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Tori's 888 List

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Modifié : Août 4, 2008, 9:59 pm

1. Historical Fiction
-The Name of the Rose

2. Biography
-Catherine the Great: Love, Sex, Power
-Peter the Great

3. Fantasy
-The Mists of Avalon

4. Award Winners

5. Fiction by New Authors for Me
-The Shadow of the Wind
-The Thirteenth Tale
-California Girl
-Good in Bed
-My Sister's Keeper
-Dina's Book

6. Fiction by Authors of Previous Books Enjoyed
-Angels and Demons
-Plain Truth

7. Loooong Books
-The Mists of Avalon
-Peter the Great

8. Fiction for Yong Adults

Modifié : Août 4, 2008, 10:20 pm

Fiction by New Authors for Me
1. The Shadow of the Wind
Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Date Completed: 02/29/2008
Like a fine wine that turns into an addictive drug...
There are not enough stars available to properly rate this book.
From the word go this book is engaging, and satisfying. The author uses wonderful vocabulary, the characters are very intriguing, and right away, you know you're in for a literary treat. However...
This all changes once you hit the half way point. It is here that I found myself completely incapable of putting the book down. I was an addict. The plot twists and heightened suspense create such captivity and entertainment that by the time I finished the book, I was exhausted and thoroughly sad that the journey was over.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars.
Suggested With: A bottle of Tempranillo (yes a full bottle), a big cushy chair, and a stormy night...

2. The Thirteenth Tale
Author: Diane Setterfield
Completed 06/20/08
An excellent read simply on the merits that it keeps you reading. The actual story itself got a little "silly" at times. This isn't to say the plot twists weren't intriguing because, like I said, the book does keep you hooked. It's just that the execution was a little melodramatic.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.
Suggested with: A Pinot Noir and a "comfy" couch.

Fiction by Authors of Previous Books I Enjoyed
1. Angels and Demons (By: Dan Brown)
Utterly ridiculous!! I really enjoyed the art history integrated into the DaVinci Code so I figured this book would not disappoint. Wrong. By the end of this book I was in a constant state of rolling my eyes and desperately reaching for a bottle of wine numb the pain I had inflicted on my intelligence.

1. The Mists of Avalon (By Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Incredibly dense and slow moving. I love the feminist approach to the Arthurian legends and the book is very well researched with respects to pagan religion and ancient traditions. However, the story telling is fastidious and requires a patient reader. Due to its length, I'm also using this book as one of my "double dipping selections".

Looooong Books
1. The Mists of Avalon (By Marion Zimmer Bradley) - 912 Pages
For Review, please see above.

Modifié : Août 4, 2008, 10:15 pm

Fiction by New Authors for Me
3. California Girl (By: T. Jefferson)
I read this book because it came highly recommended by (another reader's website that I LOVE) and on Barnes and this author seemed to come highly recommended for his other works as well as this book. I hadn't read a good mystery for a while so I thought I'd give this one a try. To be honest, I was disappointed. The author spent so much time describing the environment, people and trends that were characteristic of the 60s that the typical "thrill" of a mystery got lost in the mix. Entertaining at times but I was glad when I finished it.

4. Author: Jennifer Weiner
Completed: 07/13/08
For the most part this is a nice easy read. The best way I can think to describe it is Bridget Jones with a weight problem and several life experiences that are outlandish and depressing all at once. The characters are all very likeable but completely simple. In any case, there are enough funny and cute moments to keep the story moving and the overall book enjoyable.
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.
Suggested With: A margarita and a poolside lounge chair.

Juil 16, 2008, 6:01 pm

Hi, Tori!
I am trying to gather some spooky or gothic books to read over October and I was wondering if The Thirteenth Tale would fit into that category? A good read on a stormy night sounds terrific! Thanks!

Août 4, 2008, 10:10 pm

1. Catherine the Great: Love, Sex, Power
Author: Virginia Rounding
Date Completed: 07/31/08
Admittedly this book took me a long time to finish (this is in large part due to the fact that I'm not the speediest reader and I tend to have more than one book going at a time), but as far as nonfiction goes, this is officially a favorite. In fact, it is one of the better books I've ever read; fiction, nonfiction, or otherwise. In "Love, Sex, Power", Rounding brings to life a fantastic minx of woman that put Russia on the map as a legitimate world player. The reader is thoroughly entertained and educated. So often with biographies, the storytelling becomes dry and muddled with incoherent facts. However, with this book, Rounding cleverly weaves history, people and legend into one enthralling story. From the infamous “horse rumors” to “Potemkin Villages”, the life of Catherine is depicted whole-heartedly. In many ways, this biography read like a novel, and a thrilling one at that.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars.
Suggested With: Many many midday hours during which one can get wrapped up with a bowl of soup or cup of tea.

Août 4, 2008, 10:14 pm

Fiction by New Authors for Me
5. My Sister's Keeper
Author: Jodi Picoult
Completed: 07/24/08
Wow. Wow. Wow. This is my first brush with Jodi Picoult's work and I can say with utmost confidence it not my last. For someone who has never experienced long term illness in a loved one first hand, I found the subject matter of this book very difficult to wrap my head around. It is a mark of an amazing author when her book throws a reader into a tailspin of thought provocation and manages to entertain the reader at the same time. What a FANTASTIC reading experience.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars.
Suggested With: Hot Chocolate and a warm bed on rainy morning.

6. Dina's Book
Author: Herbjorg Wassmo
Date Completed: 04/20/08
This book is a bit of an anomaly. It tells the story of an eccentric, complex and confrontational woman, but the story telling itself is non-confrontational. Instead of a single plotline/plot twist, this book is characterized by many smaller plot twists that combine to create a continual thought provoking and entertaining reading experience. In an indirect way this book addresses the question of 'Nature vs. Nurture.' I often found myself wondering if the author used Dina's character as a creative, and often humorous means of depicting schizophrenia. However, at other times I was drawn to the overal family and community dynamic that seemed to impress itself on all the characters collectively. I have never traveled to Norway before and admittedly I am not very familiar with Norwegian culture. Wassmo does a beautiful job at providing the reader with a glimpse into this rather 'isolated' country and the nuances of its village life. This book is a wonderful and diverse addition to anyone's reading repetoire!
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.
Suggested With: A cup of coffee...this is not to imply the book is a sleeper, but you do need to be somewhat alert to keep up with such an erratic main character!

Août 4, 2008, 10:16 pm

Fiction by Authors of Previous Books Enjoyed
2. Plain Truth
Author: Jodi Picoult
Date Completed: 08/04/08
This is another fantastic book by Jodi Picoult. I am positively blow away by the degree with which her books keep a reader engaged. Plain Truth explores an alleged neonaticide that takes place within in Amish community in central PA. I went to college in Lewisburg, PA, a town located right in the midst of Amish country. I've always been curious about the intricacies of Amish life. It is clear Picoult spent a great deal of time researching this topic and in addition to answering a lot of my own questions, she tells a damn good story. I read the majority of this book in one sitting...and even the few times I put it down, I was constantly wondering what was going to happen next. A wonderful read!!
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Suggested With: A glass of Honey Mead and a big chair by the fireplace.

Août 4, 2008, 10:53 pm

Tori, while I have an opposite opinion than yours on Shadow of the Wind, I absolutely love your approach to writing book comments. Drink and food recommendations to go along with the books--wonderful! I look forward to following your thread.