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Christopher Reich

Auteur de La loi des dupes

22+ oeuvres 4,874 utilisateurs 124 critiques 9 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur

Christopher Reich was born in Tokyo, Japan on November 12, 1961. He graduated with honors in history from Georgetown University. After spending some time as a stockbroker, he went to the University of Texas at Austin business school. After graduating, he became an employee at the Union Bank of afficher plus Switzerland and his experiences there prepared him for when he wrote Numbered Account, a fiction novel involving shady finances and murder. (Bowker Author Biography) afficher moins
Crédit image: Credit: Larry D. Moore, Texas Book Festival, Austin, TX, Nov. 1, 2008


Œuvres de Christopher Reich

La loi des dupes (2008) 903 exemplaires
Compte numéroté (1998) 747 exemplaires
Course contre la mort (2000) 547 exemplaires
Les lois de la vengeance (2009) 453 exemplaires
The First Billion (2002) 416 exemplaires
The Devil's Banker (2003) 354 exemplaires
The Patriots Club (2005) 337 exemplaires
Rules of Betrayal (2010) 312 exemplaires
The Take (2018) 190 exemplaires
The Prince of Risk (2013) 186 exemplaires
Invasion of Privacy (2015) 165 exemplaires
Crown Jewel (Simon Riske) (2019) 86 exemplaires
Matterhorn (2024) 83 exemplaires
Once a Thief (2022) 45 exemplaires
The Palace (Simon Riske Book 3) (2020) 41 exemplaires

Oeuvres associées

Thriller: Stories To Keep You Up All Night (2006) — Contributeur — 764 exemplaires


Partage des connaissances

Nom canonique
Reich, Christopher
Date de naissance
Pays (pour la carte)
Lieu de naissance
Tokyo, Japon
Georgetown University (History)
University of Texas (MBA)
Union Bank of Switzerland
Giorgio Beverly Hills Timepieces
Courte biographie
I was born in Tokyo, Japan on November 12, 1961. No, my father wasn’t with the military. In fact, he’s Swiss, and was in Japan running a travel agency that sent Japanese tourists to America. You know that old stereotype of the Asian tourist with the camera glued to their eyes. Now you know who’s responsible! Willy Wolfgang Reich.

We moved back to the States in 1965 and settled in Los Angeles. I attended Carl Curtis School before moving over to Harvard School for Boys (now Harvard-Westlake), where I graduated in 1979. Some people say you learn more in high school than in college. I’m not sure if that’s true, but I definitely learned as much. A few of my teachers, among them Dr. John Johnson, Father John Gill, and Jerome Margolis, made a lasting impact on my life and I’m grateful to them.

A highlight of my high school years was a summer spent at Outward Bound East Africa located on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro. I was fifteen and you can pretty much imagine how exciting it was to attend a camp in Kenya. At least, it was exciting until we discovered that every morning we had to run a mile and then jump into a frigid pool and swim a length before being “allowed” to begin our daily chores.



Spies on a Mountain
Review of Amazon First Reads Kindle eBook edition (March 1, 2024) of the Thomas and Mercer hardcover/paperback/audiobook/eBook (April 1, 2024)

From here the trail grew steeper, several modest climbs, one false summit after another, before marching across a maze of steel-grate platforms drilled into the escarpment, cables set for handholds. Then a traverse across rocky talus, before the last climb, a series of switchbacks up a vertical escarpment to the Hörnlihütte at the very base of the Matterhorn. All told, 2,300 vertical feet. A three-mile hike. Ninety minutes if he pushed it.

Matterhorn proved to be another case where choosing a veteran author out of the mix of Amazon Prime First Reads candidates was the winning option. Author Christopher Reich specializes in suspense thrillers with recurring characters such as Simon Riske and Jonathan Ransom. His latest protagonist is Mac Dekker and Matterhorn is the first of an expected series.

That is not to say that there weren't a lot of espionage thriller clichés piled on in this 'prevent the mass casualty terror attack' plotline. There is the betrayed veteran spy who comes out of hiding for revenge, the ruthless Russian mastermind and their associated thug (shades of From Russia, With Love), the traitorous mole embedded in the CIA, the loyal ex-lover who reunites with their long-lost love and brings a tame cyber hacker along for the ride, the perilous escape against all odds out of Russia with a child in tow, etc. etc. It opens and concludes with desperate scenes at the summit of Mt. Matterhorn in Switzerland.

