Found: Obscure horror novel

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Found: Obscure horror novel

Déc 21, 2023, 6:18 pm

My sister was trying to recall the title and author of a book she read awhile back. Here's what she told me. Ring a bell with anyone? Thanks--Hank

I read a cool horror book that takes place in upstate NY, and I can't remember the title or author. It was no one I'd heard of before.

Synopsis: Protagonist has lost his job but is semi-saved by his rich, old aunt, who owns the family castle somewhere near maybe Albany. It's fallen into disrepair, and she hires Prot. to fix it up. Prot. gets there and finds . . . this doesn't look like just some kids trashing the place. What has gone on here? Aunt insists he pay whatever to make it better. She refuses to consider selling it. Prot. works with an old family friend and caretaker, who has Knowledge of the Generations of the Family. Oh, yeah, Prot. is married with a kid, whom he worries may have inherited his mental problems. Wife & kid live elsewhere as they all try to make ends meet. He may be losing his family. Then . . . high school students disappear in the area. Some of them turn up dead in the woods.

Sound familiar? I remember it bogs a bit after the bodies and sheriff turn up, but the ending was WILD! I saw none of it coming!

Déc 21, 2023, 7:40 pm

Skull Session by Daniel Hecht?

Déc 22, 2023, 10:31 pm

>2 MissSquish: That sure sounds like it fit's my sister's description. I'll run it by her. Thanks a lot!

Déc 26, 2023, 12:02 pm

Skull Session was the book, and my sister was delighted!