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19 oeuvres 53 utilisateurs 14 critiques


14 sur 14
Mixed feelings

Parts of this book I liked and others I didn't. The first chapter started out with a bang and I wanted more. However, I struggled to connect with the story after that. It just seemed to be all over the place.

I appreciate the author and her diligence in creating something that I could never do in a million years.
MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 STARS.
So this is the second part of the Game of life series and it is just as nerve-shredding as part one.
Morgan is still stuck in her living nightmare and Reid is still desperately trying to hold things together at his end of things.
All this while also fielding the police officers that are breathing down his neck with there endless questions and suspicions regarding his guilt.
secrets and lies folks, secrets and lies.
Whats hidden beneath the surface is bound to be discovered and as small tidbits are drip fed to the reader we slowly discover what lies abound.
This, In turn, heightening suspicion, all round and begging the question who do you actually trust and how well do you know you're nearest and dearest.
I'm not going to go into great detail here as this is one of those tales that you just need to experience blind, but its safe to say that the action is ramped up here from the get-go.
And I can guarantee you that your brain is going to go into overdrive trying to decipher this vexing puzzle.
Prepare to again be stumped, terrified and enthralled all while praying to whatever god will help you.
"Two footsteps" is compelling reading and I am still no nearer a solution regarding The Wolf's identity and I'm also suitably shocked with Megan's first guess when the wolf finally asks
Who am I?, Really Megan I'm disappointed in you.
So I need book three like NOW!!!!
I don't know how I'm going to last, till I get my mitts on it, the anticipation is like killing me.
I cant get this bloody story out of my head.
cant recommend this enough people, you all need to pick this up seriously.
I was gifted a copy of "Two Footsteps" by Belle Brooks of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 1 autre critique | Nov 7, 2019 |

So "One Fear" is the first novella in The Game Of Life Series by Belle Brooks.
And this is also the first thing I have ever read by this author.
I also would like to add that the front cover here is breathtaking and exactly how I pictured Morgan in my mind after Reid's heartfelt description of her.
So what the bloody hell did I just experience, and I say experience instead of read as my heart is still pounding loudly in utter shock and fright after just putting this down.
What an earth has poor Morgan done that merits such an intense level of hatred directed at her and how can she not no why.
but I digress I'm gonna give you a very brief glimpse into "One Fear"
Someone wants to play a game.
And if you win they will let you go home.
Home to your lovely life, handsome husband Reid and adoring children.
To win, it's easy, answer a question, who am I?
Twelve have come before you and failed.
They paid for there sins
Your number thirteen
And there's only one rule here Red run!
Who's afraid of the big bad wolf
Morgan Banks is.
Elsewhere, Reid Morgan’s husband is slowly unravelling as the police don't seem to be taking him seriously and he’s going out of his mind with worry.
Where is his wife?
Now wow, this was a truly terrifying tale,
Set in Australia and told from two points of view Reid and Morgan herself, we get to experience everything as if in real time.
I was gripped throughout and though short, of novella length, every word was made to count here.
I still have absolutely no clue to what is going on here, not the foggiest, absolutely stumped.
So as "No fear" closes with me scratching my head in confusion I am already salivating for part two of this addictive tale.
I can not recommend this fucked up story enough.
I felt like I was in an episode of criminal minds.
I need to read part two immediately.
This is heart-poundingly psychological mindfuckery at its best enjoy.
I know I did.
I was gifted a copy of One Fear (The Game Of Life Series #1) By Belle Brooks.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 2 autres critiques | Nov 7, 2019 |