All of the Switzerland scenes felt well researched and authentic. Some of the situations were pretty hair-raising and bone-chilling, as there is a race to discover the evidence of the terror plot with the barest of clues as to its location.
A photograph appeared. It showed a slim, dark, weathered statue of what appeared to be a monk. The words HI BERNARD were carved cheekily on his cassock.
“Saint Bernard,” said Mac, at once.
“What?” said Ava. “You know it?”
“Patron saint of alpinists. It stands just below the summit of the Matterhorn.”

See photo at,e-contrast-1,fit-max,q-60,w-1024/1...
The statue of St. Bernard on Matterhorn. Image sourced from

A final showdown confrontation in just about the most remote location you can imagine takes place.
There was no time to rest. He sucked down a breath and set off. A short traverse, a steep staircase of loose rock, and he was at the Solvay Hut. He pulled himself onto the terrace, barely an arm’s length wide. The hut was a one-room wooden cabin built on a perch hardly larger than the cabin itself. He paused, leaning against the cabin, a little light headed.

See photograph at
Photograph of the Solvay Hut on Matterhorn. By Whgler - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link. Image sourced from Wikipedia.

So well done to Christopher Reich and last month's First Reads!

There was no music mentioned in this book, but I couldn’t help thinking about the Donovan song “There is a Mountain” which was inspired by the Zen story / parable. You can listen to Donovan’s original version here. There is a bluegrass version by David Amram and Steve Earle which you can listen to here. Finally there is the Allman Brothers Band’s “Mountain Jam” which improvises around Donovan’s melody but which doesn't include the lyrics, which you can listen to here.

Trivia and Links
Amazon Prime First Reads advance reading copies (ARCs) are available to Amazon Prime subscribers. They offer advance reads of books in Kindle eBook format one month before the date of official release. The current month's selection is available here (Link goes to Amazon US, adjust for your own country or region).
… (plus d'informations)
alanteder | 1 autre critique | Apr 21, 2024 |
Fun genre read of a retired CIA spy Mac Dekker living quietly and believed dead in a high Swiss mountain village. He goes back into action to find out who and why his estranged son, also an agent, was killed on the flanks of the Matterhorn. Its a surprise to those he reaches out to that our hero is indeed alive and still skilled with a gun and fast cars.
bblum | 1 autre critique | Apr 12, 2024 |
El fiscal federal de los Estados Unidos Devlin Judge llega a Alemania para formar parte del tribunal internacional que va a juzgar a los criminales de guerra nazis. Pero Judge tiene su propio objetivo: encontrar a Erich Siegfried Seyss, el hombre responsable de la muerte de su hermano. Seyss, antiguo oficial de las SS y velocista olímpico, acaba de huir de un campo de pri-sioneros de guerra dejando un rastro de cadáveres a su paso. A medida que avanza la persecución, Judge se da cuenta de que Erich Seyss no actúa por su cuenta. Es un hombre embarcado en una carrera para cumplir un último e inolvidable servicio a la patria. Y sigue las órdenes de la última persona de la que habría sospechado nadie. Christopher Reich regresa al mundo del thriller internacional con una novela enérgica y muy bien documentada que transcurre ante el agitado telón de fondo de Alemania tras la segunda guerra mundial.… (plus d'informations)
Natt90 | 12 autres critiques | Mar 24, 2023 |
El Club de los Patriotas existe desde hace doscientos años. Una organización secreta, controlada por los ciudadanos más influyentes de América, que ha dirigido el país con puño de hierro. La historia de Thomas Bolen es la de un triunfador. Abandonado en su infancia, ha dejado atrás su pasado y se ha labrado un brillante porvenir en Wall Street. Entonces, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, todo su mundo se vuelve del revés. Pierde su empleo, se le busca por asesinato y se ve obligado a huir para salvar su vida. Mientras sobrevive angustiosamente una hora tras otra, realiza una serie de descubrimientos asombrosos. Aunque nada es más sorprendente que la verdad que Bolden descubre acerca de su pasado, que le obligará a enfrentarse con el Club de los Patriotas...… (plus d'informations)
Natt90 | 6 autres critiques | Mar 22, 2023 |


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