May Happy .. .. 2022 God's Mum

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DiscussionsGod's Mum .. .. ..

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May Happy .. .. 2022 God's Mum

Modifié : Mai 1, 2022, 5:56 am

God's Mum: Look at the blatant opulence of * The God Industry * in these pic's from the Earthling's press, dear:

God: Where is all that money coming from?

God's Mum: Look at the chief clown's frock, dear. The marble floors, the gold trims, the huge stained windows, the vast ostentatious building itself, dear.

God: Where is all the money coming from?

God's Mum: Earthlings are paying a fortune to * The God Industry * for a product that costs ~ Nothing, dear.

Modifié : Mai 1, 2022, 7:05 pm

😎 Laughter is the best medicine. 😎

And it came to pass: ~ Blessed are the meek, for they swell the Bishop's bank accounts.

Credit: Spike Milligan.

Mai 2, 2022, 7:35 pm

God's Mum: Looking at the very clear evidence on Earth, dear, not all people who become priests in * The God Industry * are nice people, are they, dear?

God: Not always. Many are just lazy self-centered salesmen selling a useless dream. Their product costs them nothing.

God's Mum: The ones who then become Bishops are certainly not the nicest of that group either, dear.

God: Too true. The ones who rise to Archbishop are the ones who outdo all the others.

Modifié : Mai 4, 2022, 2:22 pm

God's Mum: "Canadian taxpayers subsidise religious activities by as much as $3.2 billion annually as a result of income tax relief available to Canadians who donate to religious charities, according to Centre for Inquiry Canada (CFIC)", it says in this report, dear.

God: I am sure this violates a Supreme Court ruling that freedom of religion includes freedom from religion, because every Canadian is required to subsidise religious activities.

God's Mum: It adds, "The findings were made in a series of reports arguing that organisations whose sole purpose is the advancement of religion should no longer be granted charitable status", dear. The concluding report was published earlier this month, dear.

God: A good example of * The God Industry * sneaking their insidious will on Canadians and their government giving the church access into the nation's pockets.

Mai 4, 2022, 7:11 pm

😎 Laughter is the best medicine. 😎

And it came to pass ~ In Jerusalem: The year 26 (CE), in the Cash Only Saloon, (Beer, Wines, Spirits served all day) adjoining the rear of the Holy Temple:

" Hallelujah ! It is a miracle. The holy prophet of God has cured a blind man in the street outside. Come and give thanks to the lord."

"Wow, what a huge crowd. Who's the guy with the white robe and the beard?"

"He is the prophet from Nazareth who is working miracles."

"And isn't that Josh, the drunk from the Heather's Back Alley?"

"Yes, he has been cured by the Lord. He can now see, Hallelujah. He's been blind since birth."

"Well ~ he wasn't yesterday...."

Mai 5, 2022, 7:01 pm

God's Mum: The Russian Orthodox Church, is led by Patriarch Kivill (Ex KGB billionaire conman with a love of gorgeous gowns and big shiny hats) , dear.

God: Correct. He is a big man in * The God Industry *.

God's Mum: So he would tell us that he holds "Sincere Religious Beliefs", would he, dear?

God: Most certainly. However, that doesn't stop him from giving Russian Leader Putin his full backing in murdering innocent humans in Ukraine who also have the same "Sincere Religious Beliefs".

God's Mum: Murdering as many as he possibly can in the time he has available to him, dear. Working very hard at it, dear. Trying to save Ukraine from the Ukrainians, dear.

God: ~ It passeth all understanding ~

Mai 6, 2022, 7:04 pm

God's Mum: Educated, qualified earthling scientists have discussed and examined every aspect of Charles Darwin's work on evolution, dear, to try and find a fault in it, dear. That is their job and they have left no stone unturned, dear.

God: Of course. That is what uncovers the clear evidence that proves the reality. They have done very well to get as close as they have to the facts.

God's Mum: And yet there are many earthlings who do not believe in evolution, dear.

