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Shelley AdinaCritiques

Auteur de Lady of Devices

49+ oeuvres 1,657 utilisateurs 144 critiques 2 Favoris


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The second of this series, and every bit as gripping as the first. The protagonist, Lady Claire St. Ives, has intellect and a will to use it in an age where a lady, like children, is expected to be seen and not heard. It may slightly underplay the significance of common feminine interests in its eagerness to have Lady Claire outshine those of her gender, but the emphasis seems less about gender differences than about class distinctions with Claire attempting to bridge both gaps.
TraSea | 12 autres critiques | Apr 29, 2024 |
Still carrying my interest enough to read the next in the series.
TraSea | 11 autres critiques | Apr 29, 2024 |
Sometimes, or even oftentimes, it is the cover art that initially draws me to a book. I liked the art on the first book of the series, the last two; not as much. I'm still enjoying the plot and characters, but I suppose this one wasn't as compelling for me. I have no specific criticism--perhaps the novelty has faded a bit, but I haven't lost interest. I usually rely on a few libraries, but the only way to obtain this one, if I didn't want to wait on a hold or purchase, was by purchasing it as a Kindle. Book 4 I've found through a library as an audiobook.
TraSea | 15 autres critiques | Apr 29, 2024 |
This is only the second book I've read where "steampunk" is one of the genres. I don't like the word--it's the "punk" part of it that sounds silly and seems meaningless, but oh well. The time and location are a pair of my favorites, and this clever young female protagonist with leadership qualities, who is none-the-less humble and has scruples has become one of my favorite characters. I found this one through the Los Angeles Public Library's Overdrive collection, but the only available format was HTML, so it has to be read while connected to the Internet or wifi. The second of the series that I've just started though, was downloadable in the regular formats of ePub or Kindle, and is equally as good.
TraSea | 40 autres critiques | Apr 29, 2024 |
Hmmm, I selected the audio edition here, but it doesn't mention that the narrator is Fiona Hardingham. I'd never heard of Fiona, and somehow the last three fiction books I've listened to have her a the, or one of, the narrators. She's quite good. I had been reading this series in eBook format because I started the first one that way and then didn't want my impression of the character interfered with by the narrator's voice. But after 4 books I have a good sense of the character and wasn't that worried about it this time. Now that I've heard Fiona, I'll probably look for this format for this series henceforth.
So, the last book seemed to be a bit of a lull in the action, but this one picked back up to where I made more time for listening than usual and finished rather quickly--for me. :-)
TraSea | 7 autres critiques | Apr 29, 2024 |
I really like the tone of these books--they're just what YA needs. The tongue in cheek action kept me smiling throughout. I hope they start to reach a longer audience.

A definite B
jazzbird61 | 11 autres critiques | Feb 29, 2024 |
Enjoyable as always, although I do wish they were a bit longer.
jazzbird61 | 15 autres critiques | Feb 29, 2024 |
This book is very, very fun. Fast-paced and a bit tongue-in-cheek, Lady Clare's story ricochetes from one mishap to another adventure.

Recommended if you're looking for a quick and fun read.
jazzbird61 | 40 autres critiques | Feb 29, 2024 |
This is a great YA novel. As an adult, I did find the main character's motives simplified and her reaction to Lord James the first time they meet, over the top. Lord James' motives are also simplified for the YA audience.
ladyoflorien | 40 autres critiques | Aug 11, 2023 |
While i found most of this rather ridiculous, like Clair, our 17 year old protagonist, is James Bond on super miraculous, mentally and physically, performance enhancing drugs or something, it is still at the same time a rather enjoyable read. 12 days to get through 4 books isn't too shabby for me so it obviously kept me turning the pages.

If you're wanting a serious read then i would stay well clear. But if you're wanting something that just passes away the hours without you taking it seriously then this might be for you. I think, 'silly' might be a good term to use in describing these books. But that's not to use 'silly' in a bad way, sometimes a bit of 'silly' is a good thing in a world like ours - maybe we could all use a dose of 'silly' now and again.

The plus side is that the characters quite likeable, although the baddies always seem to be a complete bunch of buffoons while the goodies are simply incredible in every possible way - again, making one not take it at all too seriously.

