New Kickstarter: Pinocchio

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New Kickstarter: Pinocchio

Modifié : Mai 17, 4:00 pm

Just saw a preview for a Kickstarter from a new Italian publisher for a hand-bound, illustrated edition of Pinocchio printed on a manual proof press. The publisher is made up of an antiquarian bookseller and two bookbinders. Looks interesting. Video description available at

Mai 17, 4:27 pm

Thanks for sharing, the video was enjoyable. I don’t plan to pick up another Italian letterpress Pinocchio (already have the Tallone) but I’m happy they’re making one.

Mai 17, 5:23 pm

Looks very promising!

Mai 17, 8:40 pm

This looks gorgeous, aesthetics- and illustration-style-wise. Hope it’s affordable…

Mai 18, 1:03 am

Will the text be in Italian or English?

Mai 18, 1:53 am

>5 Inceptic: From the newsletter: "Available in two versions: original language (Italian) and English."

Mai 18, 3:11 am

This looks very promising indeed! They certainly know how to make a good video and their workshop looks like a booklover's dream. Will be interesting to see prices but I'm hoping I can support this.