God: That's a good sign. If they put forward educated examples of their reasons for not agreeing. Then those reasons can be studied in detail and maybe uncover an aspect that has been overlooked.

God's Mum: And how many examples of that has* The God Industry * put forward for serious discussion, dear?

God: None.

Modifié : Juil 2, 2022, 3:07 pm

😎 Laughter is the best medicine. 😎

"You sent for me, Captain Noah, Sir?" (Smart salute)

" Yes, wife. Stand easy woman. The Ark is hopelessly lost, we are unable to plot our position since the navigator died."

" I understand, Captain Noah, Sir. I thought of that, Sir. As our navigator was being mauled by the lions, I shouted into the cage and asked him our position, Sir."

" And his reply?"

" He appeared quite positive we were close to Getthesebastardsoffme, Sir."

Mai 8, 2022, 7:57 pm

God's Mum: Lunch is ready on the lawn, dear. After that I'd love to hear your thoughts on this Earthlings poem, dear:

Dust if you must, but wouldn’t it be better
To paint a picture, or write a letter,
Bake a cake, or plant a seed;
Ponder the difference between want and need?

Dust if you must, but there’s not much time,
With rivers to swim, and mountains to climb;
Music to hear, and books to read;
Friends to cherish, and life to lead.

Dust if you must, but the world’s out there
With the sun in your eyes, and the wind in your hair;
A flutter of snow, a shower of rain,
This day will not come around again.

Dust if you must, but bear in mind,
Old age will come and it’s not kind.
And when you go (and go you must)
You, yourself, will make more dust.

~ by Rose Milligan

God: Wonderful!

Mai 9, 2022, 7:04 pm

God's Mum: Come on! Breakfast on the lawn in the sunshine, dear. Honeynut cornflakes and fresh strawberries, dear.

God: Wonderful. You are good to me. I am watching Earthlings who are trying to decide if I wear odd socks or not, can you believe it?

God's Mum: After reading their bible? I would believe anything about them, dear.

God: It seems that, after claiming he knows my very nature in the press recently, the Archbishop of Canterbury should be able to answer this simple question easily ...

Modifié : Juil 2, 2022, 3:10 pm

😎 Laughter is the best medicine. 😎

"Permission to speak, Captain Noah, Sir?" (Smart salute)

" Yes, wife. Stand easy woman. The Ark is hopelessly lost, we are unable to plot our position since the navigator died. Now what do you want?"

" I understand, Captain Noah, Sir. The constant rain has swelled all the timbers, Sir. Now the rudder is stuck and we are turning in ever decreasing circles", Sir.

" I've just about had enough of all this "God" Bullshit."

Modifié : Mai 11, 2022, 7:03 pm

💙 God's Mum ~ Book of the Month ~ May 2022 💙

Why Evolution is True. Jerry A. Coyne.

I initially didn't want to pick this book up for its aggressive title. But once you start reading, it doesn't take long to realize that the title is not intended to be aggressive; it's simply the most appropriate. 'Why Evolution Is True' is actually a very pleasant book about the overwhelming evidence FOR evolution, rather than a point by point deconstruction of creationism. Coyne is not in any way bitter or towards religion. He is simply interested in showing why evolution is true. By 'true', he means scientifically proven.

With his explanation of how scientific theories are tested, the argument that evolution is "just a theory" is kicked for touch in the first chapter. Then it's down to business looking at the evidence. Coyne's approach is to say, in effect, 'here is what the evidence shows, here is how we test it, and this is why everything points to evolution being true.' The weight of evidence is astounding. As he says in the closing sections, "Despite a million chances to be wrong, evolution always comes up right. That is as close as we can get to a scientific truth."

It is a fast, simple and devastatingly convincing read. For me, evolution has always been a topic out on the periphery in which I have never had much specific interest. This book got me interested. As a user friendly introduction to what can often be an unnecessarily contentious topic, 'Why Evolution Is True' is highly, highly recommended.

💙💙💙💙💙 (Five stars)

flagmadcurrin~ LibraryThing.

