Edward Grant paperback reissues

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Edward Grant paperback reissues

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Modifié : Juin 7, 2009, 10:14 am

Last year Cambridge University Press reissued Edward Grant's Much Ado About Nothing: Theories of Space and Vacuum from the Middle Ages to the Scientific Revolution (1981) in paperback. This summer they are doing the same with his magisterial Planets, Stars, and Orbs: The Medieval Cosmos, 1200–1687 (1994), which will be split into two volumes. The (beautiful) hardback is now almost impossible to find, so the paperback reissue will be most welcome.

Juin 7, 2009, 11:14 pm

I am fairly presumptuous in joining this group, but I wanted to thank you for the first reference. I have added it to my Barny Noble wish list.

I am very interested in nothing.


Modifié : Juin 9, 2009, 9:17 am

Don't worry about presumption! It's not exactly crowded in here anyway.

I don't know much about theories of space, but I could certainly do with more of it on my shelves, so I'm going to get the book too. (Is this right? – Ed.)

Modifié : Juin 9, 2009, 5:14 pm

Barny Noble tells me he will ship today. His reliability is such that I haven't given up on him yet.

Too quick to be accurate: I am a religious guy; I take my religion to be my relationship with the universe or with what is ultimate and important. So my religion comprises, among other things, cosmology, ontology, epistemology, scripture, and various practices.

Nothing is fascinating to me. Is the void nothing? The cosmologists say that it is not nothing because it is not void; there are wave functions and particles flirting with existence. I'm not so clear about the ontologists because there are so many of them, but I believe that it is legitimate to wonder about extent's role; does the void have extent? Does extent imply existence? Can we conceive of nothing? Does our inability to conceive of something imply its non-existence?

And so forth, and so forth, and so forth.

Decisive answers would be nice, but I don't expect them. I am more interested in the subject than in the history of the subject. I hope the book is readable.


P.S. I have said enough, perhaps, for you to decide whether my questions are more noise than signal.


Déc 31, 2009, 3:39 pm

Very interested in all cosmology, so I echo Robert's thanks. Not at all familiar with Grant, hope to correct that soon.

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