Dressing Up In A Halloween Costume Tonight?

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Dressing Up In A Halloween Costume Tonight?

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Modifié : Oct 31, 2008, 6:59 am

I was wondering if anyone will be dressing up in their Halloween Costume to night to hand out the Candy to the Trick-Or-Treaters or maybe just going out to some Halloween Parties. I always wear a Costume to hand out the Candy every year. In the past I've been a Werewolf, The Headless Horseman, Skeleton Warrior, Alien from Area 51, and a Zombie. I think I even have a few more Halloween Costumes than those at home too. This year I will be handing out the Candy in my Skeleton Warrior Costume. Every year I usually wind up scaring some real little kids with my Costume. I usually will see some of the Parents of smaller children walking around with their kids. Last year I think we only had 87 Trick Or Treaters. In previous years we used to get over 130 or even 140 Trick-Or-Treaters. I hope everyone has a Spooktacular Halloween. Our All-Time Highest Record Number of most Trick-Or-Treaters was 147 set several years ago.


Oct 31, 2008, 7:39 am

Ah, I'd like to dress up. Sadly I never put anything together and am working today. The closest I could do is raid my closet and be a surfer...

I always like the folks that dress up. Halloween is one of my favvorite holidays.

I carry a man purse and swapped it for a Jack Skellington one. That's Halloween-y, right?

Modifié : Oct 31, 2008, 8:14 am

I don't wear a full costume. I always wear a black cape and a fedora (which, you may be interested to know, are things I keep hanging year-round with my off-season clothes). I don't ever wear a false-face because we get lots of really little kids and the false faces scare them. I think Halloween should be creepy, sure, but it shouldn't be traumatic before you start school. :-)

On Saturday (yes, I know it's after Halloween), we're going to a masquerade party as the Phantom of the Opera and Christine.

And, yes, Seger, the Jack Skellington man-purse is Halloween-y, but it only counts if you carry it consistently between now and Christmas Eve.

Oct 31, 2008, 8:27 am

Even as a kid growing up Halloween was always my favorite day of the year even more than Christmas or my Birthday. I think it would be cool to have a Halloween Birthday. Because all of your Birthday Parties as a kid could be Halloween themed and your friends and other kids in the neighborhood would get to wear Halloween Costumes to your Halloween Birthday Parties all decorated in black and orange.


Modifié : Oct 31, 2008, 9:53 am

My Skeleton Warrior Costume is identical to the one I have seen some Oakland Raiders fans wear the last time the Raiders played a Football game on Halloween. I just had someone take some pictures of me and a Librarian who dressed up in a Halloween Costume too, she dressed up as a Witch. She said that she was a Good Witch.

The pictures were taken with a Digital Camera and once they are sent to my E-Mail account here I was wondering how would I go about posting them here so everyone here could see the pictures. And maybe I could post one of them on my LT Home Page. So you all can see what Beatles1964 looks like. How would I go about posting a picture to my LT Home Page?


Oct 31, 2008, 9:56 am

Ya im dressing up and just read a great book Old Yeller its soooo sad

Oct 31, 2008, 10:07 am

sscarborough18 what are you dressing up as? Inquiring minds want to know. I know the Librarian who came dressed up as a Good Witch would not appreciate my sending them to be posted on LT because she was asking where the pictures were going to be sent too. However, I'll send the pictures of myself and one of the other Library Technicians I work with. You will see Beatles1964 hard at work as hard as a Skeleton Warrior can work that is.


Oct 31, 2008, 10:37 am

After all the kids are done their Trick-Or-Treating for the night I think I'll put on one of my Halloween Movies. I might watch Halloween III; Season of the Witch. I own the first five Halloween Movies.
And I think I'll start reading Halloween II by Jack Martin.
I wore my Skeleton Warrior Costume all over the Library and even went downstairs to our Cafeteria and bought a StarBucks Coffee while in the Costume. I also saw someone who came dressed up as an Angel all in white with a Halo over her head.


Oct 31, 2008, 10:37 am

After all the kids are done their Trick-Or-Treating for the night I think I'll put on one of my Halloween Movies. I might watch Halloween III; Season of the Witch. I own the first five Halloween Movies.
And I think I'll start reading Halloween II by Jack Martin.
I wore my Skeleton Warrior Costume all over the Library and even went downstairs to our Cafeteria and bought a StarBucks Coffee while in the Costume. I also saw someone who came dressed up as an Angel all in white with a Halo over her head.


Modifié : Oct 31, 2008, 10:38 am

After all the kids are done their Trick-Or-Treating for the night I think I'll put on one of my Halloween Movies. I might watch Halloween III; Season of the Witch. I own the first five Halloween Movies.

And I think I'll start reading Halloween II by Jack Martin.
I wore my Skeleton Warrior Costume all over the Library and even went downstairs to our Cafeteria and bought a StarBucks Coffee while in the Costume. I also saw someone who came dressed up as an Angel all in white with a Halo over her head.


Modifié : Oct 31, 2008, 11:44 am


To display a picture from the internet, type this:

(img src="Your URL for the picture")

(Replace the parenthesis with brackets)

I don't know how to post pics from your computer.

Oct 31, 2008, 12:26 pm

Thanks for the advice jseger9000. I've been wondering if I'm going to see anyone dressed up as McCain and Obama. I'll have to let you all know on Monday how Trick-Or-Treating went at my house. Normally the kind of Halloween Costumes I see are Witches, Ballerinas, Football Players, Barbies, Princesses, Ninjas, Werewolves,and some of them are the home made type where they just threw something together. I think I even saw a couple Harry Potter's last Halloween. And the Trick-Or-Treaters usually begin at 6:30 and is over by 8 o'clock.


Oct 31, 2008, 1:34 pm

Beatles, other threads led me to believe that I'd never be saying this, but you've totally won me over.

Hats off. Have a blast.

Oct 31, 2008, 2:03 pm

Thanks krolik. It's too bad Halloween only comes once a year. It may be more funner if Halloween was every day like in Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas. I have that movie at home maybe I should watch it tonight after I am through with one of the Halloween movies.


Modifié : Oct 31, 2008, 3:38 pm

krolik even though I know you were being sarcastic to me I decided to take it as a compliment. Happy Halloween to everyone out there.


Nov 2, 2008, 4:13 am

>15 beatles1964:
No, I wasn't being sarcastic. On other threads, I don't share your political views, but your enthusiasm here won me over. I won't argue against fun.

Nov 2, 2008, 9:39 am

well I went as the bridegroom of Frankenstein. I have a great old Tux that I wear as a vampire but this year I wore a bride of Frankenstein wig instead. (and left off the cape).

Nov 3, 2008, 8:08 am

Well we had our lowest Trick-Or-Treal turnout ever on Halloween with only 57 Trick-Or-Treaters. I never thought it would've been that low. At this rate in a couple of years we probably won't even have any Trick-Or-Treaters.


Nov 3, 2008, 8:08 am

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