Mai 12, 2022, 7:02 pm

God's Mum: While preaching at the River Jordan, John the Baptist told the people "that God's terrible judgement day was near", dear. He called for repentance, dear.

God: Where did he get that piece of false information, I wonder?

God's Mum: It is written here in the Earthling's bible, dear.

God: Why am I not surprised?

God's Mum: He goes on to say: "Even now the axe is laid on the root of the trees, every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire."

God: John the Baptist, if he ever existed, was obviously a mental defective. So why was he recorded in their bible? Why does * The God Industry * make such a fuss of him? This man had followers ? Why would the people of the day have listened to such bullshit?

Mai 13, 2022, 7:02 pm

God's Mum: Afternoon snack, dear. Scone and cream and a nice cup of tea, dear.

God: Just what I need, thank you. I am studying how * The God Industry * repeatedly claims to know when earthly matters are " against god's nature".

God's Mum: Such talk is so ridiculous it is hard to understand how the church speakers feel no embarrassment, dear. What things in particular do they find are "against your nature", dear?

God: Anything they don't like.

Modifié : Mai 15, 2022, 2:54 am

God's Mum: Was it a good idea for The Archbishop of Canterbury to invite this monster Patriach Kirill round in 2016, dear? He's the KGB man in charge of the Russian Orthodox Church, dear.

God: It would look more like a well-meaning mistake if Kirill hadn’t previously denounced feminism as a threat to the motherland, adding that it was “no accident” that most feminist leaders were unmarried.

God's Mum: Still, what’s the subjugation of half of humanity when impressive faith alliances are at stake, dear?

God: The meeting was at Lambeth Palace, the Archbishop and the future genocide sympathiser Kirill“agreed that the first loyalty of the Christian church is to the Lord Jesus Christ, and they affirmed that reconciliation was the key ministry of the Church in situations of conflict”. *

God's Mum: And followers actually listen to this B...

God: Now, now mother!

* The Guardian.

Mai 15, 2022, 7:10 pm

🌼 Words of Wisdom you won't hear in church.🌼

Put it this way: ~ Gods are fragile things; they can be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense.

Credit: Chapman Cohen.

Mai 16, 2022, 7:04 pm

God's Mum: So many Earthling's beliefs involve prophets, dear, what do they need them for, dear?

God: Ah, yes! Prophets. Nothing genuine about any of them.

God's Mum: Why are they listened to then, dear?

God: Through fear. It is wise to fear prophets. Also those of "Sincere Religious Belief" who are prepared to die for what they call "truth". As a rule they make others die with them, often before them but mostly ~ instead of them.

Modifié : Mai 17, 2022, 7:08 pm

God's Mum: So, tell me all about Moses in the desert when you dropped bread from heaven to feed his starving people, dear.

God: Another of Moses' ~ stretchers ~ , I wasn't even there. I know nothing about all that.

God's Mum: So are you saying that his people were not starving in the desert, dear?

God: I have no way of knowing. But one thing I do know:

The things that you're liable
to read in the bible
it ain't necessarily so .. .. ..

Mai 18, 2022, 7:06 pm

😎 Laughter is the best medicine. 😎

Put it this way: ~ Civilization will not attain it's perfection until the last stone from the last church has fallen on the last priest.

Credit: Emile Zola.

Modifié : Mai 19, 2022, 7:25 pm

God's Mum: I see you are reading up about John the Baptist, dear.

God: After our mention of him the other day I thought I would give him more attention. I said he was mentally ill because he talked nonsense but now I don't think he was.

God's Mum: What changed your mind, dear?

God: Here is a man who made himself an easy life in a tough world by sprinkling water onto peoples foreheads that cost him nothing.

God's Mum: So it wasn't him who was crazy, it was all the followers, dear?

God: Still is.

