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14+ oeuvres 51 utilisateurs 7 critiques


What a fun, funny, sweet story. It was such a lovely Christmas read with a delightful romance.
ChelseaVK | Dec 10, 2021 |
3.5 Stars

Tessa’s desire to keep up with and please her family pushes her into an area of study she’s not passionate about and into the arms of a guy who is not long-term material. But a short play in a road show and another guy who becomes a friend open her eyes to more than competing with her brother and living up to her parents’ expectations.

Henry is adorably geeky (which is mostly an act to ward off female interest) but a good guy. His relationship with his sister and father is different than Tessa’s which allows her to witness a different family dynamic.

A cute and sweet, sometimes funny, story about finding yourself in the middle of the noise by surrounding yourself with those who build you up and blocking the voices of those who tear you down.

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I receive complimentary books from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including NetGalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
Suzie27 | Oct 10, 2018 |
California brings thought of the sand and sun. In this collection of short stories, it's all about sand, sun, and romance. From new love that was never imagined to love lost and possibly found again, this collection covers a wide variety of stories and characters. First chances and second chances are all possible, and these stories will make you believe in love.

Full of sweet tales, this collection of stories manages to make California itself a character. You feel like you are there in the best way possible. Seriously, if you can't make it out a beach anytime soon, just relax and open this book up. You'll be there in no time. There was a great variety to the stories. Some were tales of instant attraction, while some showed love growing between two people who seemed unlikely to be a good match in the beginning. Some of the stories were about love that had been lost then found. All of them though are about taking a chance on romance and happiness, even if it is not what we thought would happen.

One of my favorites was The Pier Changes Everything. I just found the characters to be realistic and engaging. They had dealt with things in their lives that had shaped them, and that ultimately helped them grow into people who could work on things together. It wasn't a heavy story though. There was lots of lightness and fun well balanced with the more serious parts. Each of the stories in this collection will leave you feeling warm and happy and ready for love. They'll also give you a little piece of California to keep in your heart.

Book provided for review.
l_manning | Jun 22, 2015 |
I received this book as part of a blog tour in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influenced my review.

Silver Linings is a great second novella to the Ripple Effect Series. It is written by a different author than the one that wrote the first book, Home Matters, and it can easily be read as a standalone. The plot of this book was super enjoyable to me! I loved the romance storyline and found it incredibly unique. I cannot wait to read the third novella in this series!
blog_gal | 3 autres critiques | Jan 2, 2015 |
I received this book as part of a blog tour in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influenced my review.

Silver Linings is a great second novella to the Ripple Effect Series. It is written by a different author than the one that wrote the first book, Home Matters, and it can easily be read as a standalone. The plot of this book was super enjoyable to me! I loved the romance storyline and found it incredibly unique. I cannot wait to read the third novella in this series!
blog_gal | 3 autres critiques | Jul 26, 2014 |
"She glanced up at him, and Drew's breath caught in his throat. The sunlight kissed her pale hair, skin and eyes, reminding Drew once again of an angel. She was so beautiful. So kind. And so taken."

Eden Toressi is such a wonderful character. Every now and then you come across a heroine in a book that can only be described as perfect. Eden spent her time giving of herself. She was taking care of her dying mom and she went out of her way to help the elderly patients at Silver Lining Assisted Living home where she worked. She had dreams of being a nurse but gave them up when her mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. She was selfless and kind and all she wanted was for her boyfriend, Jace, to propose to her--until Drew Westfall came into her life.

Drew Westfall was in book one, Home Matters. We meet him towards the end of the book and, boy, does he have a story to share. Drew's dad owns a huge hotel chain and when Drew fires an employee to make cuts he is devastated by the story behind the man he fired. Drew leaves everything behind, family, money and prestige among other things because money has become more important to him than people--until he meets Eden Toressi. Drew realized he had never help a single person in his life and when he volunteered to watch Eden's sick mom while she worked I was completely sold on him. It was so great to watch Drew go from self-absorbed to self-sufficient. A man that had always had people waiting on him was suddenly waiting on everyone else... and he loved it.

Silver Linings is a very enjoyable book. I love revisiting a couple of characters from book one, Olivia Pembroke and Pete, and I was thrilled to see Drew get his own story. I wasn't disappointed either. The storyline was so engaging. I was hooked from the first page. It had both intense and lighthearted moments, tears one moment and laughter the next. It really brought out what it means to be a caregiver and, being a caregiver myself, I loved that it was a very big part of the story. I think anyone that has the responsibility of being a caregiver will love this book. It brought out my emotions more than once. I also loved the patients at Silver Linings. They were a real hoot! Especially Wanda and Maud who continuously bickered at each other but always had a scheme cooking up too. It is a sweet and tender contemporary romance that will leave you waiting anxiously for book three. I can't wait for Jace's story now and the rest following. If you like small town contemporary romances I highly recommend this book and the complete series.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for my honest review. The opinions expressed are mine alone. I received no monetary compensation.
Wanda_Barefoot | 3 autres critiques | Apr 2, 2014 |
This was one of the MOST TENDER, SWEETEST, BEST contemporary romance books I have ever read.

Eden is giving literally everything she has to her mother and the seniors at Silver Linings Assisted Living.

Drew just ran away from is old life after giving is entire trust fund to charity. He is headed to his best friend's house until he can get back on his feet.

As luck would have it...Drew's car broke down just before he could get all the way to the friends house and he found himself being rescued at Silver Linings.

Having no where else to go and needing a job Drew is hired on at Silver Linings.

And that is where he and Eden start their friendship...

As things get more serious both Eden and Drew they realize that it just won't work because Eden is already in a relationship with Drew's best friend--now roommate.

So instead of having a messy love triangle...

Drew leaves...

But he has already made his way into Eden's, and the resident's hearts, and they are not ready to let him go.

So many tender moments in this book!
Some fun matching moments in this book!

Shauna_Wheelwright | 3 autres critiques | Mar 31, 2014 |