Willie Master's Lonesome Wife

DiscussionsWilliam H. Gass

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Willie Master's Lonesome Wife

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Juin 19, 2009, 12:29 am

I haven't found this book yet. The link below, while mildly risque, looks rather intriguing:


Juin 19, 2009, 10:45 pm

It's probably hard to get a copy now, but my memories of reading it circa 1980, as an over-earnest admirer of Gass, was that it had its moments but already seemed dated, even then. I suspect the "gee-whiz" factor about playing with typography would now seem even more hoary. From your link, it appears to have some following in Poland....

Juil 9, 2009, 11:34 pm


krolik is right that it's a little difficult to find. I do have a copy but it's not something I'd point a person to if I were trying to offer them something I consider 'canonical'. William Gass himself has said that he thought the typographical and other visual elements were a failure.

Juil 9, 2009, 11:53 pm

Seems you ought to be able to get a copy for about $10 plus shipping, if you're interested.
