Discussions2024 ROOT Challenge

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Fév 9, 5:43 pm

How do others calculate/catalogue books not finished? I dont have many, and usually its because it is too disgusting for my taste. Today I started a book Ive had for years and been so looking forward to it. I couldn't finish it. Its probably sweet, but its short stories, which my aged- brain just rejects. Short stories have to be spectacular to grab me. Its odd cause in my old age I prefer shorter episodes of tv over movies. My focus is like a rabid gerbil.

Fév 9, 8:02 pm

I count DNFs as ROOTs. I'm all for Pearl Ruling what doesn't work for me. It might be a great book for someone else, but if I'm not enjoying it, forget it. I move on to something I'll enjoy. I'm 76 so understand the focus issue.

Fév 10, 2:35 am

I don't count it. It just disappears from my TBR-list and into the second hand store box.

Fév 10, 5:42 am

I count them if I've at least tried to read them. If I decide I'm not going to bother even starting them, then I don't count them.

Fév 10, 12:23 pm

I count them, because they're leaving the house and that's one of my reasons for ROOTing.