How Libraries Can Use LibraryThing
We love libraries. Let us count the ways.
LibraryThing as an OPAC
Small organizations and libraries can use LibraryThing as a basic catalog for their collection. If you want a simple, powerful way to revamp your catalog for visitors and patrons, check out TinyCat—LibraryThing's online catalog for tiny libraries, perfect for schools, classrooms, religious libraries, community organizations, and any library with 20,000 items or less.
Put social data in your OPAC
Fully integrate LibraryThing's social data into your catalog using LibraryThing for Libraries. LTFL lets you add tag-based browsing, book recommendations, ratings, reviews, series data, awards information, stack maps, virtual shelf browsers, and more to your OPAC, by integrating with LibraryThing and its high-quality book data.
Library Anywhere
Make your existing OPAC instantly mobile, with Library Anywhere available through any device with a web-browsing feature. Patrons can search the catalog, renew books, place holds—whatever they can do with the regular OPAC.
Libraries can display events, branches, contact-a-librarian information, and other mobile pages, or link out to your own existing pages.
Visit LibraryThing for Libraries to learn more about social data and Library Anywhere.
Show off books with an LT widget
Use a free LibraryThing widget to display new books or featured books on your library's website. You'll have to create a LibraryThing account, and add the books you want to display. Then use one of our widgets to generate code that you can just copy and paste into your website.
List your events on LibraryThing Local
Add your library to LibraryThing Local, then enter your upcoming events. This not only lists your library and events on, but also makes the information available to all readers in our free iPhone app, Local Books.
Use our data
Any non-commercial entity can use our APIs, which are full of rich book-related data: using the ISBN, find other editions of a book, plus title or language information.
Connect to us
Want to provide data to LibraryThing? If your catalog has an open Z39.50 connection, email Chris ( for details.
Contact Us
Contact us ( with any questions.