
library (74), borrowed (57), second hand free (56), bought 2nd hand (53), mystery (44), romance (36), bought Book People (35), murder (34), bought (31), 2007 (30), 2021 (28), 2022 (28), 2023 (28), 2014 (27), 2015 (27), 2016 (26), present (26), 2017 (24), 2009 (23), London (22), 2012 (20), family (18), 2013 (17), 2018 (17), 2019 (17), 2011 (15), 2000 (15), 2020 (14), Norfolk (14), 2024 (14), 2010 (14), detective (13), thriller (13), murder mystery (12), 2008 (12), friendship (11), bought new (10), Cotswolds (10), magic (10), love (10), Montalbano (9), history (8), France (8), Sicily (8), fantasy (8), Rome (8), borrowed from friend (7), second hand (7), Yorkshire (7), Venice (7), memories (7), adventure (7), 1930s (6), Australia (6), Victorian (6), Scotland (6), bought cheap (6), Ireland (6), relationships (6), Suffolk (6), Edinburgh (5), crime (5), memoir (5), England (5), USA (5), humour (5), handed on free (5), Cornwall (5), children's book (5), Italy (5), Falco (5), community (5), nature (5), Cambridge (4), walking (4), acting (4), antiques (4), law (4), Rebus (4), Bosch (4), Harry Bosch (4), China (4), fiction (4), marriage (4), coming of age (4), Africa (4), Egypt (4), farming (3), environment (3), travel (3), York (3), Hogwarts (3), philosophy (3), Tudors (3), Devon (3), fraud (3), theatre (3), artists (3), village life (3), art (3), gift (3), free gift (3), women (3), secrets (3), new starts (3), bookgroup read (3), Wales (3), school (3), Cumbria (3), time travel (3), IOE bookgroup (3), wizards (3), lawyers (3), 1960s (3), Mexico (3), 1920s (3), Book People (3), local history (3), politics (3), bookgroup (3), loss (3), Shakespeare (3), children's fiction (3), Oxford (3), autobiography (3), World War 2 (3), America (3), Spain (3), quest (3), Lincolnshire (2), 19th Century (2), American settlers (2), rugby (2), Flavia Albia (2), Fenland (2), Chris Paget (2), Lancashire (2), borrowed library (2), lawyer (2), Russia (2), WW2 (2), American (2), South America (2), Brighton (2), transportation (2), Botswana (2), Nice (2), bought new but cheap (2), Canterbury (2), railway (2), Essex (2), Dorset (2), Spy novel (2), Kings Cross (2), Mumbles (2), East Anglia (2), work proofread (2), smuggling (2), spies (2), seaside (2), journal (2), Paris (2), betrayal (2), revenge (2), time (2), radio (2), new beginnings (2), Dublin (2), Georgian England (2), 1950s (2), 1970s (2), historical mystery (2), police (2), 1001 (2), Greece (2), Jane Austen (2), medieval (2), LA (2), short stories (2), children's (2), wizarding world (2), legal drama (2), friends (2), cats (2), kidnap (2), Edwardian England (2), obsession (2), spy novel (2), music (2), Whitby (1), survival (1), Hampshire (1), vintage (1), Faerie (1), 1700s (1), Victorians (1), dystopian (1), people (1), Blickling (1), Victorian novel (1), class (1), memory (1), Harry Potter (1), Elizabeth Bennet (1), Darcy (1), society (1), kidnapping (1), Chrestomanci (1), Harry Jones (1), Swanton Morley mystery (1), the fall of Gilead (1), Demelza (1), Gt Yarmouth (1), Isles Of Sicilly (1), student book group (1), witches (1), growing up (1), Barnardo's (1), Kate Shackleton (1), city street (1), Beatles (1), Poirot (1), Lavengro (1), writers conference (1), reading (1), prison (1), class actions (1), Gormenghast (1), trade (1), Ramblings (1), Ross (1), culture (1), Leeds (1), painting (1), 1800's (1), Japan (1), Star Trek (1), hotels (1), ageing (1), stash (1), Brazil (1), interpreter (1), weddings (1), auctions (1), canals (1), heart's desire (1), relationahips (1), ritual (1), country house (1), documents (1), 1835 (1), town life (1), turtle (1), clown (1), Dutch East India Company (1), pottery (1), Wiltshire (1), seasons (1), cakes (1), Christopher Chant (1), indexing (1), drama (1), auction (1), 007 (1), post WW2 (1), Worcestershire (1), cyber warfare (1), Alsace (1), Canada (1), telepathy (1), race (1), class divide (1), Prospero (1), colonialism (1), teen fiction (1), observation (1), Hawaii (1), power (1), disaster (1), Birmingham (1), 1860s (1), Exeter (1), fairytale (1), Hong Kong (1), Hobart (1), island life (1), Afghanistan (1), treasure (1), Kabul (1), cooking (1), anarchist (1), place (1), self discovery (1), writer (1), food (1), Norwich (1), George Borrow (1), Tempest (1), Ely (1), conscientious objection (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Nov 17, 2006
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I'm using my library to keep a record of the books I have read - starting from now. It is an internet located version of the list I have kept since 2000 - where I record title, author and date finished ... often a few comments too (just to remind me what it was about).
A propos de moi
Reading likes: mystery / murder (particularly with a historical background); classics pre 20th Century (I love Vanity Fair + North and South), and some later literary fiction (e.g. Margaret Atwood 'The Handmaid's Tale' Great book).

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