Modifié : Mai 20, 2022, 7:01 pm

😎 Laughter is the best medicine. 😎

And it came to pass ~ In Jerusalem: The year 24 (CE), in the Cash Only Saloon, (Beer, Wines, Spirits served all day) adjoining the rear of the Holy Temple:

" Hallelujah ! It is a miracle. The holy prophet of God ~ John the Baptist ~ has found a way to remove all our sins. Come and give thanks to the lord."

" Oh yeah? And what is that going to cost us?"

"He is a holy man. All he asks is food and shelter, he is doing the work of the lord, Hallelujah!

"Just a minute. All he does is splash water on his victims, shouts a lot of old bullshit and he gets free food and lodgings? I'm unemployed, I could do that too, when do I start?
Hey, you crowd sitting in the corner, I need followers, come on, finish up your drinks. I think we are onto a good thing here..."

Note: You have just witnessed the beginning of * The God Industry *.

Mai 21, 2022, 7:14 pm

I don't make this stuff up.

Every conversation posted here in God's Mum is a genuine overheard snippet passed on to me by Holy Roly and his wife Poison Ivy (Devine Lawns PLC) who mow God's Mum's grass.

Sworn on Cardinal Pell's Holy Bible. Oct 2018.
See: "Come home Cardinal Pell".

* * *
God's Mum believes in sunshine, fresh air, friendship, calm sleep and beautiful thoughts.

Credit: God's Mum©

Mai 22, 2022, 7:18 pm

God's Mum: When Jesus Christ needed disciples, dear, why do you think he chose the fishermen, dear.

God: Scholars would have laughed at him. Leave their cozy lives and travel around preaching and begging a living? No thank you!

God's Mum: But hard working, low paid, fishermen would jump at the chance and offer from a smooth talker, dear.

God: Exactly. "Come with me for an easy life. Look at John the Baptist, he never does a days work and he is living very comfortably. I have a much better act than his, the people love it and believe in it. We will never have to work hard for a living again. Trust in the Lord!"

God's Mum: From that point onwards, dear, they all began to believe in their own publicity, dear. Sadly, it got bigger than they were and out of control, dear.

God: Still is.

Mai 23, 2022, 7:11 pm

📜📜ChurchSpeak 📜ChurchSpeak 📜ChurchSpeak📜📜

Every month God's Mum features an item of ChurchSpeak. These are unedited passages from church leaders written in such obscure church language that they are often unintelligible to mere humans. A clear demonstration that * The God Industry * is unable to communicate well in the real world.

Herewith an article by The Revd David Ford. He is rightly concerned that * The God Industry * is on the wrong track and has been for generations. Whereas he is obviously genuinely concerned regarding the vast financial wealth of the church, his comments show he is as out of touch as his employers and his customers:
"To overcome these barriers of class and economics requires a much more radical agenda than any currently being considered. Just as the rich man cannot enter the Kingdom of God, a rich Church cannot represent it. To remain a national Church of universal relevance requires that we level down to the communities that Jesus cares about, so that he can lift them up.

We need to address the embarrassment of our wealth, and use it radically to reinvest in indigenous, parochial ministry, with training delivered contextually. Only by addressing both wealth and ministry together will parish ministry flourish once more.

Our entire training model is currently designed to support and reinforce the “set- apart”, exclusive, power/wealth model that the institution requires for its own justification and survival. We see this in the way in which clergy are taught to believe that they have something external to give rather than something indigenous to discover. We see it in our endless hierarchies and acronyms. It is a mindset that draws us away from, instead of towards, others.

If we continue on the current trajectory, the only church communities that face a chance of thriving in the future are the ones that already are. Those that struggle will have to bid for help. When such a characteristic of the market-economy model is used to support the weakest in the Church, one realises how far we have moved away from the gospel.

THIS radical agenda begins with the rediscovery of our calling as human beings made in the image of God. This is our first calling, and arguably the most important. Further, by being universal, shared with every other human being, it is also deeply humbling; for we have nothing to give someone else, other than the invitation to discover who they truly already are: a child of God.

