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Todo lo que Lorna ha deseado en su vida es un marido y cuatro hijas, y eso es exactamente lo que tiene, si bien son el marido y las hijas de otra. No obstante, Robert y sus adorables hijas prácticamente les pertenecen. Después de todo, ya hace diez años que la esposa legítima se ha marchado de casa. Y tras enamorarse de Robert, Lorna estuvo encantada de llenar ese vacío. Ahora Lorna tiene cuanto una madre debería tener (salvo las estrías). Lo malo es que la esposa de Robert a vuelto. Es una mujer guapa y segura de sí misma y busca el perdón. Pero ¿sólo desea eso? Lorna no puede evitar pensar que esta familia no es lo bastante grande para las dos...
Natt90 | Jul 12, 2022 |
As with the last book I read (The Man Who Forgot His Wife) I have to admit some disappointment in this also not being a 'self-help' book, but I expected high things regardless...

...and was disappointed, somewhat.

The premise makes for a humorous and easy read; a couple (Jen and Mark) who have been together since year-dot who get married, only a short time later to get divorced. The conundrum of who gets what makes for a story in itself (in this case, a collection of corny movies on VHS amongst others) but when this extends into who by rights has full support and loyalty from their mutual friends, you know it will bring out some funny stuff.

Except in this book it didn't.

While the story was somewhat well-written with bursts of wit and charm it gets lost in a myriad of what can best be explained as 'unlikely and far-fetched' scenarios. It took me longer than I would normally spend on a book and this is in part due to the frustrations of listening to Jen trudge through a life fraught with split decisions and an incessant fear of change, but she is really only a creation, and I think Francesca must take blame for putting too much on her plate. Case in point; Jen and Mark have been a couple since school, and into Uni (with some indiscretions along the way!). They marry, as it seems to be the adult thing to do (and there are hints it wasn't going to work), and within 10mths (Kim Kardashian?) divorce over Jen's need to bear child.

So, after an eon with one man (her only man it transpires), it all ends. With nothing to go back on, revert to, or rule book on being single, what does Jen do?

When me and my now wife broke up for a short time some years back I went into a state of depression, and may well have drunk close to a bottle of vodka a night (thanks 42 Below!), smoked like a train, crashed a motorbike, and at one point fell off my deck into the garden....umn, over a period of time, not in one night! Seemed liek the right thing to do.

Not Jen. Within days she has set up a date profile online, and organised her very own speed-date night. A man who needs her origami skills (yep, that's what her skill is, poor girl never stood a chance) ends up shagging her for a bit as well while Mark makes an entrance back into her life (and shags her too) and her best friends' men (note grammar, two of them) make passes at her as well!

Right, if you so desire, read it yourself. It will be the perfect inane dribble for some of you as it doesn't require any actual forethought to get through it unless you take on a cynical approach like I did due to one indiscretion too many, and it is funny in more moments than not...but personally, there are plenty more books on the shelves you could and should enjoy.
scuzzy | 1 autre critique | Feb 6, 2013 |
Todo lo que Lorna ha deseado en su vida es un marido y cuatro hijas, y esto es exactamente lo que tiene, si bien son el marido y las hijas de otra. No obstante, Robert y sus adorables hijas prácticamente le pertenecen. Después de todo, ya hace diez años que la esposa legítima se ha marchado de casa. Y tras enamorarse de Robert, Lorna estuvo encantada de llenar ese vacío. Ahora Lorna tiene cuanto una madre debería tener (salvo las estrías). Lo malo es que la esposa de Robert ha vuelto. Es una mujer guapa y segura de sí misma y busca el perdón. Pero, ¿sólo desea eso? Lorna no puede evitar pensar que esta familia no es lo bastante grande para las dos...
Entretenido para leer, te hace pensar sobre las responsabilidades y cómo asumirlas.½
pferrando | 1 autre critique | Jan 9, 2011 |
Todo lo que Lorna ha deseado en su vida es un marido y cuatro hijas, y esto es exactamente lo que tiene, si bien son el marido y las hijas de otra. No obstante, Robert y sus adorables hijas prácticamente le pertenecen. Después de todo, ya hace diez años que la esposa legítima se ha marchado de casa. Y tras enamorarse de Robert, Lorna estuvo encantada de llenar ese vacío. Ahora Lorna tiene cuanto una madre debería tener (salvo las estrías). Lo malo es que la esposa de Robert ha vuelto. Es una mujer guapa y segura de sí misma y busca el perdón. Pero ¿sólo desea eso? Lorna no puede evitar pensar que esta familia no es lo bastante grande para las dos...
kika66 | 1 autre critique | Nov 20, 2010 |
Dieses Buch ist witzig und schmerzhaft zugleich. Was diesen Familien zustösst, die Fragen, denen sich die Charaktere stellen müssen, sind durchaus auch für das Leben der Lesenden relevant. Unterhaltung UND Anregung zugleich, was will frau mehr...
nipomuki | Mar 22, 2009 |
Jenny and Mark have been together since they were in school. They've had short breaks from their relationship but overall it's been the two of them. Jenny has an urge to have children while Mark wants to stick to the original agreement - no kids. They're both so determined in their positions that they end up breaking up. Their friends find this strange and unsettling but try to help.

It's a by the numbers chicklit story. It goes as you would expect and really gives no real surprises. The one person who saves this from being mundane is the Taxi Driver that Jenny befriends.
wyvernfriend | 1 autre critique | Mar 12, 2008 |