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Tamara BlakeCritiques

Auteur de Slumber

1 oeuvres 10 utilisateurs 4 critiques


A copy of this book was provided to me by the publisher as part of the blog tour. No compensation was involved.

I really liked Slumber. It was a super fast read; I read it in one sitting! I actually love that it wasn't too long and didnt drag. I haven't read a succinct story all year. I also want to mention how I loved the cover. The cover is what drew me in-- mainly the color. Going in I really didnt know what to expect at all. By the time I started I had forgotten what the blurb said and just knew because of the title it had something to do with sleep and paranormal whatsits.

Ruby. My, I have mixed up feelings about this chick. She's strong and loving, all the traits of a good human. I loved Ruby (for the most part) and felt sympathy for her. I also felt proud of her that she didn't break down nearly as much as I would have, given the circumstances. She's one tough cookie. Perhaps like one more burst of tears would've made it more believable.

So Ruby is selfless but she's also DAFT. Thats what really frustrated me; her lack of common sense. How can you not know something supernatural is going on? Does the girl you see in the hospital who tells you she never met you before and you just saw her jump off of a building NOT clue you in? Sorry Ruby, you're great but not too bright. Besides the fact that Ruby can't pick up on any major hints; she is a good girl. She stays true to her principles, even when I kinda wanted her to sway a little more towards Tam.

Ruby won't give Tam a chance. She's annoyed with him and wants to leave him but I'm confused as to why. She changes her feelings toward him when he does nice things to her. If I can see he really care about her--why can't she? I mean I get how he's sketchy. But he's trying to help her and spends time with her and her family. I really liked him. I felt like I could've seen more reasons why he was so conflicted-- but my mind made ample suggestions and I'm sure it'll be explored in the sequel.

The ending was a big mindfuck. I mean, I kinda suspected it but then dismissed it...I really didnt like the last sentence. It bothered me, but I guess in a good way because it's a total CLIFF hanger (PUN INTENDED). I guess it served its purpose because I'm biting my nails in anticipation of the sequel! When is it coming out?! I have no idea. But not soon enough.

P.S. Why not more kisses with Tam? I mean, just because it's YA they can't snuggle in bed together and mess around...or allude to messing around?
Dream sex?
Darn. He was so hot.
Diamond.Dee. | 3 autres critiques | Jul 3, 2015 |
This was nothing like I thought it was. I thought from the blurb I was going to get a Cinderella retelling or something, but was totally wrong. The story was so surprisingly dark and twisted. And I loved it. Once I got into it it was impossible to put it down.

I loved Ruby as a main character. Her voice and demeanour throughout was so together for a teenager thrown into the situation she was. And also liked that she refused to be swept off her feet into Tam's world with his obvious good looks and nice guy in a dark place routine.

The use of fairy magic was incredibly twisted and kind of morbidly fascinating to read about at the same time. One thing I particularly liked about Ruby was how she refused to get sucked into their debauchery and obscene life style of parties booze, drugs, anything. Even though she became tempted, she managed to keep onto her morals.

And the ending had a fantastic twist to it.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC. I loved it.

sunset_x_cocktail | 3 autres critiques | Aug 20, 2014 |
2.5 to 3 stars
I've read quite a few books on the topic of Fae- although this book is different from the others. Whether that’s a good or bad thing, I’m not entirely sure, as my feelings for this book are very mixed.

Slumber is a novel that is categorized as fantasy, and rightfully so. But, I found values in this book strangely reminiscent of a coming-of-age novel, stressing the importance of family, going into the nature of relationships, and displaying the growth of a teen girl.

While I appreciated this, it kind of took away from the fantasy feel of the novel I was looking forward to. I’m not saying I don’t like these kinds of teachings in my novels, I just wish the author handled it better and somehow made a balance between the two. As a chiefly fantasy reader, I was missing that magical feel these types of books tend to have. To be more specific, I was hoping that Ruby would venture into the actual world of the Fae, instead of merely having a glimpse into it.

Which brings me to my next point. The Fae weren’t very developed, and I didn’t learn much about them. The author didn’t exactly delve into this, unfortunately.

