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E. Denise Billups

Auteur de Tainted Harvest

7 oeuvres 13 utilisateurs 5 critiques


Œuvres de E. Denise Billups

Tainted Harvest (2021) 4 exemplaires
Echoes of Ballard House (2023) 3 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Wicked Bleu 2 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Kalorama Road 1 exemplaire, 1 critique
Chasing Victoria (2020) 1 exemplaire
Rebound 1 exemplaire


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Tension and mystery edge toward horror in a spine-tingling tale as rich details create a beautiful backdrop.

Two stories interweave in these pages to create a dark dance between the past and present. The horrors of an axe murder set the scene as a house is left with numerous victims and a survivor, whose motives were more than questionable. The present heads in a similar direction with the same house, another terrible event, and many questions surrounding it. It's a play between dangerous secrets and a paranormal twist, which relishes in the shadows with vengeance.

The story is gripping and kept me locked in until the very end. Every moment deepened the plot as the secrets mounted as fast as they unraveled. While this mystery side is well laid and makes every step a dark delight, it's the writing which draws in. The author brings details and scenery in to hook right along with the growing tension. It creates a lovely prose, which draws in as much as the plot.

Fans of paranormal mystery, dark scenes, and high-tension are sure to enjoy this one quite a bit.
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tdrecker | 1 autre critique | Apr 3, 2024 |
Book 2 in the series, but works as a standalone.

Simone experienced her first 'ghost invasion' in book 1 and now acknowledges the warning signs of a further presence. The prologue starts as Bleu reaching out for Simone, providing a depth reason for the contact. Then Bleu invades a friend of Simone, and inhabits the new body to state riddles in English and Creole. At the same time, Simone has visions of Bleu's past in 1917, through Bleu's presence or through Stacy's touch. While in Stacy's body, Bleu takes advantage of this life in 2020. Meanwhile, Simone is tasked to solve Bleu's mystery and bring her story to the surface so Bleu can finally rest.

The writing style is extremely pleasant. The story is visually and audibly well-described. At times it's difficult to determine which italics belong to which character - whether the italics are Simone's thoughts or Bleu's attempt at communicating before inhabiting Stacy's body.

I received a free copy and am leaving a review voluntarily.
Thank you to StoryOrigin and author.
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Louisesk | 1 autre critique | Jan 26, 2024 |
Simone Doucet readily accepts an invitation to house-sit her relative's Victorian home, Ballard House, in New Orleans historic Garden District while her cousin Gisele and husband Theo travel Europe. Simone is ready to escape New York and get a chance to work on her book. Being a sensitive, Simone knows the tragic history of the house and immediately hears the whisperings of the former occupants. Other things also catch Simone's attention, such as the family bird's unease, a malevolent presence, and some interesting human visitors. It's clear that the spiritual inhabitants want Simone's help to uncover a mystery, but the larger issue is the humans who feel like they have a claim to the house.

Echoes of Ballard House is a suspenseful, paranormal mystery. From the very beginning the scene is set with a gruesome ax murder and a mysterious perpetrator in 1919. Moving into 2020, Ballard House's occupants have yet to uncover the mysteries of that night. Simone's presence stirs the hope of the deceased occupants as they try their best to help her understand. I enjoyed seeing the flashbacks from all the ghosts' points of view which helped to put the puzzle pieces together. The writing moved the story along at a fast pace while building tension, dropping small hints throughout. I also enjoyed that the danger was not paranormal, but clearly placed in the real world while the ghostly inhabitants tried to help. While Echoes of Ballard House is the third book in the Simone Doucet series, I did not feel lost while reading, but would love to read the previous books.

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
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Mishker | 1 autre critique | Dec 18, 2023 |
Book 2 in the series, but works as a standalone.

Simone experienced her first 'ghost invasion' in book 1 and now acknowledges the warning signs of a further presence. The prologue starts as Bleu reaching out for Simone, providing a depth reason for the contact. Then Bleu invades a friend of Simone, and inhabits the new body to state riddles in English and Creole. At the same time, Simone has visions of Bleu's past in 1917, through Bleu's presence or through Stacy's touch. While in Stacy's body, Bleu takes advantage of this life in 2020. Meanwhile, Simone is tasked to solve Bleu's mystery and bring her story to the surface so Bleu can finally rest.

The writing style is extremely pleasant. The story is visually and audibly well-described. At times it's difficult to determine which italics belong to which character - whether the italics are Simone's thoughts or Bleu's attempt at communicating before inhabiting Stacy's body.

I received a free copy and am leaving a review voluntarily.
Thank you to StoryOrigin and author.
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Louisesk | 1 autre critique | Oct 29, 2022 |


½ 4.5