Am i going to read the rest of the series? Yes, i'll certainly come back for more at a later date when i'm in the mood for something silly like this. But right now i really do need to read something a bit more complex and beleiveable.
5t4n5 | 3 autres critiques | Aug 9, 2023 |
Magnificent Devices is a steampunk series initially centered around seventeen year old, Claire Trevelyan who is about to graduate from school and make her societal debut. The series has inventions and villains and lots of strong women who are resourceful and resilient and content to make their own way in life.

The first four books are referred to as the Claire Quartet and wrap up the main part of Claire's story - leaving her on the verge of achieving her dreams surrounded by her flock and setting the stage for future adventures.

Claire Trevelyan is one of the best heroines I've seen and definitely one of the most realistic. She doesn't start out perfect - she lacks confidence, she makes mistakes and she is unwilling to stand up for what she believes in for fear of her mother and the society she doesn't actually believe in. But over the course of the series, she grows. She learns, she adapts and she molds herself a spine, becoming a fierce, kind spirited and intelligent woman who works hard and fights for what she believes in. All the characters are fantastic though. The female solidarity is inspiring. The flock is heartwarming. And the rest is hilarious.

I really love this series. It's funny, quirky and has a lot of heart. And I really love the focus on being a lady of resources, of intellect, of spirit. It's total girl power and I loved it. Well written, interesting and an imaginative steampunk novel. It's a great addition to any young girl's library - or just any female.

5 stars.

Individual Reviews at the links below.

funstm | 3 autres critiques | Jul 14, 2023 |
Two of my favorite genres, clean mysteries and steampunk, magically meld in The Clockwork City, and I am so here for it! This novel is oozing charm and imagination and has been so fun to read! I love a good mystery, and when you add steampunk it takes things to a whole other level.

At the beginning of the novel we find Lady Georgia Burnel emerging from her year of mourning, after the death of her abusive husband, and she is ready for rest and relaxation. With her Aunt Millie, Georgia embarks on an Italian getaway that ends up being anything but relaxing. There are a lot of names thrown at you at the beginning of the story, making the start a bit mirky, but the narrative flows so naturally that it’s not long before you’re completely immersed in this world, seeing it all through the eyes of these multifaceted characters.

The overall pace is brisk, but has a certain lightness to it, though there is a darkness that lingers just below the surface. All of the characters are great, but Cora and Marcus, the two adolescents who aid in the sleuthing, bring a sweetness that won me over. I wasn’t sure how I felt about Mr. Seacombe when he was first introduced, but as the story went on, and he continued to offer his quiet strength to Georgia and Millie, I found myself enjoying his Texican charm. Georgia and Millie were marvelous, and are the perfect pair that compliment one another nicely.

I’m not normally one for stories of fantasy, but there is something about steampunk that vibes with me. I love the uniqueness this genre brings, especially in details of the town, and the kraken. There is so much imagination that really brings a unique facet to an otherwise ordinary mystery.

This novel kicks off the new Lady Georgia Burnel Mysteries series and I am so excited to see what adventures Georgia will embark on next! The tinge of romance, the support of friendship, and the thirst to find the truth makes for quite an enjoyable read.

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher through JustRead Tours. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own.
cflores0420 | 1 autre critique | May 28, 2023 |
Shelley Adina is quickly becoming a go to author for fun, clean steampunk adventures! This delightful mystery completely pulled me in and had me quickly turning the pages. It’s a fantastic introduction to a new series I’m looking forward to reading more of.

Lady Georgia Brunel is finally free after a year of mourning her abusive husband’s death. She and his aunt Millicent who has become her friend and traveling companion embark on a painting holiday in Venice. At the opening of the art exhibition, Georgia dances with the persistent but married ambassador Lord Somersby and meets his lovely young daughter, Cora. When he’s found dead on the water stairs of her villa, she and Millie are determined to discover the mystery behind his death, especially when the authorities want to quickly brush it aside.

There’s also danger surrounding Lord Somersby’s daughter Cora. When Georgia & Millie take her in while they try to reach her mother, they become targets. Working with a handsome, charming Texican Ranger Dustin Seacombe, whom Lady Brunel met at the gala, the team braves all sorts of dangers including the deadly kraken that surround the city of Venice as they try to solve the mystery behind a dastardly plot.

