Melissa Foster, author of Megan's Way (Oct 1-15)

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Melissa Foster, author of Megan's Way (Oct 1-15)

Oct 1, 2009, 11:22 am

Please welcome Melissa Foster, author of Megan's Way. Melissa will be chatting on Librarything until October 15th.

Modifié : Oct 1, 2009, 11:37 am

Hello everyone! I'm happy to answer questions or discuss different aspects of Megan's Way, publishing, and writing. I'll be available for the next two weeks (Oct. 1 - Oct. 15) here on LibraryThing. I'm happy to chat with readers after that date as well - just email me!

You can see the video trailer and read reviews of Megan's Way here:

I am also the Founder of The Women's Nest, a free social and support site for women. Along with forums, blogs, and free professional medical and financial advice, we also host a book club - so if you are an author, and interested in doing an Author Chat with us, please contact me.

Thanks you for reading!

Megan's Way

Oct 5, 2009, 2:29 pm

Thank you for the emails about Megan's Way. Your questions have been both insightful and challenging.

Please keep them coming!

Thank you!
Megan's Way
The Women's Nest

Oct 6, 2009, 3:11 pm

I just finished my copy of Megan's Way. I loved it! Read it in 2 days - sneaking it into work with me today to finish it. :) The characters all seemed very "real" to me, the story line full of emotion. The book left me wanting to know what the future would hold for all of them... any chance of a sequel? Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read this as a pre-release.

sebago, me

Modifié : Oct 6, 2009, 3:56 pm

Thank you, Anne! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. I have a lot of people ask about a sequel, and right now I'm not planning one. But you never know...Megan popped her way in and interrupted the writing of my mystery, The Knowing, which is what I'm working on now - Who knows what the future will hold!

Thank you for posting a review of Megan's Way. They really help readers decide if new authors are worth their time.

Thank you so much for the note!!