Found: Non-Fiction 50s-60s Children's Book About Birds of North America

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Found: Non-Fiction 50s-60s Children's Book About Birds of North America

Fév 5, 2022, 8:19 am

Trying to remember a book I had as a child back in the 60s. It was an illustrated guide to common birds of North America. Book was a little larger than the size of a postcard, though not shaped like one. It was almost square in outline. IIRC, each bird entry had a color painting of a bird on the left and a description on the right. The paintings were accurate, but not photo-realistic. It was hardbound and the cover was a green background with one of the more colorful birds on it. It didn't have a dust cover when I got it. Was less than 100 pages. The only entry I remember specifically was the black cap chickadee, the first I'd ever heard of it. I'm pretty sure the other entries covered the widely spread birds, not anything super rare. I owned it back in the 60s through the 90s and it got lost about 20 years ago and I'd love to replace it.

Fév 7, 2022, 3:29 am

>1 Bargle5: would it be Thornton W. Burgess
The Burgess Bird Book for Children (Dover Children's Classics) I haven’t read it so I’m not certain

Fév 7, 2022, 6:46 am

>2 erikarose601: I don't think so. I couldn't find a cover that matches mine. A good guess, though. Thanks.

Fév 7, 2022, 5:04 pm

Both "A Golden Guide From St. Marten's Press" and "Peterson's Field Guide" had series of books that included Birds of North America. They get updated every decade or so and now use color photographs, but in the 1970's they used color illustrations. The ones I had were paperbacks about 4"x6", but decades earlier they were issued as hardbacks with black and white illustrations, so they may have been available as a hardback and in color in the 1960's. No images online I can find show a square version, though. The 1966 Golden Guide included maps on the left hand page showing each bird's habitat range (per Pinterest).
Ladybird had a series as well, but I think they are based in Britain.

Fév 8, 2022, 6:55 am

>4 Wes_Librairianson: Thanks for the info, Wes. I'll check them out as I can.

Modifié : Mar 4, 2022, 7:01 pm

A suggested possible Birds: A Guide to Familiar American Birds by Herbert S. Zim. My local library's copy is from the 80s. I'm going to try and get a copy from the correct time period.

Mar 4, 2022, 7:01 pm

Found. It was Birds: A Guide to Familiar American Birds by Herbert S. Zim. Most likely the 1961 edition.