It’s a fast-paced delightful mystery that kept me thoroughly engaged. I enjoyed all of the characters including the two precocious children who assist in the mystery. Georgia and Millie are intelligent, witty heroines and I look forward to reading more of their adventures. Dustin Seacombe is the kind of lovable roguish hero who lends a bit of romance to the story. I’m excited to see future interactions between him and Georgia. The steampunk aspects were fun and I loved the kraken! It’s a clean steampunk adventure with a hint of romance that’s perfect for teens and adults. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author. All opinions are my own & voluntarily given.
Melissas-Bookshelf | 1 autre critique | May 23, 2023 |
jamespurcell | Apr 10, 2023 |
Shelley Adina continues to put her heroines in impossible situations and then rescue them with a solution from way out in left field. This series stays interesting from its beginning through the current volume.
jamespurcell | Apr 9, 2023 |
Can Gloria stop a war? If not, it will not be from a lack of trying. Her marriage may show the way.
jamespurcell | 1 autre critique | Apr 7, 2023 |
New territory and challenges give new cast member time to shine
jamespurcell | 1 autre critique | Apr 7, 2023 |
A Twelfth Night look and transition for this interesting series.
jamespurcell | 1 autre critique | Apr 6, 2023 |
More books, more characters but still an interesting storyline for this enjoyable series.
jamespurcell | 1 autre critique | Apr 6, 2023 |
Interesting characters added, the Mopsies are growing well and the plots stay intriguing.
jamespurcell | 1 autre critique | Mar 23, 2023 |
This series stays lively and interesting as family identities are revealed and expand the excellent group of characters.
jamespurcell | 2 autres critiques | Mar 20, 2023 |
Magnificent Devices is a steampunk series centered around seventeen year old, Claire Trevelyan who is about to graduate from school and make her societal debut. The series has inventions and villains and lots of strong women who are resourceful and resilient and content to make their own way in life.

Claire Trevelyan is one of the best heroines I've seen and definitely one of the most realistic. She doesn't start out perfect - she lacks confidence, she makes mistakes and she is unwilling to stand up for what she believes in for fear of her mother and the society she doesn't actually believe in. But over the course of the series, she grows. She learns, she adapts and she molds herself a spine, becoming a fierce, kind spirited and intelligent woman who works hard and fights for what she believes in. I really love this series. It's funny, quirky and has a lot of heart.

The "final" book in the Claire quartet starts with Lady St. Ives once again planning and attending a funeral that wasn't necessary. I kind of want a short story from her point of view of all Claire's "deaths".

Maggie laid a hand on Claire’s arm. “Yer mum’ll be happy to ’ear you ent dead again, Lady. Funeral or no funeral.” “She’s going to stop believing in reports of my demise after this, that is certain.”

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 8830-8832). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

I mean it is starting to get a bit ridiculous.

There was a pounding in the corridor outside the salon and Willie burst into the room. “Lady!” He dashed over to Claire and flung himself against her skirts. “I knew you’d come back!” “Yes, I do seem rather like the proverbial penny. I’m very glad to see you, darling.”

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 9121-9123). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

The romance in this series sucks. I hated James. I'm not particularly fond of Andrew. I don't care about Ian Holly at all. But what this series does really well, is female solidarity.

“Claire, please say I haven’t hurt you. I couldn’t bear it. It was so sudden, and— and it was my first time, and—”
“I know what you mean. Andrew was my first kiss, too.”
“We’ll have to form a club.” That startled her into a laugh. Rosie, who had settled onto the nightstand in sphinx-like repose, looked alarmed until Claire passed a soothing hand over her feathers.
“You have not hurt me. If anything, you’ve made me see something about myself that I hadn’t before.”
“And what’s that? We both have excellent taste in men?” Another smile.
“That … and the fact that we can admire the same man and still be friends.”
How was that possible? If the flickers were any authority to go by, they should hate each other. “That’s rather remarkable, don’t you think?”

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 10344-10350). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Other books, movies, tv shows, real life, show women clashing over men and jealousy and whatever else, but this series argues for women sticking together and it's totally #lifegoals. I love that Claire and Alice worry about each other first and foremost before concerning themselves with the romance. They do get jealous - but they also overcome it, rising above it to be better than that. And I loved every minute of it.

