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Wow I was not expecting what happened in Silencing Breath by Joanne Brothwell at all. The first book Stealing Breath saw bad Evan reeling Sarah in for his brother knowing she was an Indigo Child only for him to turn in to the nicest man turning again his brother, falling in love with Sarah and him being revealed as a Sapphire Child. I thought in Silencing Breath they may get a happy ever after but no, after four years of happy ever after Evan disappears, he has been kidnapped by his family and he was being turned back into the nasty man he was to start with.

Sarah yet again leads her friends into danger and there are deaths but she wants to save Evan, and who wouldn’t put their own life on the line for the one they loved?

I loved this book and was totally gripped, I loved seeing a softer side to Stefano. I hope he stays that way. I did not like Stefano and Evan’s father what a nasty piece of work he is!

Joanne Brothwell is a fantastic author, I love both of her books in this series and I am in desperate need to read book three now to see what happens as the book left on a cliff hanger.
StressedRach | 7 autres critiques | Jun 14, 2023 |
I absolutely loved reading Stealing Breath. With paranormal beings who were after Sarah for her essence and a love story who could ask for more. I really liked how the story progressed with Sarah and Evan’s characters. They were both likeable characters although I knew something was up with Evan pretty much straight away. I liked the twists and turns of the story and I was completely gripped by it.

Very well written and a delight to read.
StressedRach | 7 autres critiques | Jun 2, 2023 |
Stealing Breath (Stealing Breath #1) by Joanne Brothwell

Stealing Breath is a well written novel, Joanne Brothwell is an extremely talented writer and I for one cannot wait to read the next book in this series. I really enjoyed learning about skinwalkers and the Native American’s history. This story flows well, characters descriptions and plot held my attention and I wanted to read more. There was so much I enjoyed about Stealing Breath that I all I can say is it is a must read.

We meet Sarah who happens to be empathy; Sarah runs her parents store and will soon be heading off to college. Sarah just wants to be normal, but it is hard considering she feels everyone’s emotions.

When Sarah meets Evan she feels nothing from him, and she cannot believe this, of course Sarah needs to know why? As Sarah and Evan start to spend time together we get to learn much more about each of them and the legends that surround the area. We learn that Sarah is an Indigo Child which is very rare and Evan is Sapphire Child both have very special gifts.

There is so much going on in this story that is really made me want to read more, so I kind of wish the book was longer, but knowing there is more to come helps to know we may see more of Evan and Sarah and learn more of towns history and the legends.

I have rated Stealing Breath a 4 star rating, and would recommend it to anyone who loves to read the Paranormal Genre. This is a unique novel and Joanne Brothwell has done an excellent job writing this novel, it is a must read!
TanaT | 7 autres critiques | Aug 7, 2013 |
Originally Post HERE

Sarah is your average young woman living in a small town surrounded by close friends. At least, she thought she was normal. One night Sarah has an encounter with a creature and by morning Sarah's entire world changes. As Sarah's world changes it also collides with Evan a tall dark and mysterious man hot man. Only one little problem with tall dark handsome Evan... Something about him is completely un-trustable.

I read this book with Book Whore Online Book club and I have to admit I was a bit taken by surprise. It is no secret that recently I have strayed away from paranormal romance. The genre was getting sickeningly repetitive, hot vampires or shifters lurked nearly every book. When Book Club decided to read Stealing Breath I have to admit I was a bit nervous BUT I ended up being incredibly surprised which doesn’t happen often.

I enjoyed how different Stealing Breath was from the typical PNR and it has such a creative spin on powers and mythical beings; I ate it up! I feel like Joanne Brothwell really researched her characters abilities to make them believable to readers. I need believable in my books, after all isn't the reason we read fictions because we secretly want to believe it could happen to us? We could wake up one day and developed powers and be thrown into an adventure just like our characters. I know I do!!

Sarah's character was well written into the role of average girl. Sarah wasn't over the top perfect and you as the reader can relate to her. Evan oh boy; that Evan talk about well written. I didn't know if I should trust him, slap him, or do very bad things to him. I wanted him to be the bad guy, I wanted him to be the good guy, I was with him, and I was against him. I had bipolar emotions toward Evan as you can plainly see. It was so hard to have a discussion each week and not talk about Evan yet again! I loved how these two characters developed together and they also have some pretty how supernatural... Well you are going to have to read the story to find that one out.

The only reason I didn't give this book five hearts is because toward the end I started to feel like the story started to get a little carried away. I mean I enjoyed it don't get me wrong but it was over the top. Something’s were thrown into the mix but never actually hinted at throughout the book. So you’re right at the end of the story and new things are starting to develop.

I recommend this book to adult readers who enjoy paranormal and fantasy novels. I will be devouring book two in this series as soon as possible!
Dbookwhore | 7 autres critiques | Mar 30, 2013 |
One of the things I loved most about this story was that it wasn't something I feel I've read before. Unlike a lot of supernatural and paranormal books in circulation right now, Stealing Breath isn't one of those that is basically taking a common story - vampires, werewolves, witches, and the like - and just writing yet another variation of that. This story was an entirely new concept to me.