Release Date-15/2/18

Oh, My Bloody God!!!
My heart is still pounding like a jack-hammer this series is turning my hair white through sheer fright.
It Just keeps getting better and better the more I read and Just when I think I might have turned a corner and worked it out, it changes directions on me and leaves my scratching my head in confusion.
So yeh I think its safe to say I haven't got the bloody foggiest.
I'm not usually into these serial type novella's but I've got to admit this one has me totally hooked.
And when I finish one instalment I'm gagging for the next.
And Three Breaths is certainly action-packed.
And Morgan is definitely not going down without a fight, I was cheering her on near the end of this.
Practically shouting you go, girl, stick him where it hurts.
Three Breaths again switches between Morgan, Reid and the Wolf's viewpoint so you actually feel fully immersed in the whole story.
Poor Reid's imaging's of Morgan's fate was so visual in their descriptions it sent actual chills down my spine.
The Wolf's hate and Venom, for whatever reason practically froze my veins with its chilling intensity and poor Morgan's battle for her existence echoed through every turn of the page.
Though this is short the emotion and feeling packed in this is so immense, I was nervously wringing my hands throughout.
So Four Hearts here I come, this tale is just so addictive I feel like I'm on some awful journey that I need to see through to the bitter end.
I just need poor Red/Morgan to catch a break and outwit the Wolf.
Really can't wait for the next frightful episode.
I was provided with an ARC of "Three Breaths" (The Game Of Life #3) By the author of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
carpathian1974 | 1 autre critique | Nov 7, 2019 |

Release Date-28/2/18

Ashes to Ashes
Dust To Dust
Burn In Hell Red
Because I've Had Enough

So this is going to be short and sweet.
Four Hearts by Belle Brooks delivers on all fronts.
This will have you questioning and suspecting everybody, nobody is above suspicion.

The previous novella ended on a bit of a cliffhanger and I was like
NO NO NO! I'm going to have a bloody heart attack.
I need the next book like now.

So as per usual the mystery and ominous atmosphere were ever present here and we do finally get some answers, but these only serve to muddy the waters more.
Throwing up more questions than actual resolutions.
This author has a major talent for misdirection, I'm like seriously impressed.
I've actually made a list of my suspects, like seriously, wrote them down and all.
I cant actually remember when I was last this invested in a story and the way this has been delivered is pure genius.
I have said previously that I'm not a fan of these novella type series.
Well, prepare to make an exception with "The Game Of Life" series because its brilliant compulsive reading.
That you will be glued to from start to finish.
And On a side note still, no bloody clue who the wolf is I do have my suspicions.
Not that I have anything concrete to base them on I'm just stabbing in the dark here.
Floundering really.
I do want to solve the puzzle of the wolf and who he is but then again I will be sad when this is all over.
So I kind of don't as well.
In the meantime, I have my stink eye on absolutely everyone, I'm watching here.

This is told again from Three points of view.
The Wolf, Morgan and Reid
And my heart was in my throat throughout this intense experience.
This really is a rollercoaster
So buckle in for the ride folks as it's definitely gonna be epic.
I was provided with an ARC of "Four Hearts (The Game of Life, #4) " By the author of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
carpathian1974 | 1 autre critique | Nov 7, 2019 |

Release Date-13/3/18

"I spy, with my little eye, a little mouse that's about to die.

So, Oh My this final instalment of this thrilling psychological mind fuck certainly didn't disappoint. I think I need some serious help I'm absolutely addicted to this cat and mouse game between the wolf and poor Morgan.

So right, I'm gonna keep this compact and vague as this is one you just have to immerse yourself and drown in.
This series has got to be one of my all-time favourites.
It had the ability to keep me connected to the wolf, Morgan and Reid even between episodes.
I'm sad to finish but also elated to reach the end of the line here.
I was suitably impressed with the intricacies of this plot, it was ingeniously thought out.
This had everything it needed to keep my attention as a reader and really does stand out in an immense sea of fiction.
This is one series that you really need to give a chance too it would be a crime to miss out here.
Morgan, Reid and the wolf I'm super sad to be saying goodbye to you all.
But also so elated to be finally getting some closure.
I will miss you all.
I was provided with a review copy of "Five Fights " By the author of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
carpathian1974 | 1 autre critique | Nov 7, 2019 |

