kon ik met mijn lineaire denken niet meer bij. En wat mij betreft is dat in dit boek op-en-top genieten.

Aan de tekenstijl waarin dit verhaal is weergegeven moest ik wel even wennen. Vooral de kleuren zijn nogal zoet. Ergens ook wel passend want het is ook wel een zoet verhaal. Maar het had voor mij wat meer scherpte kunnen krijgen door de tekeningen wellicht wat harder te maken. Hoogstwaarschijnlijk is dit puur een smakenkwestie maar misschien ook wel van een klein cultuurverschil.

Aardig vind ik namelijk dat de makers Fransen zijn en het is begonnen met een Franse versie via een Kickstarter. Ze hebben met dit boek een prijs gewonnen, alleen kan ik even niet zo vinden wat voor een prijs, ik denk een Franse.
Niekchen | 4 autres critiques | Aug 31, 2020 |
I liked this well enough, but it wasn't amazing.
livingtech | 4 autres critiques | Mar 18, 2020 |
The Infinite Loop by Pierrick Colinet and Elsa Charretier is a self-contained comic book mini-series. The blurb caught my eye on NetGalley because of the time travelling lesbians element, which it absolutely delivered on. (I couldn't find a nice cover image for the collected volume, so the image to the right is from issue #1, but I gather the same art is being used for the collection.)

A science-fiction series that asks the age-old question, "What would you risk for a chance at true love?" Meet Teddy, a young woman who lives in a faraway future where time traveling is a common practice and her job is to maintain the status quo by correcting time paradoxes. But when she meets Ano, "a time paradox" and the girl of her dreams, Teddy must decide between fixing the time stream or the love of her life, both of which have unique consequences. A dynamically graphic, science-fictiony, poetical, paradoxical wunderkind of a sexy, time-traveling, adventure-packed comic.

The story is about Teddy who is part of what we could loosely call the time police. Her job is to travel through time and space dealing with anomalies — things that shouldn't be there like dinosaurs in the 20th century. Dealing with anomalies involves erasing them from the continuum so they don't continue to cause trouble. But then Teddy meets a human anomaly, with whom she falls in love.

The somewhat odd thing, that isn't addressed as much as I would have expected, is that the society of future time travellers does not believe in love. They view it as a quaint historical phenomenon and so are shocked when Teddy falls in love. (And also shocked by the fact that the anomaly, Ano, isn't a proper person because she is an anomaly.)

What follows is Teddy running away from the world, discovering a huge conspiracy and fighting to fix everything despite said conspiracy. There are a few confusing time loops — but it's not a proper time travel story if there aren't confusing time loops — and Teddy's path crosses with alternate reality versions of herself.

And because I was a bit concerned when I was reading, there is indeed a happy ending.

Overall this was a fun, if slightly confusing, read. I was glad to read a self-contained comic that wasn't part of a longer series. Recommended if you enjoy time travel stories and/or lesbians.

4 / 5 stars
Tsana | 4 autres critiques | Oct 4, 2015 |
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