Wiki not updating

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Wiki not updating

Fév 29, 9:45 am

Me and several others have problems updating our wiki-pages. The preview is right, but after saving the page is NOT changed.

We have noticed this problem at the following pages:

Modifié : Fév 29, 9:59 am

The odd thing is that the changes are listed if I click on 'History' under 'This page'.
And these have a green marked 'updated since my last visit' that I have never seen before. I don't know if it is related, but it looks like this:

Fév 29, 10:27 am

I experienced the same issue with my edit to this page. It is time-stamped 03:07, 29 February 2024. I could see the change in the edit view and the preview view, but it was not changed on the page upon saving. This morning the edit I made shows up on the page, so it seems there may be a time lag after saving.

Fév 29, 2:36 pm

It looks like the wiki-pages are catching up now, some hours later the changes are slowly popping up.

Modifié : Mar 1, 11:51 am

I was just about to pop on and guess it might be slowness, sorry for the trouble! I'll mention this to the developers, but I'm pretty sure they're aware. Let me know if problems are persisting.

ETA re: slowness, we are aware of the general slowness and are actively working on a longterm fix. Thanks for your patience!

Mar 1, 3:22 pm

Modifié : Mar 21, 2:38 am

Is there an issue with wiki pages today? Twice I've edited but when I try to save, it just gets stuck and I cannot leave the page or close the tab.

So currently I have it in two tabs; one where I made some edits but decided not to save them but I can't even click the Cancel button. On the other I've made quite a few changes but the Captcha wheel has been spinning aimlessly for over an hour.

ETA: I managed to get out of the page I didn't want to save (by going to a different website in the browser search bar). The verification on the other one finally timed out and when I clicked again it did give me a Captcha - but when I saved it I got an 'oops that didn't work, please try again' message and it's back to the spinning wheel.

(Safari 17.3.1 on iMac desktop)

ETA: it seems to be working now (as of 19-3-2024)

Modifié : Mar 26, 2:05 am

>7 humouress: Back to the same issue again. Maybe the system takes weekends off?

Tuesday 26th March: seems to be working again 🤞

Avr 14, 5:29 am

>7 humouress: It's the weekend (Sunday 14th April) and the wiki gets stuck on the spinning Captcha wheel again whenever I try to save (minor) changes. It does give me a 'sorry the site is experiencing difficulties' message now.

I'll try tomorrow.

Avr 14, 5:40 am

>9 humouress: Also happened to me in the last days, and even when it accepts the Captcha it went wrong a few timws. The wiki-pages are loading rather slow.

Modifié : Avr 14, 11:44 am

>10 FAMeulstee: Hmm. Well I'm trying to create an account on a completely different site which requires a Captcha and the wheel is just spinning there, too. Maybe the issue is with Captcha?

ETA: the wheel is still spinning on that site on Safari but I tried it in Firefox and it's gone through. 🤗

Modifié : Avr 14, 3:35 pm

I'm just getting an error message with any wiki I try to get to today. (Using Firefox)

Avr 14, 7:35 pm

I'm also getting an error (using Chrome):

Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties.
Try waiting a few minutes and reloading.

(Cannot access the database: Too many connections (

Avr 14, 10:07 pm

Well, it's Monday morning over here now. I tried the links to both wikis (above) and now they're not even opening. It just goes straight to the 'Sorry! ...' page.

Modifié : Avr 14, 11:57 pm

I'm getting a Gateway time-out, error code 504.

ETA: >14 lilithcat: should we be posting there? You closed it as a duplicate and referred everyone to this thread.

Modifié : Avr 15, 5:17 am

>16 CurrerBell: Just confirming:
I'm also getting a 504 Gateway time-out error.

And I think that from >12 LibraryCin: and on should count as a new error since we can't even get to the wiki pages.
So I think that it was unhelpful to close
But never mind. Let's wait for LT staff to fix the problem.

Avr 15, 1:35 pm

>9 humouress: >15 humouress: I can open the wiki now and I did manage to edit it but when I tried a second edit, it failed. I refreshed it and tried again - got the Captcha and everything - and it seemed to fail but when I refreshed it and had another look, the edit looks like it's taken. But it's all very slow.

Avr 15, 2:46 pm

>18 humouress: Yes, very slow.

Avr 15, 3:53 pm

>18 humouress: >19 bnielsen: Thanks for the updates. I'm passing this on to Ganawa who can hopefully see how to handle.

