Superhumans Good vs Bad (Character descriptions below)

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Superhumans Good vs Bad (Character descriptions below)

Mai 10, 7:12 pm

Fiction/ English/ Published 10 yrs ago or more, I read this series when I was still in college, around 2011-2015.

Plot: 2 groups superhumans with powers, good vs bad. Each book focuses on a couple. (I can't remember the titles but I remember the powers of some of the characters.)

Couple 1: MMC can somewhat control the weather/storm during sexual intercourse. FMC is a scientist that found/recruits MMC for the good guys.

Couple 2: MMC has super speed who goes undercover to recruit FMC. FMC can control animals and goes into heat, vegetarian, have sex with her hired hands and needs them to release inside of her. MMC gets her pregnant, she gets aggressive when someone touches or is near MMC.

Couple 3: MMC has a ghost/spirit attached to him by a ritual his older brother did, due to the ritual MMC is covered in tattoos. FMC is like a younger sister to the leader of the group (I forgot her power).

Couple 4: FMC can control anatomical parts of the body, she's part of another group besides the 2 main groups in the series. MMC develops the same power as FMC by the end of the book, has another initial power during start of book (I forgot what the power is)

Couple 5: MMC is superhuman but I can't remember his power. FMC is a wolf shifter and killed MMC's father in an old mission. She used to work for the bad guys but not willingly.

Couple 6: The FMC is the leader's assistant isn't superhuman but is cursed, she falls in lover with whoever she has sex with. MMC is half human/cyborg. FMC naturally falls in love with MMC not due to the curse.

Note: Leader and assistant had sexual history.

Couple 7: MMC is the leader of the good guys/group and is the son of the leader of the villain/bad guys/group. He was in love/in a relationship with the couple 3's MMC's older brother before the older brother sacrificed himself. A new recruit is his new love interest (M/M genre). New love interest seems to be sent by his old lover (the older brother who sacrificed himself)

The leader has twin sisters who share a body with different powers. Their father (the leader of the villain/bad guys/group) experimented on the twins while in utero and made a way to combine both in one body. Also has a book but was not able to read it yet. The twin sister inhabit one body but has different consciousness, when one consciousness is awake, the other is asleep.

Note: The couples are not in sequence.