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R D Cole

Auteur de Learning to Live (Volume 1)

6 oeuvres 35 utilisateurs 3 critiques

Œuvres de R D Cole


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Scorchingly Hot, Pain Induced Love…How to even begin to sum this book up is sort of out of my realm right now. And I’ve read it on more than one occasion now. With Learning to Live we live through the tragedy that is haunting Trudy and see her begin learning to live again. And then with Learning to Heal, we watch sweet Jazzy girl take on life on her own terms. She is so good at pretending to be the person that she wants to be, the confidence she projects even though inside she is so not that person. There have been times in my life I have felt that I just wish I could channel my inner Jazz. Now my point in saying all of that is that this book isn’t sweet & kind. Blaire is broken in every sense of the word. I feel like she’s had the rug pulled out from under her on so many occasions that she has just come to expect it. She comes back to town with her tail somewhat tucked between her legs, knowing that this is the last place she wants to be but the only option. She is spitfire mad at everyone in town and really I think feels she has a score to settle. But little does she know that once again she’s going to get knocked off her rocker…Enter Lyric Devereux and he doesn’t put up with anyone's s**t if you know what I mean, He is confident of himself, cocky almost but in that sexy way that you just want more of. A man that is used to getting what he wants and getting them on his own terms. Do you see the problem coming? Ha well you might think that you know exactly what is coming but let me tell you that R.D. Cole is so very talented, she can lead you down one path just to take a right turn when you least expect. Lets just say that Lyric & Blaire they are so very combustible together, you are constantly waiting for the fireworks you know are coming at some time. Blaire doesn’t care to be controlled or to let ANYONE in, only with some pushing and shoving do things start to take a better turn for her. And Lyric well he’ll be damned if he isn’t going to do things his own way. I would love to tell you this is a 5 star book but its so much more than that., its hard to put a star count on a story as explosive at Blaire & Lyric, and seeing them figuring out that in the end Learning to Forgive just might be the most important lesson to learn! But since the only option I have is 5 stars that’s what I will give this book over and over again. I’m so excited to see what all R.D. Cole has next for The Learning Series!

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JRCook1 | Jun 6, 2014 |
If Learning to Live, brought me life, then Learning to Heal brought me healing. I have to say I fell in love with this series even more after reading Learning to Heal. Learning to Live broke me open in so many different ways, not only did you mourn along with Trudy but you cried in her highs and lows. And for me Learning to Heal was the same caliber of book but on a totally new level. You got to see 2 broken people come together and become whole again. Mason stole my heart from the beginning, and by the time this book is over you will love and understand Jazz that much more.

Ok here it is, I LOVE this story! Right now I’m speechless, and for me that’s a big deal, I always have things to say. But with that being said I LOVE it when books leave me feeling that way. Not all of them do that but this entire series seems to leave me feeling that way and for totally different but yet both positive reasons. I was enthralled with the journey you get to take into Jazz & Mason’s world. Learning to Heal picks up at Thanksgiving Dinner with Jazz throwing everyone for a loop. When the dust settles you find yourself really getting to know Mason, and his feelings for Jazz. It’s not hard to understand how Mason could love Jazz not even really knowing her, he is just that type of person. Innocent would be the word that comes to mind but that’s really not the right one … HMMMM maybe well intentioned describes him better. But he steps in and becomes Jazz’s rock deciding that he will take what he can get, and trusting in time she will come to love him. Jazz is pretty certain at first that Mason is just a little nuts, who and why would someone try and take care of her and how they could love her she didn’t really understand. Jazz is a broken woman, and for more reasons that one. And she has become so good at hiding her insecurities that no one really notices them until she is left exposed. And that’s where this story really begins. On the journey that you wont be able to predict. I think that’s my favorite thing about R.D. Cole’s books just when you think you can see what comes she side swipes you and it hits you from a different direction. It was a story that I couldn’t really put down, hence the fact that I read it in a day. There were multiple times in this book when I held my breath going that couldn’t of happened oh, no what's next? And then I was pulled to the other end of the spectrum and shining with happiness at the next turn. I’m telling you that if you read Learning To Live, than you shouldn’t miss out on this book. It’s a 5-star book by far if not 10. And if you missed Learning To Live, go read before you read Learning To Heal. Don’t cheat yourself out of the beginning of the story. And as far as book 3, tomorrow wont be soon enough for it!


This review and others can be found at 2 Bookaholics
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JRCook1 | Dec 19, 2013 |
This book broke my heart first as a women second as a Mom. In the beginning of this book we find a beaten Trudy Love, pregnant and in an abusive relationship with a drug addict. She was a foster child abandoned at 6 years old and tossed around the system until she was kicked out at 18. She is striving to make a better life. She has a scholarship and plans to take her baby and leave. When the boyfriend finds out he freaks and does the unthinkable. She wakes in the hospital no longer pregnant. Fast forward 6 months she’s at school in Mobile Alabama.

Jaxon, is the son of a doctor whose family is made up of mismatched kids from all different walks of life. His little sister Jazz just happens to be Trudy’s new roommate. Jaxon is immediately taken with Tru. Tru is trying to avoid Jax. This doesn’t exactly workout for her. As they build a relationship Jaxon has to overcome all of Tru’s demons. Slowly but surely Tru begins to heal but there’s something from her past that just doesn’t want to let go.

Jammie I don’t know about you but this book hurt to read. In a good way I was holding my boys a little tighter after reading the first chapter. Tru’s strength was breathtaking and Jaxon’s patience with her was heartwarming. I loved that this book didn’t have the stereotypical love triangle BS that is so popular with a lot of YA books these days. There is plenty of angst and the nightmares made me gasp and cry for the pain that she had to continue to endure. As the plot continued to build I knew what was coming but I still wasn’t prepared for it when it happened. The only thing I didn’t like was the side story about Benji He starts out as a fun flirty kinda guy and ends up tragic. I know it was setting the stage for the next book in the series and that’s okay with me I don’t mind when an author does that I just wasn’t expecting it at all. I loved the relationship between the siblings and how quickly everyone in the family falls in love with Tru. This was a dynamic read that was fast paced and kept me turning the page. I can’t wait to read the next one. I want to know what happens next.


I have to say I agree, this book gripped you from the first moment! Ripped your heart out and then it just left you standing there bleeding. Trudy was beaten but refused to be broken. Determined to make a better life for herself, so that everything she suffered wasn’t in vain. Then we meet Jaxon, and he is in love with the first glimpse he gets of Tru. And it seems to be the most sweet and understand love. I agree with you Lisa, I hated when that final twist came. But unlike you I did like Benji, I think he had a bigger story than what was told. And hopefully maybe we will get a little glimpse of that story. Yes he obviously had some deep issues but where did they come from? I can’t wait to see what’s next!

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JRCook1 | Nov 6, 2013 |


½ 4.7