Avr 16, 4:57 am

Current status report: I just posted successfully to the Wiki for the Reading Through Time Group. I don't want to say the bug status should be changed, but maybe some other folks on this thread could check things out and let TPTB know how it's coming along. Maybe it's solved, or maybe this is just my lucky day?

Avr 16, 6:54 am

>21 CurrerBell: TIOLI users are reporting success with the TIOLI wiki.

Avr 17, 10:56 pm

Popping over to say I successfully loaded and posted to 3 or 4 different wikis just now. (Saved up all the ones I wanted to post to over the past few days.)

Avr 18, 10:18 am

I think this was related to some delays that are now clear. Closing but please reopen if needed.

Avr 21, 10:00 am

Just dropping a note but not reopening for now. It's the weekend again (Sunday 21st April) and I tried editing the Memorial wiki (link in >7 humouress:) and got the spinning Captcha wheel. I didn't have the patience to wait more than about 10 seconds; it might have worked if I'd given it longer.

Avr 22, 9:47 am

How's it looking for you, now?

Avr 22, 9:51 am

A user was having trouble editing German CK data last night, as well:

Modifié : Avr 22, 11:17 am

>25 humouress: >26 kristilabrie: I just tried it (on my laptop) and I could save the edit I made. (Monday 22nd April).

ETA: this is the danger when you create AI. It wants the weekend off, too.

Modifié : Avr 29, 10:31 pm

Hmm. Well it's not the weekend (though tomorrow is a public holiday) and the Captcha wheel is back to just spinning again.

Tuesday morning (Singapore time) 30th April
macOS 13.6.6 Safari 17.4.1

Modifié : Mai 2, 11:04 pm

I tried editing a different wiki but am still getting the spinning wheel. This is getting annoying now.

Tuesday afternoon (as above)

Update: as of yesterday (Thursday) it seems to be working again. 🤞

Mai 5, 8:10 am

*le sigh* We almost survived the entire weekend this time (maybe because it took the bank holiday off). I've been tinkering successfully with the two wikis (>7 humouress: and >30 humouress:) - until 19.56 (Singapore time) on Sunday. It's back to the spinning Captcha wheel again.

Modifié : Mai 6, 3:26 am

15.20 Monday afternoon 6/5/2024 (Singapore time).
Still not able to save. The Captcha wheel just keeps spinning without generating a Captcha. (I happened to reboot my computer in the interim rather than just put it into sleep mode, but that doesn't seem to have made a difference.) FAMeulstee on the TIOLI thread also reported that she couldn't save on that wiki.

Modifié : Mai 6, 11:29 am

>32 humouress: We've been getting hit hard by bots in your area, so have put some limits (not blocks) on the offenders, but you might be getting lumped in with that group. We made some changes for this, if you can check back after next weekend and let us know if the Wiki fared better this time? Thanks for your patience on this.

Mai 6, 4:25 pm

>33 kristilabrie: Thank you for the update.

This evening I've been able to edit my personal wiki, using my laptop.

Modifié : Mai 13, 11:46 pm

Wiki hasn't been available for a couple of hours, now. Going to various pages at produces this error message:

Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties.

Try waiting a few minutes and reloading.

(Cannot access the database: Too many connections (


#0 /var/www/html/includes/libs/rdbms/loadbalancer/LoadBalancer.php(995): Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database->reportConnectionError('Unknown error (...')
#1 /var/www/html/includes/libs/rdbms/loadbalancer/LoadBalancer.php(666): Wikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancer->reportConnectionError()
#2 /var/www/html/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(3062): Wikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancer->getConnection(-1, Array, false)
#3 /var/www/html/includes/user/User.php(498): wfGetDB(-1)
#4 /var/www/html/includes/libs/objectcache/WANObjectCache.php(889): User->{closure}(false, 3600, Array, NULL)
#5 internal function: WANObjectCache->{closure}(false, 3600, Array, NULL)
#6 /var/www/html/includes/libs/objectcache/WANObjectCache.php(1009): call_user_func_array(Object(Closure), Array)
#7 /var/www/html/includes/libs/objectcache/WANObjectCache.php(895): WANObjectCache->doGetWithSetCallback('global:user:id:...', 3600, Object(Closure), Array, NULL)
#8 /var/www/html/includes/user/User.php(527): WANObjectCache->getWithSetCallback('global:user:id:...', 3600, Object(Closure), Array)
#9 /var/www/html/includes/user/User.php(446): User->loadFromCache()
#10 /var/www/html/includes/user/User.php(410): User->loadFromId(0)
#11 /var/www/html/includes/session/UserInfo.php(88): User->load()
#12 /var/www/html/includes/session/CookieSessionProvider.php(119): MediaWiki\Session\UserInfo::newFromId('29723')
#13 /var/www/html/includes/session/SessionManager.php(487): MediaWiki\Session\CookieSessionProvider->provideSessionInfo(Object(WebRequest))
#14 /var/www/html/includes/session/SessionManager.php(190): MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager->getSessionInfoForRequest(Object(WebRequest))
#15 /var/www/html/includes/WebRequest.php(735): MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager->getSessionForRequest(Object(WebRequest))
#16 /var/www/html/includes/session/SessionManager.php(129): WebRequest->getSession()
#17 /var/www/html/includes/Setup.php(734): MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::getGlobalSession()
#18 /var/www/html/includes/WebStart.php(139): require_once('/var/www/html/i...')
#19 /var/www/html/index.php(40): require('/var/www/html/i...')
#20 {main}