“I knew you would help me.”
“Didn’t you tell me once that we women must stick together?”

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 10359-10360). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

The action was full on. Like the last book, it seemed very much a comedy of errors, going from one dangerous situation to the next. Alice is busy searching for her father. Davina and John are trying to get to their diamond mines to take a tour. There's balls and dresses and dinners and shootings and gambling. I love Claire clearing out the poker table and getting an escort. Poor George. He's having all his assumptions turned upside down.

Claire patted the rifle affectionately and holstered it. “Did you think it just for show?”
“I don’t make no assumptions about a man’s ordnance,” George said. “Guess there was a few I shouldn’t have made about a woman’s, neither.” He grasped Jake’s shoulder and shook him. “I’d best not find out that rock was meant for me.”
“Course not,” Jake said. “You stepped practically in its path. I were aimin’ at that miscreant, obviously, or I would’ve ’it you instead of ’im.”
“Do unhand my navigator, George,” Claire said.
“Navigator?” the man snorted.
“Assumptions, George,” she reminded him gently.
“Fine. Fine. You’re her navigator and—” He swung to Claire. “— you need about as much protection as a wolverine and—” He set off. “— I’m going to the Tiller right now and ordering up the biggest whiskey they got.”
“I shall stand you all the first round,” Claire called after him, and then pointed up ahead.

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 9393-9401). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

My favourite part was the Meriwether-Astor airship - it was hilarious.

She lifted her chin. “I have stolen a coach and a scientist. It cannot be any more difficult to steal an airship.” * * * “You cannot mean to steal Meriwether-Astor’s ship.” Andrew’s eyes practically stood out on stalks. “Of course not. After Tigg has what he needs, I mean to steal the one with all the guns on it.”

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 11995-11999). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
The only bit that might've been better was when Claire came up with the idea to modify the airship with voice commands via the automatons. (Although I'm definitely with Claire on them being creepy.)

Just because something had never been done did not mean that it could not be done.

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 12093-12094). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Honestly, I just adore this series. All the characters are fantastic. The female solidarity is inspiring. The flock is heartwarming. And the rest is hilarious. Even though the series continues, I love that this book is a nice stopping point and wraps up all the plot points and dramas. Claire's come a long way and I love that she's well on her way to achieving her dreams and goals and is surrounded by her flock. And I really love the focus on being a lady of resources, of intellect, of spirit. It's total girl power and I loved it.

It was an amazing offer— one prompted by affection as well as appreciation and faith. Faith, the substance of things hoped for. Claire could not remember anyone— save perhaps Polgarth the poultryman— ever having faith in her. And now look. She was rich in people who possessed it. The Mopsies. Andrew. The count. Alice. Perhaps even the Dunsmuirs, whom she hoped would regain their faith in her once the Meriwether-Astor affair was settled for good. She had been through some perilous times, it was true. She had learned and grown and was no longer that shy, unsure, untried girl she had been when Snouts had pulled her from her landau outside Aldgate station. She was a woman now. A lady of resources, of intellect— and of faith in herself and the ones she loved.

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 12237-12243). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

A perfect end to the Claire quartet, Brilliant Devices wraps up the main part of Claire's story - leaving her on the verge of achieving her dreams and setting the stage for future adventures. 5 stars.
funstm | 11 autres critiques | Dec 16, 2022 |
Magnificent Devices is a steampunk series centered around seventeen year old, Claire Trevelyan who is about to graduate from school and make her societal debut. The series has inventions and villains and lots of strong women who are resourceful and resilient and content to make their own way in life.

Claire Trevelyan is one of the best heroines I've seen and definitely one of the most realistic. She doesn't start out perfect - she lacks confidence, she makes mistakes and she is unwilling to stand up for what she believes in for fear of her mother and the society she doesn't actually believe in. But over the course of the series, she grows. She learns, she adapts and she molds herself a spine, becoming a fierce, kind spirited and intelligent woman who works hard and fights for what she believes in. I really love this series. It's funny, quirky and has a lot of heart.

