Aburey/Maturin--how to read?

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Aburey/Maturin--how to read?

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Août 26, 2008, 3:37 pm

Hi! I just joined this group.

Anyway, I just finished the first three Aubrey/Maturin books (Master and Commander, Post Captain, and HMS Surprise) and am taking a little break. This seemed like a good place to break, as the next book starts a few years after the end of HMS Surprise.

I'm taking a short break partly to read other things for awhile but also because I want to savor these books before plunging ahead. This is my second go with these books--the first time, I got through the first fifteen before I realized that I'd gone through them so fast that I couldn't remember much from the earlier books anymore.

So I'm trying to slow down. Without any spoilers, can anyone recommend good breaking points that fit in with the flow of the novels?

Glad to be here! Thanks.

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