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Blood of the South

par Alys Clare

Séries: Aelf Fen (6)

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Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:Apprentice healer Lassair encounters a mysterious veiled noblewoman who brings unexpected peril

When Lassair encounters a veiled noblewoman on the quay at Cambridge one morning, set on by an angry mob, she assumes involvement with her will be brief. She has no idea that the woman, alone but for her infant child, brings both mystery and peril. Then a devastating flood hits the fens, and among the wreckage and debris washed up at Aelf Fen is a body; Lassair, in the company of a sheriff's officer, wonders if she is dealing with murder . . .

Meanwhile, in the south, Lassair's partner Rollo is moving with relief towards the conclusion of his mission for King William in the Holy Land. But then disaster strikes, and, with the mighty forces of an emperor on his heels, abruptly he turns from hunter to hunted. In order to escape alive, he risks help from a stranger, and embarks on a voyage that turns out to be far more dangerous than he could ever have imagined.
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Really good, couldn't put it down ( )
  DivineMissW | Aug 6, 2024 |
Lovely stuff. Kinda hated the cliffhanger ending, but the rest of it is wonderful fun. ( )
  RobinGoodfellow | May 22, 2019 |
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Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:Apprentice healer Lassair encounters a mysterious veiled noblewoman who brings unexpected peril

When Lassair encounters a veiled noblewoman on the quay at Cambridge one morning, set on by an angry mob, she assumes involvement with her will be brief. She has no idea that the woman, alone but for her infant child, brings both mystery and peril. Then a devastating flood hits the fens, and among the wreckage and debris washed up at Aelf Fen is a body; Lassair, in the company of a sheriff's officer, wonders if she is dealing with murder . . .

Meanwhile, in the south, Lassair's partner Rollo is moving with relief towards the conclusion of his mission for King William in the Holy Land. But then disaster strikes, and, with the mighty forces of an emperor on his heels, abruptly he turns from hunter to hunted. In order to escape alive, he risks help from a stranger, and embarks on a voyage that turns out to be far more dangerous than he could ever have imagined.

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