If the Church can use its wealth to invest in indigenous ordained ministry, there is a chance that it can retain a universal national relevance. Through it, we might discover a new richness to ordained ministry, and it will enable the callings of many who feel drawn together by Jesus."

The Revd David Ford.

Meanwhile, back in the real world ...

Mai 24, 2022, 8:03 pm

God's Mum: Leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention, America's largest Protestant denomination, stonewalled and denigrated survivors of clergy sex abuse over almost two decades while seeking to protect their own reputations, according to a scathing 288-page investigative report issued Sunday, dear.

God: These survivors, and other concerned Southern Baptists, repeatedly shared allegations with the SBC's Executive Committee, “only to be met, time and time again, with resistance, stonewalling, and even outright hostility from some within the EC,” said the report.*

God's Mum: Just another example of * The God Industry * protecting itself at the expense of humanity, dear.

God: The Southern Baptist followers should now be leaving that church in their droves. Some will - but the majority are totally brainwashed from birth, mostly by their own parents.

Modifié : Mai 26, 2022, 5:54 am

🌼 Words of Wisdom you won't hear in church.🌼

Put it this way: ~ Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day; give him a bible and he will starve to death praying for a fish.

Credit: God's Mum©.

Mai 26, 2022, 7:00 pm

God's Mum: Thousands of Estonian singers came together at the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds, dear, to sing together "Oi u luzi chervona kalyna" (“The Red Viburnum in the Meadow”) for Ukraine, dear.

God: Choral singing has always been a powerful cultural phenomenon that Estonians have repeatedly used in their own fight for freedom.

God's Mum: Singers came from all corners of Estonia to send the power of song to help Ukrainians in their fight for freedom against the world's largest terrorist organization ~ Russia.

Mai 27, 2022, 7:07 pm

God's Mum: Early in the beginning, dear, * The God Industry * and the Earthlings invented their Devil dear.

God: Oh yes! The imaginary bogeyman to frighten the masses. 2,000 years later some people still believe there is such a being. "It passeth all understanding."

God's Mum: Some even use him to frighten their own children into being subservient, dear. How awful, dear.

God: The meanest church-trick is to convince believers that the devil does not exist right here, in us .. .. .. But that he does exist over there, in them.

Modifié : Sep 8, 2022, 11:38 am

🌼 Words of Wisdom you won't hear in church.🌼

"Dad, dad, I don't want to go to church on Sunday."

"Why ever not, Henry?"

" That strange creepy man out in front wearing the weird outfit keeps asking me to join the choir and dress in drag like all his other little chums, dad."

"That would be nice, son. You must pray every night and go to church every Sunday."

" Is that what they call Brainwashing, dad?"

God's Mum©

Modifié : Mai 30, 2022, 2:27 am

God's Mum: History, dear, with a Jean-Henri Fabre quote: … "History celebrates the battlefields whereon we meet our death, but scorns to speak of the planned fields whereby we thrive; it knows the names of the king’s bastards, but cannot tell us the origin of wheat. That is the way of human folly.”...

God: But he does go on to say; "However, in most recent years, this has become simply catastrophic. Instead of unbiased information, impartial analysis and sober forecasting, there are propaganda clichés in the spirit of Soviet newspapers of the 1930s. A system has been built that deceives itself."

God's Mum: That last line, dear: "A system has been built that deceives itself." It is so profound, dear. It fits * The God Industry * perfectly, dear.

Special thanks to: margd

Mai 30, 2022, 7:04 pm

🌼 Words of Wisdom you won't hear in church.🌼

Put it this way: ~ Christianity is a system built to deceive itself.

(So profound. It fits * The God Industry * perfectly.)

Credit: God's Mum©.

- - - -
Thanks for being with God's Mum all the way through May. A new topic, "💛 Today 💛 June boon" takes over Here

We all look forward to seeing you over there.

We love all your irreverent gags, quotes and ideas messaged to our wall, please keep 'em coming. If you don't see them used, hang on, they almost certainly will be soon. Our tiny team have a lot of fun reading and adapting as requested.

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