Found: YA Sci-Fi 1980s-1990s - Red and Black Cover

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Found: YA Sci-Fi 1980s-1990s - Red and Black Cover

Oct 29, 2023, 7:14 am

This is a book I remember reading when I was approximately 10-11 years old, so around the late 1990s. I had borrowed it from the library (I live in Melbourne, Australia) and I remember it being in the YA section. Despite remembering a decent amount about this book, searches on Google have not been fruitful so I am hoping someone out there remembers this book too.

The parts of the plot that I remember are as follows:
An angel falls to earth and breaks her leg
She is discovered by a boy/young man who is the protagonist
This community values curvier women over skinnier women, and the angel is a skinny woman and the author makes a big deal about that.
The community all sleep together under a giant blanket and where they sleep is based on status.
The daughter of the community leader takes a shine to the protagonist which is not reciprocated but gives him the benefit of being able to sleep near her under the blanket maybe.
The community have some kind of religious ritual where they mimick the sound of three sacred relics, which turn out to be an alarm clock, a baby doll that says "mama" and something else that I don't remember.
Members of the community who demonstrate intelligence are rounded up (effectively harvested) by some kind of brutish/alien species (in my head they look orc like? but I don't know if that was based on their description or just how I interpreted them).
The protagonist's sister (and maybe also parents?) had previously been harvested and he wants to go on a rescue mission.
He and the angel end up at some kind of factory where the harvested humans have been taken.
I vaguely remember large vats of some kind of goo.

At that point I apparently stopped reading and then never finished.

Oct 29, 2023, 8:14 pm

Ferren and the Angel by Richard Harland. 2000.

Nov 28, 2023, 5:27 am


That's it!!

That is absolutely incredible, how did you know that!?