Is the Second Amendment only for conservatives?

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Is the Second Amendment only for conservatives?

Mai 17, 1:46 am Daniel Perry shot a BLM protester who was carrying a rifle. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has pardoned him. On YouTube, the Right is out in force demanding why Perry was arrested in the first place, and saying that the protester never should have approached the car.

It's really insane. A world where everyone can open carry is a world where you aren't justified in responding with force to someone carrying a gun. They're not doing anything out of the ordinary, anything they aren't perfectly legally justified to do. How is it that people who advocate for Second Amendment rights and open carry are so caviler when people with guns are shot?

Mai 17, 4:38 pm

>1 prosfilaes:
It's not about justice, the law or the Constitution. It's certainty not about creating a consistent moral/ethical philosophy. It's about us versus them and Perry is on their side. They're taking their guy back because they can.