Of course, it wouldn't be a paranormal romance without a hot, though mysterious, character with ulterior motives - which is filled quite nicely by Evan. I found myself equally wanting Sarah and Evan to be together forever and wanting her to run from him as fast as possible. Generally, in these situations, the reader can tell the unknown character's true intentions - even if the protagonist is unable to do so. However, such was not the case in Stealing Breath, and I really enjoyed exploring the question of which side he really supported.

I think the book's only major negative was the strange pace. I got caught up in the action from the first page - but that stopped suddenly right around the middle. I think the main reason for this is that the book has more than one culmination point - almost as though the book was meant to end in deference to a sequel, but instead continued on. However, once you manage to get through that slump, you are drawn right back into the story - which definitely turns out to be a crazy ride.

Overall, Stealing Breath was interesting and entertaining, with just enough mystery and suspense to keep me wondering. To be honest, it is rare for me to read books by unknown authors regardless of reviews because, especially with so many "self-publishing" these days, the quality of these books are often subpar. [It's no secret that I can be very judgmental when it comes to books and appropriate writing styles for their genre.] However, this is one that I am glad I read - thanks to the raving reviews of a friend.

Granted, the cover looks like something that I could have created in Microsoft Paint (though I did appreciate the trick with the colored aura outline), but as the old saying goes, "don't judge a book by its cover" because this book is one that is immensely more professionally written than the cover first leads you to believe. I haven't seen the physical copy's cover, only the e-book's - so it's possible that it does look better on the book itself. Regardless, if you are a fan of paranormal romance, this is one to check out.

**Full review posted on Honest Reviews Corner**
ItEntertainsMe | 7 autres critiques | Dec 31, 2012 |
Firstly, is this a contemporary or historical piece? what year is this story set in? Because they talk about new comers bringing the faith to the community as if they are living in the 17th century. But if it is present day, why do they live like that: with healers, magic bath and skinwalkers?

I wished Brothwell had explained in what kind of century this story was taking place, although I figured it to be present day because at some point I read Sarah drove a Honda Civic…

Also, Sarah is at a campsite when she hears a soft cry for help. She sprints into the woods chasing after the cry and after TEN MINUTES walk she gets to where the cry is coming from…
Nobody else sees anything wrong with this? Unless she has bionic hearing like Superman, how did she hear that cry from so far away?

Then Sarah meets Evan and every time they touch she feels like flying and has fainting spells that last mini-seconds. When she comes back to she reputedly asks “what did just happen”?
Well, didn’t you figure it out the first time?

What I liked: hhmmm… I guess her indigo eyes…..
lectus | 7 autres critiques | Aug 17, 2012 |
Sarah Ross isn't like most people. She is able to feel the emotions of those around her, washing over her like a raw blanket of feelings. Running into Evan Valente, a handsome man with a thousand watt smile, right after her run in with a Skinwalker who was after her soul, Sarah doesn't know whats happening but she knows it's bad. There's a connection between Evan and Sarah that neither one of them can explain, but they know that together they are stronger and when Skinwalkers come out to feed on Sarah's soul there is no time for hesitation.

Sarah Ross can feel the emotions of everyone around her is definitely weird, but what she doesn't know is that shes something more... more than just human. Sarah is an Indigo Child. A rare being who has a sixth sense and supernatural powers. (BTW, how frkn cool is that.. can I be a Crimson Child? lol) Sarah is slowly learning about herself in this book. Being faced with a Skinwalker for the first time has Sarah turning to her friends mother of the Wakina Tribe to see just what it is that attacked her and soon finds out what it wanted... her soul. Evan hides a secret from Sarah that tears them apart, but Evan can't help but still love Sarah and try and help her. Even after explaining everything to Sarah, she doesn't trust him fully but, can't help to still have feelings for him. Or hide the fact that together they are stronger and can beat the Skinwalkers.

There are a number of things I liked about this book... First, Skinwalkers.. totally new to me and I thought it made the book really good. Also, the whole concept of Indigo Child and indigo auras. I like how Brothwell was able to explain more about what an Indigo Child is and what Skinwalkers are through information from the Wakina Tribe. Definitely different from using google lol. For what I didn't like... Well, the book was a bit slow for me to get into.. it might have been the fact that I didn't read the prequel for this series and I was thrown into a missing child case. But when I got to the second chapter I was hooked. Other than that, I don't have any other complaints.

Stealing Breath was a pretty good read for me. And Skinwalkers are definitely new to me as well. I was a little iffy about reading this book but, I 'm glad I read it. Brothwell really brought something new to the table with this book. I couldn't really categorize this book though. It's not really YA but then again it's not totally Adult either. So let's go with Young-Adult-On-The-Verge-of-Adulthood lol. I would definitely recommend this book, but since I was a bit thrown in the beginning I would suggest you read the prequel before you read this book. If you're looking for a something different in the paranormal world I suggest you pick up this book and have a go at it! Great read :)
bishhy | 7 autres critiques | Jun 26, 2012 |
Stealing Breath was not your typical supernatural love story. I began this book wondering if I had stumbled upon a horror novel, but was soon discovering that this author covers a variety of emotions throughout the journey. Sarah Ross is not your typical young adult, and she has known that her abilities set her apart from everyone around her. She is determined to keep her secrets hidden; but little does she know that many of her peers have secrets of their own. This story was a fast read that was enjoyable and mysterious. While it appeared to be lacking the power that would have propelled it from good to great.
BookWhisperer | 7 autres critiques | May 24, 2012 |