I'm conflicted about the second book, Her Own Devices, some parts I adored, some parts left me baffled. The romance in this is just weird. I didn't get why she ever agreed to marry James Selwyn. I mean yes, I understood she was trying to achieve her goals without her mother's disapproval or disappointment - but on the other hand, here is this strongly opinionated woman who's making her own way and it was a letdown to see her buckle under the weight of societal expectations. But this is where this series is realistic - sometimes we don't have all the answers, sometimes we make mistakes or care too much about other people's opinions. So I did get it, I just didn't like it.

The romance with Andrew is easier to understand but I still wasn't cheering for them. Andrew has his moments - he recognises women can be intelligent and have good ideas but he also can be dismissive of new theories - even without hearing any details. But if there has to be some romance, Andrew is a much better choice than James.

Apart from the romance, the rest of this book was fantastic. Claire really begins to embrace her role as reigning queen of the south side and it was perfection.

“You may address me as the Lady.” He started across the street. “And you must address this. Creeper! Hiram! Hold her down.” He fumbled with the buttons on his trousers, while Claire stared in astonishment. Really. With the fire engines nearly upon them and his house burning to cinders as they spoke, he thought he could threaten her by means of his disgusting person? Creeper and Hiram, whoever they were, did not, in fact, hold her down. However, two shadows detached from the main body of the huddle and slipped away down the alley at the corner of the wall. Snouts, Jake, and Tigg formed an immovable mass at her back. Claire sighed. “Really, Mr. Bonaventure. You should not, as my mother often told me, use a pin when a needle is called for. Particularly so dull and short a pin.” She pulled the trigger and a bolt of lightning shot across the street, singeing him neatly between the legs and burning the inner seams of his canvas trousers clean away. The Cudgel screamed and leaped back six feet, the scent of burning flesh overlaid on the smoke that filled the air.
Hysterical, no doubt in pain at least equal to that he had hoped to inflict upon her, he capered and screeched so that Claire could hardly distinguish between him and the sirens of the engines as they roared up the cobbled street.

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 2659-2660). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

I love that she's willing to stand up to bad behaviour - I just wish she'd manage to stand up to those of her own social class.

It would never do for him to know that he was harboring the infamous Lady of Devices, inadvertent murderer of Lightning Luke Jackson and reigning queen of the south side underworld. Her reputation in society would never recover.

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 2697-2699). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

She's so stuck on her reputation and it gets old - even if it is more realistic that she sheds those layers slower.

Claire set her teeth. Blast it all. She needed to know. Just how much was she going to allow convention to dictate her behavior when it clearly obstructed the path to knowledge?

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 3049-3051). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Although I doubt she could shed them faster anyway. Afterall, look at Dr. Rosemary Craig. I doubt she's the first or the last woman to be institutionalised for being inconvenient. But even within the limitations, all the women in this series are badass. Even the chicken.

Rosie needs a flock. She must be lonely out ’ere.” Rosie showed no signs whatever of loneliness. Quite the opposite— a feathered despot, she had quite cowed poor Lewis and some of the smaller boys, who wouldn’t go in the garden no matter what the provocation.

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 2709-2711). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

I loved that Rosemary helped the Mopsies to make their chicken coop. I adored the chicken coop. It moves! It has legs so the chicken coop can flee I hope we get to see more collaboration with Rosemary in the future books.

The ending was amusing. I loved her getting one over James.

Ah, there it was. James’s coach stood ready, his coachman lounging in his seat with a glass of ale. “You there!” she called. “Lord James would like you to take me back to Hanover Square. We are to have drinks shortly with some of the Society men and their wives.” “At once, milady.” She had never stolen a coach before. It was much easier than she thought.

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 5401-5404). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Even if it was embittered by the fact he's busy stealing the lightning device they've built.

Overall this was well written, interesting and imaginative steampunk novel. It's a great addition to any young girl's library - or just any female. 4.5 stars, rounded up to 5 stars.
funstm | 12 autres critiques | Dec 16, 2022 |
Magnificent Devices is a steampunk series centered around seventeen year old, Claire Trevelyan who is about to graduate from school and make her societal debut. The series has inventions and villains and lots of strong women who are resourceful and resilient and content to make their own way in life.

