Brand new authors seeking reviewers

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Brand new authors seeking reviewers

Avr 27, 2:28 pm

Hi folks

How does a first book author find reviewers? I'll tell you what I have been doing with limited success. I dredge through the bowels of the internet and read reviews for books that I like in my category. If possible I find contact information for the reviewers and send that off to the PR person at the publisher. and they ship out a review copy. It's work....but then most things worth doing involve work.

But specific to this group, how does an author connect with LibraryThing reviewers?? ...because it would be important and valuable to have reviews on here. I went to Reviewers seeking Books....and that's a bit of a ghost town....mostly hidden messages...perhaps authors soliciting reviewers?

I read that I shouldn't randomly friend people (I get that....slightly creepy)....and I have not used LibraryThing in that way....I have not friends here ("sad" I hear you say ). I shouldn't message reviewers...I also understand.

So I'm open to suggestions (feel free to friend, message....whatever....I will not consider you creepy). And if you'd like to like to review a book about life in all means share your address and email. I'll put you in touch with the publisher.


Mai 4, 9:06 am

You could try putting your book into the Early Reviewers scheme ( In theory, only "interested enough" readers will sign up for your book, and they *ought* to leave a review.

Getting reviews is always a challenge. Good luck!

Mai 4, 2:42 pm

>2 MHThaung: Thanks! I'll give it a shot