ETA: And now I'm getting a "Gateway time-out error code 504" from Cloudflare (connection okay to Cloudflare in Chicago).

Mai 14, 12:20 am

>1 FAMeulstee: I'm also getting a "Gateway time-out error code 504" from Cloudflare (and I'm in Denmark).

Modifié : Mai 14, 4:30 am

I'm not even getting that far (still in Singapore). If I click on a link to a wiki, the search bar starts and then just stops and I will still be on the same page.

ETA: I happen to have a wiki page open from last night, but if I try to edit it I get the same result ie no movement.

Mai 14, 7:18 am

>35 karenb: >36 bnielsen: >37 humouress:

Thanks for the reports, all, and sorry for the trouble. I'll pass this along to the developers, so they can take a closer look.

Mai 14, 7:39 am

>38 kristilabrie:. Thanks!

Here is an example of something that stalls right now:

Mai 14, 9:07 am

I was doing okay, but this morning, trying to get to the wiki, I get a " Gateway time-out Error code 504
Visit for more information." message. It says "Host Error".

Mai 15, 2:02 am

>39 bnielsen: Just checked it again. After 15 seconds it times out with
Gateway time-out Error code 504

i.e. same error as reported in >40 lilithcat:

Mai 15, 7:28 am

Thanks for these reports, I'm letting Ganawa know so he can give these a kick!

Mai 15, 8:26 am

Yai! It's back. Thanks! And hoping it won't hide behind a 504 again :-)

Mai 15, 10:13 am

Lovely, marking as fixed but please reopen if needed (let's hope not).

Mai 15, 2:54 pm

Thank you; it's working now.

Question: does anyone else find the text moving in the edit box when you're editing the wiki? It's only been happening this week for me.

Modifié : Mai 15, 11:11 pm

*sigh* It's Thursday, not even a bank holiday. We were swimming along nicely, the wiki and I, saving and all but suddenly we're back to the spinning Captcha wheel and I've lost my latest edits. It seems to be the old problem and not the new one that was resolved yesterday (when I couldn't even open any wikis).

ETA: I don't seem to be able to reopen this report but I would like it kept on the watch list.

Mai 16, 4:24 am

>46 humouress: I reopened it. It is in the box under 'Change bug status?'

Modifié : Mai 16, 9:26 am

>46 humouress: I'll let Ganawa know, sorry for the trouble.

ETA: ah, you're in Singapore, yes? That might be a separate issue but I'll ask.

Mai 16, 9:28 am

>47 FAMeulstee: Thanks. I tried it twice but when I looked at the bug status list it still looked like it was labelled 'resolved' (green tick). Maybe it just takes a while to register.

Mai 16, 9:28 am

>48 kristilabrie: Thanks.

Yes, Singapore. It may be going back to the issue in >33 kristilabrie:

Modifié : Mai 16, 10:48 pm

Just to update, it seems to be working now. I'm on my laptop whereas I was on my desktop before but I don't think it's a device issue since it was working and then suddenly stopped.

ETA: Well, this morning I'm on my desktop and I'm getting the spinning wheel again. Just in case:
mac OS 13.6.6 (22G630)
Safari Version 17.4.1 (18618., 18618)

Mai 17, 7:34 am

>51 humouress: I'd be curious to see if, when you have trouble on the desktop, you could test on the laptop at the same time. That would be a good test!