Claire Trevelyan is one of the best heroines I've seen and definitely one of the most realistic. At the beginning of Lady of Devices she is a smart, kind girl who lacks confidence and refuses to upset the status quo - for all that she believes in intelligence being more important than blood. She has strong opinions but refuses to act on them for fear of her mother and the society she doesn't actually believe in. But, while she begins this way, circumstances lead her to adapt and mold herself into someone new. Throughout the first book she develops a spine - trying new things, overcoming her limitations and rising above what society expects. By the end of Lady of Devices she has started to embrace her role as "governess" and not only agrees to work with Andrew Malvern (which is what she wants to start with) but is willing to voice this in front of her peers.

I really love this series. It's funny, quirky and has a lot of heart. Claire's struggles can be frustrating at times but she approaches it with kindness and a fierce sense of morality. You know, except that time she accidentally killed Lightning Luke.

“I recommend we give your former leader a decent burial.” Claire took command of the situation before the tales got any taller. “Is there any among you who would like to say a few words?” No one moved. Evidently he was not held in high regard among his confederates. How did one go about burying the man one had accidentally killed? “Are we possessed of a shovel?”

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 2127-2129). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
I loved the relationships she begins to develop with the Mopsies and Willie and Snouts and Tigg and Rosie the Chicken. And...Jake.

Here Jake’s photographic memory proved invaluable— and it was he who, on the Wednesday after their arrival, finally returned her engineering notebook, her pencils, and dear Linnaeus to her.
“I figure you ent gonna cut out on us now, Lady,” he said gruffly as he handed them over.
“No.” She clutched the books to her chest, resisting the urge to check that no pages had gone missing. “I’m glad to see your confidence in my character is improving.”
He shook his head, and his chocolate-brown eyes met hers. “You either keeps yer word or I goes to the bobbies and tell ’em it was you what kilt Lightning Luke.”
Clearly she did not have to look as far as the road or the river for justice to be meted out to her. She was harboring it right here.

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 2211-2217). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
I loved that they become "flock-mates", determined to look after each other and work together to achieve their goals. It was also really nice to see Claire find somewhere to belong that doesn't mock or dismiss her ideas.

The world building was interesting and the science fascinating. This is a great book to recommend STEM industries to young girls. I'm not sure how much research the author did and how correct the science parts are - but it encourages curiosity and scientific inquiry and promotes the idea that girls can be not just interested in but accomplished at STEM industries. Claire is always busy asking why and it was perfection.

If there’s anything I hate, it’s someone telling me ‘don’t’ without saying why.”

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 214-215). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Plus her thoughts on the role of women in society were divine.

“Little girls should be seen and not heard.” If Claire had heard that once, she’d heard it a thousand times, and every time it irritated her more. Girls should certainly be heard. It was their voices that the world was missing.

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 2480-2482). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

I hated Lord James. He was a prat of the highest order. His dismissal and mockery of Claire's intelligence and his general comments about women were disgusting. I did like that Andrew rebukes him for it. But I didn't really like Andrew either. For all he seems to be open to the idea of female intelligence and curiosity - he still is carelessly dismissive of her theories - even if he manages to refrain from commenting in front of the children. Just because he has not come up with anything new - doesn't mean she won't. Honestly the hints of romance just irritated me. I'd prefer Claire finds her own way in the world without worrying about a man.

Overall this was well written, interesting and imaginative steampunk novel. It's a great addition to any young girl's library - or just any female. 5 stars.
funstm | 40 autres critiques | Dec 16, 2022 |
Magnificent Devices is a steampunk series centered around seventeen year old, Claire Trevelyan who is about to graduate from school and make her societal debut. The series has inventions and villains and lots of strong women who are resourceful and resilient and content to make their own way in life.

Claire Trevelyan is one of the best heroines I've seen and definitely one of the most realistic. She doesn't start out perfect - she lacks confidence, she makes mistakes and she is unwilling to stand up for what she believes in for fear of her mother and the society she doesn't actually believe in. But over the course of the series, she grows. She learns, she adapts and she molds herself a spine, becoming a fierce, kind spirited and intelligent woman who works hard and fights for what she believes in. I really love this series. It's funny, quirky and has a lot of heart.