5 Stars
Arc Book Review
Release Date-8/8/18

OMG this book was bloody hilarious; I laughed till I had to cross my legs and run to the loo (you'll get this if you have kids like me)
My other half thought I was losing the plot and kept giving me concerned glances with the strange noises that were coming from my corner of the lounge.
I can honestly say it's been a while since ive found a story so bloody funny.
"That Guy" should seriously come with a disclaimer; beware danger of serious injury through laughter.
Ive previously read this author's "Game Of Life Series" which I adored by the way.
This was so different and definitely shows this author's complete diversity as she switched genres so seamlessly and I enjoyed this just as much as past reads despite them being so different.
This is the story of Melinda and Arlie and the trials and tribulations they traversed on their journey to coupledom; It wasn't smooth or completely rock free but it was certainly honest and unique.
I also want to put out there how much I adored Mindy's bestie, Chris.
In my opinion, everyone needs a Chris and for me, he really stole the show; he was the man.
This was a fabulously funny romp that I generally appreciated; loved it so much.
Thank you to the author for providing me with an ARC of "That Guy" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions are entirely my own give this a go You'll be laughing till you cry.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
carpathian1974 | 1 autre critique | Nov 7, 2019 |

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 STARS.
So this is the second part of the Game of life series and it is just as nerve-shredding as part one.
Morgan is still stuck in her living nightmare and Reid is still desperately trying to hold things together at his end of things.
All this while also fielding the police officers that are breathing down his neck with there endless questions and suspicions regarding his guilt.
secrets and lies folks, secrets and lies.
Whats hidden beneath the surface is bound to be discovered and as small tidbits are drip fed to the reader we slowly discover what lies abound.
This, In turn, heightening suspicion, all round and begging the question who do you actually trust and how well do you know you're nearest and dearest.
I'm not going to go into great detail here as this is one of those tales that you just need to experience blind, but its safe to say that the action is ramped up here from the get-go.
And I can guarantee you that your brain is going to go into overdrive trying to decipher this vexing puzzle.
Prepare to again be stumped, terrified and enthralled all while praying to whatever god will help you.
"Two footsteps" is compelling reading and I am still no nearer a solution regarding The Wolf's identity and I'm also suitably shocked with Megan's first guess when the wolf finally asks
Who am I?, Really Megan I'm disappointed in you.
So I need book three like NOW!!!!
I don't know how I'm going to last, till I get my mitts on it, the anticipation is like killing me.
I cant get this bloody story out of my head.
cant recommend this enough people, you all need to pick this up seriously.
I was gifted a copy of "Two Footsteps" by Belle Brooks of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 1 autre critique | Nov 7, 2019 |

So "One Fear" is the first novella in The Game Of Life Series by Belle Brooks.
And this is also the first thing I have ever read by this author.
I also would like to add that the front cover here is breathtaking and exactly how I pictured Morgan in my mind after Reid's heartfelt description of her.
So what the bloody hell did I just experience, and I say experience instead of read as my heart is still pounding loudly in utter shock and fright after just putting this down.
What an earth has poor Morgan done that merits such an intense level of hatred directed at her and how can she not no why.
but I digress I'm gonna give you a very brief glimpse into "One Fear"
Someone wants to play a game.
And if you win they will let you go home.
Home to your lovely life, handsome husband Reid and adoring children.
To win, it's easy, answer a question, who am I?
Twelve have come before you and failed.
They paid for there sins
Your number thirteen
And there's only one rule here Red run!
Who's afraid of the big bad wolf
Morgan Banks is.
Elsewhere, Reid Morgan’s husband is slowly unravelling as the police don't seem to be taking him seriously and he’s going out of his mind with worry.
Where is his wife?
Now wow, this was a truly terrifying tale,
Set in Australia and told from two points of view Reid and Morgan herself, we get to experience everything as if in real time.
I was gripped throughout and though short, of novella length, every word was made to count here.
I still have absolutely no clue to what is going on here, not the foggiest, absolutely stumped.
So as "No fear" closes with me scratching my head in confusion I am already salivating for part two of this addictive tale.
I can not recommend this fucked up story enough.
I felt like I was in an episode of criminal minds.
I need to read part two immediately.
This is heart-poundingly psychological mindfuckery at its best enjoy.
I know I did.
I was gifted a copy of One Fear (The Game Of Life Series #1) By Belle Brooks.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 2 autres critiques | Nov 7, 2019 |

