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Matt BishopCritiques

Auteur de Computer Security

10 oeuvres 128 utilisateurs 2 critiques


If you've ever needed a stepping stone to get into the world of computer security, this book provides an excellent resource.

Granted, there are other books, especially Introduction to Computer Security by Matt Bishop, that provide a more fundamental introduction to the subject of computer security, this book offers a broad overview of computer security topics as well as more specific examples, such as tools of the trade and so forth.

While not necessarily required reader for computer hackers (malicious or otherwise), it should be required reading for those entering into a field of computer security. Best complemented with back issues of 2600 or the less reputable books on computer security to provide an open and all-encompassing view of computer security as a whole.
aethercowboy | 1 autre critique | Nov 4, 2008 |
QA76.9 .A25 B56 2003 (IP)
Farella | 1 autre critique | Apr 12, 2011 |