Best mini-series

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Best mini-series

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Jan 13, 2007, 6:39 pm

Does anybody have any favorite mini-series that were either books first or later published in book form?

My favorites are:

10th Kingdom by Kathryn Wesley
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman although I haven't actually seen this movie yet because it's hard to find. I found it at Barnes & Noble once, but didn't get it. When I went back later, they didn't have it anymore :-(

Didn't really care for the mini-series of A Wrinkle in Time.

Other mini-series that I liked are Jack & the Beanstalk: The Real Story and Five Days to Midnight. Does anyone know if these were ever books? I haven't been able to find them.

Jan 14, 2007, 7:34 pm

Dinotopia was a cute mini-series. The guy who stars in Prison Break was in it. I never read the books though.