J or YA: Romance book about a group of 3 friends in the summer

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J or YA: Romance book about a group of 3 friends in the summer

Mai 3, 7:50 am

Can't remember character names/author or the title! :(
The book has a strong central theme of astrology, and the main character doesn't take any notice at first. Most chapters start with some sort of horoscope.
The MC has boyfriend who is working as a lifeguard at the pool for the summer, the MC doesn't think she is very good looking compared to all of the girls who work at the pool with him, and she tries to dye her hair, which ends in disaster. She often describes her complexion as "milky". Her friends plan a weekend away at the end of the summer to the beach, where they stay in a caravan and she and her boyfriend, who had since broken up, reconcile on the weekend away towards the end of the book.

Mai 3, 8:37 am

>1 georgiamitchell: Every Soul a Star maybe? I don't remember a lot of details though, so I might not be right on the details.