What If?

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What If?

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Avr 14, 2010, 6:21 pm

I been wondering what if the Bible, Koran and other Religious books had all been written by women instead of men? And if Jesus Christ nad his 12 Apostles had been women as well? Since the Bible was written by all men and only told from their perspective it has a very misogynist attitude toward women in the Bible. I bet men would feel a lot diffferent if the Bible had been written by women instead for instance they were to blame for being kicked out of the Garden of Eden by the Goddess. Right now this is all I have time for at the moment.


Modifié : Avr 15, 2010, 10:01 am

It's been awhile since anyone had posted anything here and I thought since this is a Feminist Theology group I thought I would open up a Philosophical gropup discussion about what IF the Bible, Koran, Torah and other Religious books had been written by womyn. If Jesus, the 12 Apostles, Moses and all the other major players thoughout had all been womyn and it had always been a Matriarchal instead of Patriarchal teachings and instead of God it would the Goddess. IF Paganism had won out in the end over Christianity instead of the ot and all the her way around things would of course be a lot different today.

And if the Vatican had always been run by womyn Popes since time immemorial instead of always having a bunch of old men run the Catholic Church. I think the Vatican needs to start putting some youngblood in to run things instead of a bunch of old men.


Modifié : Avr 15, 2010, 1:20 pm

I do own a copy of The Lost Apostle Searching for the Truth about Junia by Rena Pederson who was the first female Apostle of Christ but since the Bible was written by all men and 13 was considered to be an unlucky number she was never mentioned in the Bible. I'll have to get around to reading the book. I thought I'd mention the book since it fits in with this discussion I tried to start here.

Well, Beatles1964 I see you've done it again people are just jumping at the chance to argue with you and say you're wrong, just to express their view or to set the record straight. Hmmm, yea this sure has gotten a lot of responses from people. I bet if I said I heard a story on Fox News about this subject people would be ganging up on me left and right.


Juin 29, 2010, 11:12 pm

Thanks for your questions, Beatles1964! For some reason I don't get any kind of notification when people post to groups I'm a member of, so I'm sorry your messages have been neglected.

Another book to take a look at is "When Women were Priests."

I do think things would be much different if "Western" culture had been womyn-centered -- not the least of which includes a question about how "nations" would be formed, named, in relationship with each other, etc.

How do you think things would be different?

Juin 30, 2010, 3:15 pm

I'd like to believe women would do a much better job at leading the world than men have done since they've been in charge since time immemorial. For as long as men have been in charge there has always been and probably always be wars or border disputes between neighboring countries. I'd like to think there would be less aggression in the world and maybe some peace and harmony amongst peoples and nations that have been at war with one another for generations and generations. Maybe we'd be a lot closer to a real Utopian Society or a second Garden of Eden if women ran everything.

Women couldn't screw the Earth up any worse than men have alerady done. Maybe what we really need is the feminine touch to put things in the proper perspectives and to Love Thy Neighbors. Good fences make good neighbors.


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