Release Date-15/2/18

Oh, My Bloody God!!!
My heart is still pounding like a jack-hammer this series is turning my hair white through sheer fright.
It Just keeps getting better and better the more I read and Just when I think I might have turned a corner and worked it out, it changes directions on me and leaves my scratching my head in confusion.
So yeh I think its safe to say I haven't got the bloody foggiest.
I'm not usually into these serial type novella's but I've got to admit this one has me totally hooked.
And when I finish one instalment I'm gagging for the next.
And Three Breaths is certainly action-packed.
And Morgan is definitely not going down without a fight, I was cheering her on near the end of this.
Practically shouting you go, girl, stick him where it hurts.
Three Breaths again switches between Morgan, Reid and the Wolf's viewpoint so you actually feel fully immersed in the whole story.
Poor Reid's imaging's of Morgan's fate was so visual in their descriptions it sent actual chills down my spine.
The Wolf's hate and Venom, for whatever reason practically froze my veins with its chilling intensity and poor Morgan's battle for her existence echoed through every turn of the page.
Though this is short the emotion and feeling packed in this is so immense, I was nervously wringing my hands throughout.
So Four Hearts here I come, this tale is just so addictive I feel like I'm on some awful journey that I need to see through to the bitter end.
I just need poor Red/Morgan to catch a break and outwit the Wolf.
Really can't wait for the next frightful episode.
I was provided with an ARC of "Three Breaths" (The Game Of Life #3) By the author of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
carpathian1974 | 1 autre critique | Nov 7, 2019 |

Release Date-28/2/18

Ashes to Ashes
Dust To Dust
Burn In Hell Red
Because I've Had Enough

So this is going to be short and sweet.
Four Hearts by Belle Brooks delivers on all fronts.
This will have you questioning and suspecting everybody, nobody is above suspicion.

The previous novella ended on a bit of a cliffhanger and I was like
NO NO NO! I'm going to have a bloody heart attack.
I need the next book like now.

So as per usual the mystery and ominous atmosphere were ever present here and we do finally get some answers, but these only serve to muddy the waters more.
Throwing up more questions than actual resolutions.
This author has a major talent for misdirection, I'm like seriously impressed.
I've actually made a list of my suspects, like seriously, wrote them down and all.
I cant actually remember when I was last this invested in a story and the way this has been delivered is pure genius.
I have said previously that I'm not a fan of these novella type series.
Well, prepare to make an exception with "The Game Of Life" series because its brilliant compulsive reading.
That you will be glued to from start to finish.
And On a side note still, no bloody clue who the wolf is I do have my suspicions.
Not that I have anything concrete to base them on I'm just stabbing in the dark here.
Floundering really.
I do want to solve the puzzle of the wolf and who he is but then again I will be sad when this is all over.
So I kind of don't as well.
In the meantime, I have my stink eye on absolutely everyone, I'm watching here.

This is told again from Three points of view.
The Wolf, Morgan and Reid
And my heart was in my throat throughout this intense experience.
This really is a rollercoaster
So buckle in for the ride folks as it's definitely gonna be epic.
I was provided with an ARC of "Four Hearts (The Game of Life, #4) " By the author of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
carpathian1974 | 1 autre critique | Nov 7, 2019 |

Release Date-13/3/18

"I spy, with my little eye, a little mouse that's about to die.

