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2 oeuvres 9 utilisateurs 1 Critiques


A Hades & Persephone reimagining? Sign me up, I'm already intrigued!! This is a smooth, plausible (well as plausible as can be given the source material), unputdownable retelling. It took me a lot longer than expected to pick this one up due to a torn retina but it was SO worth the wait and commitment to see it through!! Not only do we have a cool new reimagining, we also get a new take on Vampirism. I haven't read a Vamp story in a looong time so I am super excited to have stumbled upon a unique one! Already the tease of a slooow burn is present and deepening. I just started this journey and I'm already counting pages and anxious about it ending.

More page counting although now with ever more concern as to how quickly the pages are flying on by... they are simply evaporating. While I read on, a few things stand out. I must confess, I can be a bit weird when it comes to Sexytime reads and this book certainly has its moments! I'd make a TERRIBLE poker player... I flush and blush and sometimes giggle or sigh when reading it in public (or even when it's just me). Being uncomfortable and having to control my awkward reactions isn't a feeling I tend to seek out for fun AND this book has detailed descriptions of just how MUCH the characters enjoy each others company BUT it is worth the burning cheeks. This nascent Amore brewing reminds me of the want of a moth for a flame, begging to burn and at times I was alight with them. And that backdrop! The backdrop is complex and textured. It comes in a really close second to my enjoyment of the characters. I, like almost every bibliophile I know, am a true sucker for a unique spin on an old trope and this premise delivers!

The mounting dread over the page progression has reached a crescendo. Dramatic sounding? YES! But this book has me firmly in its grasp... enthralled... enraptured... ensnared. The writing has me fully immersed, dialed in and feeling like I'm inside the story, living amongst these characters as a fellow member of the Fae community. The character development is full bodied and I haven't been able to look away. Our FMC, Eden, is an interesting character with tons of personal growth... she becomes a fierce, kick ass force of nature. You'll almost certainly enjoy the dueling POVs of the two main characters, it really helps being able to see from both sides of each situation. Our antihero MMC, Draven, is yummmmy with a capital YUM! Besides being completely swoonworthy, the chemistry between he and Eden feels authentic and muy fuego. I loathe when budding relationships feel forced or fake... having no chemistry is a big plot No-No in my eyes!


Oh noooo... I just turned the last page/screen and now what??!? Now I just wait? Wait for who knows how long to get my mitts on the next book? Wait and let my poor memory start to eat away (and delete) parts of this book I enjoyed so much??

Well one thing's for sure, I wasn't bored or skimming. This book is creating a world that's both impressive in scope yet intimate in voice. With 2 POVs that seamlessly knit everything together... the reciprocity and tension between the two MCs is absolutely delectable! We do have quite a few tropes though... if you're curious about that sort of thing. Usually I'm good with some tried and trues but there are a few I can't abide. Seeds of Sorrow has the coming of age trope in spades (okay), the Stockholm Syndrome trope (sometimes okay), the slightly intsta-lovey trope (ugh), the polar opposites attract trope (okay), the I love you but I'm too dangerous/pouty/moody so I will turn you away trope (meh), and 100% Vampiric brooding (expected). BUT it also has a few tropes that are always a welcome sight... tropes like an extremely resilient and bad ass Female MC who knows what she wants and unabashedly/unapologetically goes for it (yes please), a trembling foal to a raging lion FMC personal transformation (heck yeah!), enemies to lovers (YAY), and the star crossed lovers trying hard to make it work (I'm here for it)!

Is this groundbreaking stuff? Not really BUT it is addictive and a really great way to spend some me- time. This book put a spell on me and had my attention from the start... sexy bits and all. My only gripe is that The Big Showdown was pretty tame, anticlimactic and over waaaay too quickly.

I enjoyed Seeds of Sorrow very much! The uniqueness of this premise had me hook line and sinker. It is well rounded, extremely consuming, and transports you to 3 realms (though 1 is more novel than the others). The scenes and descriptions of Draven's dark world were my favorite parts. There were varying creatures/entities and Draven... have I mentioned how yummy he is?? I wish the other books in the trilogy were out already (I NEED to know... I feel like Oliver Twist begging- "Please sir, may I have some more?") but I will definitely be (anxiously) on the lookout to scoop up Book #2!

~ Enjoy

*** I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. ***
BethYacoub | Oct 8, 2022 |