The third person POV, I felt, was unsuitable for this novel. I’m used to books with first person POV, and I’m glad for the change, but it didn’t really fit this book very well.

Personally, I wasn’t terrified of Violet. Sure, she was pretty bitchy, but that’s not the only trait villains have. She’s kind of pathetic and I just couldn’t take her very seriously.

The protagonist, Ruby, is a heroine I greatly admire. She actually uses her brain. She doesn’t easily fall for Tam, is not unbelievably naïve, and actually has a lot of strength. But what I find most interesting about her is her devotion to her family, which I find quite lacking in most other characters in books. At first, I was scared that Ruby would fall head-over-heels for Tam the moment she set eyes on him, but thankfully, that didn’t occur. It was easy to sympathize with her, and I didn’t find that she was too whiny or anything.

At first glance, it may seem like I have many more complaints about this book than likes, but as a whole, Slumber was pretty good. A solid debut, and while I was confused for a majority of the book, it still managed to entertain me. This is perfect for anyone looking for a short, easy fantasy read. In fact, I even think that lovers of contemporary would enjoy this book.
Summer_Missfictional | 3 autres critiques | May 23, 2014 |
*I was provided with an advanced electronic copy of this book from the author and Diversion Books in return of an honest review. No monetary compensation was provided in this exchange.*

This review will be posted on Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf.

For a high school student, Ruby Benson has definitely lived the opposite of the good life. Already without a father, Ruby and her family live in a trailer park outside of New York City, spending each day struggling to get by and hoping to one day be accepted into NYU’s drama program after she graduates. Ruby has always tried to help her mother with every opportunity that she gets, and she definitely doesn’t shy away from the challenge of cleaning a mansion in Cottingley Heights for a couple of hours in place of her unexpectedly ill mother. It should have been easy. Clean for a couple hours, remain undetected, and collect the money that her family needs. Only it isn’t.

At Cottingley Heights she meets Tam, a beautiful and rich boy who, for reasons unknown, becomes interested in Ruby. His friends at the mansion are either high, drunk, or rude beyond belief. But Tam is different. Tam is normal. Tam is kind and understanding and non-judgmental in the ways that his companions are not. So when Ruby finds herself agreeing to a permanent cleaning job at the mansion, things should have changed for the better. A steady job, a solid income, a beautiful boy; things change, but not for the better. When Ruby and her family become victim to tragedy after tragedy, she finds the events connected with Tam. Suddenly that innocent boy is not so innocent after all… And Ruby must find it within herself to discover the truth that has been in front of her all along, and somehow save the rest of her family in the process.

This was a fantastic quick read that approached the topic of love and family, with paranormal aspects that are so very different from the typical YA novel. It is the story of a teenage girl who is willing to go to the ends of the earth to protect her family, a story of love and loyalty and sacrifice that warmed my heart until the very last page. Ruby is one of the stronger characters that I have seen in a YA novel in a very long time. I loved her. I loved how real she was and how loyal and protective she is of the people that are close to her heart. Her priorities held true despite of Tam, and I was so glad to see that. Blake portrayed Tam’s companions and world in a way that was horrifying and terrible, yet I was intrigued the whole time. I have always felt that many paranormal stories minimized the true nature of their characters for the sake of a romantic angle. But Blake doesn’t follow that, and I really enjoyed that.

In Slumber, Tamara Blake tells the story of a girl who finds herself in the need to save and protect her family from types of people who should not even exist, all because she volunteered to work a shift when her mother was to ill to attend herself. On her journey, she sees terrible things. Death. Abuse. Maltreatment. She even loses sight of herself for a while. But her loyalty and willingness to protect the ones that she loves shows, even up to the very last page.

Tamara Blake has shared a terrifying world, one in which humans are used for sex, jokes, and hunting. But in this world, she creates the simple story of a teenage girl who’s loyalty is tested and who’s life is changed forever. And in Ruby, I see a character that each reader could find their own way to relate to. I definitely recommend Slumber to readers of young adult and paranormal books.
kctlagman | 3 autres critiques | Sep 14, 2013 |