So, Oh My this final instalment of this thrilling psychological mind fuck certainly didn't disappoint. I think I need some serious help I'm absolutely addicted to this cat and mouse game between the wolf and poor Morgan.

So right, I'm gonna keep this compact and vague as this is one you just have to immerse yourself and drown in.
This series has got to be one of my all-time favourites.
It had the ability to keep me connected to the wolf, Morgan and Reid even between episodes.
I'm sad to finish but also elated to reach the end of the line here.
I was suitably impressed with the intricacies of this plot, it was ingeniously thought out.
This had everything it needed to keep my attention as a reader and really does stand out in an immense sea of fiction.
This is one series that you really need to give a chance too it would be a crime to miss out here.
Morgan, Reid and the wolf I'm super sad to be saying goodbye to you all.
But also so elated to be finally getting some closure.
I will miss you all.
I was provided with a review copy of "Five Fights " By the author of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
carpathian1974 | 1 autre critique | Nov 7, 2019 |

5 Stars
Arc Book Review
Release Date-8/8/18

OMG this book was bloody hilarious; I laughed till I had to cross my legs and run to the loo (you'll get this if you have kids like me)
My other half thought I was losing the plot and kept giving me concerned glances with the strange noises that were coming from my corner of the lounge.
I can honestly say it's been a while since ive found a story so bloody funny.
"That Guy" should seriously come with a disclaimer; beware danger of serious injury through laughter.
Ive previously read this author's "Game Of Life Series" which I adored by the way.
This was so different and definitely shows this author's complete diversity as she switched genres so seamlessly and I enjoyed this just as much as past reads despite them being so different.
This is the story of Melinda and Arlie and the trials and tribulations they traversed on their journey to coupledom; It wasn't smooth or completely rock free but it was certainly honest and unique.
I also want to put out there how much I adored Mindy's bestie, Chris.
In my opinion, everyone needs a Chris and for me, he really stole the show; he was the man.
This was a fabulously funny romp that I generally appreciated; loved it so much.
Thank you to the author for providing me with an ARC of "That Guy" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions are entirely my own give this a go You'll be laughing till you cry.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.
carpathian1974 | 1 autre critique | Nov 7, 2019 |
Fast and heart-thumping, this story will surely make you grip the book until the end.

The story is written through the eyes of three characters – the so-called Wolf, Morgan, and Morgan’s husband, Reid.

It started with the Wolf’s POV, and I could say that the way it was written, it already gained my interest and as I go on with the story, it made me curious on what would happen next. Each chapter gets more and more exciting as I read it. I don’t know what would happen to Morgan, what the Wolf would do with Morgan, and how Reid would find his wife.

The plot is engrossing. It is a game of life that will give you no choice but to play it. The author’s way of writing it is really impressive because from the start until the end, it made me hold my breath.

The story also has incredible characters.

Morgan shows courage until the end of the story. The mysterious cloud that covers the Wolf slowly fades away as Morgan connects the small pieces of the puzzle.

Wolf is mysterious and creepy. For me, he is just a crazy character like those serial killers that kill with no reasons except for pleasure.

Reid, well, I don’t like him. He is the only inconsistent character in the story. First, he is angry for his wife for not going home early, and after hours with no news about her, he gets worried. Next, he gets angry at the cops for not believing him that something terrible happened to Morgan. Then, later on, he just became a very lame character for me. If ever you’ll read this book, you’ll know what I mean about him.

The story ended in a great way, but I’m looking for more. It leaves me a lot of questions about the Wolf and his real intention on doing that game of life.

Overall, I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys psychological suspense with a touch of romance. If you are also looking for a fast-paced story, then you might also try this one.

Disclaimer: I received a reader copy from the author and Enticing Journey Book Promotions.
AlysinBookland | 2 autres critiques | Jul 13, 2017 |
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