YA, Fantasy, around 2003-2018?

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YA, Fantasy, around 2003-2018?

Modifié : Mai 22, 1:44 am

The details are fuzzy, but I vaguely remember it being in the fantasy section and somewhere near the "end" of the A-Z order, but i cant remember where said order started? I only remember a little bit, but i believe it was somewhat close by to the left of to niel gaimans works, as well as some of cornelia funke and sage blackwood. I somewhat remember there being a lot of references to a wall, or things beyond a wall, as well as fire, but I don't remember if there was actually anything involving fire in the story. I remember that the cover was strange, mostly red or orange. I know it had a handful of kids/preteens as the main characters; at least 2 but at most 4 or 5. There also might have been something about escaping, from either the government or from family or both, i cant recall. I can't remember much because it was so long ago, which sucks, but I would definitely know it when I see it.

Also not sure if it counts as YA specifically? Because this was at a school that went into a lot of different grades, and had a very big age range. I read it in elementary school, and it was in my elementary library.

Some part of me seems to think that it had something do do with whispering or quietness as well as simething about a roar from beyond the wall or whatever boundary it is, for the title? But nothing I've tried in googl is the book I'm thinking of, and it's not that much related to sci-fi as the Google results have given me, far as I remember anyway.

*edited for more bits of memory

Mai 2, 3:47 pm

maybe Armageddon Summer by Jane Yolen?

Mai 4, 2:34 am

>2 keachachu: I'm afraid not 😔. I believe there was only one author of this book. I wish I could remember more though, I know my descriptions isn't that useful since I can't remember as much as I'd like.

Mai 4, 2:34 pm

>4 RosetheReader: Good call! Cover and premise might also match the fourth book, The Diamond of Darkhold.

Mai 4, 8:21 pm

>4 RosetheReader: it is not! I thought so too at first, it might be somewhat close synopsis wise, but this book I'm talking about is not city of ember.

Mai 5, 12:25 am

>7 bonniejeanne2: by Neal Shusterman (hope I spelled that right) ? Sad to say it is not.

Mai 17, 11:40 pm

The Maze Runner by James Dashner?

Mai 19, 5:06 am

Could it be a Dianna Wynne Jones book? Maybe one of the Dalemark or Derkholm series?

Mai 20, 12:47 am

>9 Murray712: it is not maze runner, sadly 😔

Mai 20, 12:50 am

>10 humouress: sadly not, but I can see some similarities for sure!

Mai 20, 3:08 am

Maybe The Fire Chronicle by John Stephens? Second in a trilogy.

Mai 20, 6:31 am

>1 tipofmytongue: You mention Neil Gaiman, a wall and escaping from government/ family; could it be his Stardust? Though the protagonists are not pre-teens.