Book name?

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Book name?

Mai 9, 4:46 am

I read this book more or less 20 years ago, can't remember author and name of the book, but I have some details:
Type: Mystery
Setting: Aspen maybe? Snowy area, with ski recreation center
Story: It was about a man and his wife visit her parents, who live somewhere near a winter resort, somewhere in mountains (my mind tells me it was Aspen, but I might be wrong). Her parents and people who lived there are hiding secret about hot springs that give them "immortality", or unnatural vitality. Main protagonist discovers the truth and... that's all i remember:)
Please someone help me find this book, it bugs me for years :)

Mai 9, 11:51 am

>1 oaktreecat: Hi! I'm afraid I don't know the name of the book, but you're more likely to connect with someone who might if you give your thread a descriptive title. You can request a title change at (Please don't start a duplicate thread.) Also be sure to check out our tips for posting. Good luck!

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