The third book, Magnificent Devices, sees Claire on the run. Her engagement to James Selwyn is broken as far as she's concerned but her mother and fiancee disagree. Until she turns 18 she needs to keep out of sight. She plans to head to the Americas - unfortunately for her, it seems everyone else has the same idea! James has stolen the lightning device and has made a deal with a consortium of Texans. Andrew is following to bring James to account. And the Dunsmuir's are planning to tour their family holdings and enterprises. Luckily they have a private airship and can take Claire and all the children with them. Now if only she could manage not to run into anyone else...

But travelling by air has its own dangers; air pirates! Lol, I loved the idea of air pirates. Led by Ned Moses and his crew, the Lady Lucy is boarded and Claire and the Dunsmuirs are taken for ransom. Poor Jake. For all he talks a big game, he's a fourteen year old boy who has had a hard life. He doesn't always make the right decisions but he does try. He thought he was doing what's best and it does turn out okay in the end. But difficult or not, he so didn't deserve getting pushed out of the airship. That bit was terrifying. I was so glad he didn't die. Jake's not my favourite - but he's part of the flock. This book is a bit of a comedy of errors. It seems like everyone goes from one disaster to another. I loved that the Mopsies remain behind to find Claire and Rosie. I've got to say I wasn't very impressed with the Dunsmuirs at that point either - it's not like they knew for sure Claire was dead. Telling the girls that was kind of jumping the gun.

I loved meeting Alice though. She was awesome. I love that every woman in this series is capable and resourceful. And that they have such a respect and admiration for each other. There's none of this tearing other women down, just propping each other up and working together and cheering one another on. Or taking umbrage to the bad treatment of their fellow women.

The woman gazed at her, her brows slightly knit. “You ain’t a bit like Mr. Fremont said.”
Claire hardly dared ask, but the temptation was too great. “What did he say?”
“He said you’re a great heiress and you’re leading Lord Selwyn—”
“Lord James. Lord Selwyn would be his father.”
“— Lord James a merry dance. You’ve broken his heart so many times that he’s finally had to carry you off before your enraged father can stop the wedding.” A laugh bubbled up out of Claire before she could remember she was supposed to be civil and ladylike.
“My father would need to be enraged indeed to climb out of his grave to do so.” The woman’s eyes widened. “It is quite true that I am here against my will, and you are obligated to see that I stay. However, I am neither an heiress nor Lord James’s fiancée, much as he would like to think so.”
“But the carrying off part? That’s true?”
“Quite true.” Down the platform, James and Fremont were coming toward them.
“Why, those rascals,” the woman said in scandalized tones. “It’s one thing to assist in an elopement, but it’s quite another to aid in a kidnapping. What am I to do?” They were almost in earshot now.
“I shall not hold it against you.” Claire held out a hand. “I am Lady Claire Trevelyan, of Toll Cottage, Vauxhall Gardens, London.”
“Tessie Short, of Sand Street, Santa Fe.”
“Do give the impression you are restraining me,” Claire suggested. Tessie’s workworn hand slid around her wrist. She had a grip like iron, which under any other circumstances would have given Claire pause. But the frown had not left her forehead, which was a good sign. A lady of integrity, then. The stuff of which allies were made.

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 8494-8508). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

I was sad she died. I would've liked her to escape. I liked that Claire makes sure her kids are looking after though.

Poor Andrew, always needing to be rescued. Although I did think they did it in style.

“Look sharp, ladies,” came her voice. “We’ve been spotted. Seems like they were expecting some kind of rescue— though maybe not from this angle.” Maggie doubted they expected anything like them at all— how could there be another airship flown by a girl who’d probably not even seen twenty summers, a boy who’d come back from the dead, a pair of nearly eleven-year-olds, half a dozen automatons, and a hen in a hatbox?

Adina, Shelley. Magnificent Devices: Books 1-4 Quartet: Four steampunk adventure novels in one set (Magnificent Devices Boxset) (Kindle Locations 8432-8435). Moonshell Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

The ending with James and the lightning device was explosive. Lol, literally - I couldn't resist. Frankly I was glad he got what was coming to him. Claire might have endless amounts of patience and forgiveness but he sucked.

This was fast paced and action packed and hilarious. I loved every minute. 5 stars.
funstm | 15 autres critiques | Dec 16, 2022 |
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