Local or Area Meeting

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Local or Area Meeting

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Déc 16, 2009, 6:15 am

Richmond-upon-Thames Local Meeting is considering using LibraryThing to catalogue its library. Would it make sense for this to be done by the Area meeting, and use the prefix R as a tag to indicate our holdings?

Fév 21, 2010, 7:01 pm

We are the "Regional Meeting" library (equivalent to Quarterly Meeting, I think). We have not yet added the libraries for the Local Meetings and Worshipping Groups.

We use the "Comments" section to record our call number for each book. This gives us room to stack other information, such as "Copy 2" and/or "Box 7". The Box number refers to our "country boxes" or travelling collections that we circulate to meetings that do not meet at the Regional Meeting House where the library is housed. We also add here such information as "3rd ed." or "audio CD".

This Comments section is the first item on the left when our list of books pops up on Librarything, so that location and other necessary information about the entry is immediately available. This is where we will add the permanent location of a book, if and when we catalogue member meeting libraries.

It is possible, though, to combine various libraries for search purposes by creating a group just for those libraries. Someone has done that for us here in Australia, so that we can search all Australian Quaker libraries at once (at least those that have catalogued their collections on LibraryThing).